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Spooky or What?


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On the last 2 visits to the Kent ports we have had a strange occurance. On approach to the Brands Hatch junction M20 the dog has woken from her sleep, barked, and last year the Control Panel went into total confusion bleeping & unreadable panel - by accident I disconnected the panel and re-connected and it was ok and has not caused a problem since until...... a week last friday, as I said the dog was asleep, she woke up, barked and the control panel beeped once

Is this spooky or is there high level interfrrance to affect the Dog and Control panel??????



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we used to ride motorbikes and one of our favourite summer rides out was to a pub in a village called Caunsel.


Our route took us past a different pub which was several hundred years old and steeped in tales of Highway robbers , Dick turpin types and skullduggery etc etc.


Every time we went passed the said pub no matter how hot it was we always felt very very cold. But this never happens in the car , only ever happend on the bikes.


Have you considered that when you pass this place there might be something like high pitched radio waves affecting both the dog and the van , there's a house near me that the owners are heavily into amature radio and they have huge radio masts , when I pass my car radio goes weird.

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It wil be caused by interference from the Wrotham Transmission station as you pass close by, The base vehicle should be immune, but as the leisure electronics will not have been EMC tested (Electro magnetic compatibility) fully in the vehicle application but more likely approved by submission of a technical construction file document (and maybe not even that) it is is not going to be fully immune to intereference. It also wll be to a much lower specifification being the legal requirement and not the standards the auto manufacturers use.

Basically the wiring to the control panel is acting like one big aerial and picking up radio interference. This can also affect dogs who are much more senstitive to magnetic and electrical fields. It is also possible the interference is causing high frequency sound harmonics in the wiring or the control panel and the dog is hearing them.


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Brambles - 2010-04-20 12:34 PM


It wil be caused by interference from the Wrotham Transmission station as you pass close by, The base vehicle should be immune, but as the leisure electronics will not have been EMC tested (Electro magnetic compatibility) fully in the vehicle application but more likely approved by submission of a technical construction file document (and maybe not even that) it is is not going to be fully immune to intereference. It also wll be to a much lower specifification being the legal requirement and not the standards the auto manufacturers use.

Basically the wiring to the control panel is acting like one big aerial and picking up radio interference. This can also affect dogs who are much more senstitive to magnetic and electrical fields. It is also possible the interference is causing high frequency sound harmonics in the wiring or the control panel and the dog is hearing them.


GHOST BUSTER You must be one Jon!!

I have similar experience with my car radio. I have put this down to a neighbour having one of thses sat dishes that moves to pick up different satelites. The interference clears once I drive out of range. :

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  • 5 months later...
Brambles - 2010-04-20 12:34 PM


It wil be caused by interference from the Wrotham Transmission station as you pass close by, The base vehicle should be immune, but as the leisure electronics will not have been EMC tested (Electro magnetic compatibility) fully in the vehicle application but more likely approved by submission of a technical construction file document (and maybe not even that) it is is not going to be fully immune to intereference. It also wll be to a much lower specifification being the legal requirement and not the standards the auto manufacturers use.

Basically the wiring to the control panel is acting like one big aerial and picking up radio interference. This can also affect dogs who are much more senstitive to magnetic and electrical fields. It is also possible the interference is causing high frequency sound harmonics in the wiring or the control panel and the dog is hearing them.



How about giving them; 'Wrotham Transmission station' a huge burst of EMP (Electro-Magnetic-Pulse) from my specially adapted nuclear motorhome ! and see how they like it. And my dog says she will bite anyone who tries to stop us.


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