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Parking at Calais


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Just come back today from France, on Friday evening we were in Calais overnight for the Vet visit (for the pooch). We parked up in the large car park near the aire (each time we have used this area it was busy -15 vans plus.

On Friday evening there were only 6. After about a couple of hours arounf 8pm the Police moved us on and suggested using the official aire

Calling into the Calais aire this morning to drop off waste I notice at least 10+ vans in the Car Park

Perhaps one to watch out for especially if in summer the airte is full



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tonyfletcher - 2010-04-19 11:05 PM


Just come back today from France, on Friday evening we were in Calais overnight for the Vet visit (for the pooch). We parked up in the large car park near the aire (each time we have used this area it was busy -15 vans plus.

On Friday evening there were only 6. After about a couple of hours arounf 8pm the Police moved us on and suggested using the official aire

Calling into the Calais aire this morning to drop off waste I notice at least 10+ vans in the Car Park

Perhaps one to watch out for especially if in summer the airte is full



Not sure what your point is Tony!

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Sorry if my point was not clear, I was suggesting that if this has been an option to any MV owner out there in the past, the local police may have started to be more stringent with this un-official parking area.

I am not sure what your options would be if the official aire was full and / or all drivers were to have had a drink with there evening meal.

One couple who had been moved on said that they had been into town earlier that week and had a meal and a bottle of wine, but luckily on that night were not moved on

Please be mindful



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Is this the car park just before you cross the bridge to the official Aire?


I'm a bit surprised the French camping-caristes involved didn't kick up when the police moved you all on - they're usually very quick to stick up for themselves against illegal "no motorhome" rules.


Was some other rule being broken (a time limit perhaps? or nuisance behaviour of some sort?) Otherwise the police wouldn't usually get involved.

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Hi Tony,

Yes it was that car park,

From what I could see, everyone was inside their vans, there was no noise whatsoever, the only thing I can suggest was that the aire was not full and by the police suggesting that we used the aire that it was a revenue point of view for the local authorities

It will be interesting if anyone else experiences the same.

When we arrived I expected it to be alot busier than it was, perhaps some MH's were moved on earlier in the day?



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tonyfletcher - 2010-04-20 8:10 AM


Sorry if my point was not clear, I was suggesting that if this has been an option to any MV owner out there in the past, the local police may have started to be more stringent with this un-official parking area.

I am not sure what your options would be if the official aire was full and / or all drivers were to have had a drink with there evening meal.

One couple who had been moved on said that they had been into town earlier that week and had a meal and a bottle of wine, but luckily on that night were not moved on

Please be mindful




In my opinion the points you raise are important, especially regarding not driving after having had alcohol . They show the desirability of overnighting where we know we won't be moved on - either in official aires or in one of the inexpensive campsites in the area.

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Hi Tony, I have checked this carpark on previous occasions and although vans have been parked there I have taken notice of the sign at the entrance which forbids the parking of camper vans. We also have a dog and park on the official aire. "Peace of mind at night is priceless". Good Luck on your travels
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I agree about the "peace of mind," especially if having a drink with your meal. Even in France, unless I'm in a place where it's quite clear that camping-cars can stay I won't drink in the evening. I'm not going to argue with a Gendarme about his own country's laws, I want to be able to move off legally if I have to!
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When we arrive at Calais we usually park on the parking area at the Marina, it is a huge area adjacent to the town, we were there the other day and a Circus was there,but still plenty of room ,we usually stay there till about 7 pm when we drive to the departure area next to Sea France and P.O offices and overnight there ready for the 10 .15 am boat which we often catch ,it is reasonably quiet there, no worse than the official Aire ,there are no facilities but you can dump and get water at the Aire before you park up if you want too.There were about 20 vans there last Wednesday 14th when we used it, and it's free. :-) :-) :-)
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Hmmmmmm!  According to French statute a motorhome (camping car) is a car, and cannot be specifically banned as a vehicle type from using any car park.  Doing so is regarded by the state as an abuse of power.  Whatever regulations apply to the parking of cars, however, will apply equally to motorhomes, and there may be a requirement to park within the confines of a marked bay.  Taking two bays, and buying two tickets, may therefore not be accepted.  Parking is when the vehicle has only its tyres in contact with the ground, and no camping equipment, including even an awning, deployed outside the vehicle.  If this rule is broken, you are deemed to be "camping" and may be moved on, cautioned, or fined.

The "movers on" were probably the Police Municipale acting on instruction from the marie in contravention of statute, which is not at all uncommon.  Given the adjacent motorhome aire the attitude seems reasonable enough to me, but it is an abuse.  But, who wants a long and complex legal debate with the town fuzz?  Use the aire?  Simples?

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We have been using the unofficial parking area at the Yacht basin for several years now, but always park up in the knowledge that there is an outside chance that you might be moved on, especially if the official aire isn't full. I think the police generally tolerate parking here in the busy season where the aire is normally at full capacity.

Out of numerous stays we have only been 'moved on' once by the Police at about 10am when we were about to leave anyway. They were very polite and suggested using the aire.


If you look at my google streetview link of the place its quite clear that this area is on port authority land and in addition to the motorhome restriction parking sign there is also a sign that forbidds acces to any vehicles.

Not that anyone adheres to it!


>Yacht Basin Streetview<







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