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route along dolomite mts italy...slovenia to bavaria ..which pass ?


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hi everyone

exiting slovenia at kranjska gora and heading for mittenwald bavaria in mid june.... it appears there are 2 options


brenner or grossglockner pass

trying to keep in italy as much as possible


the ROAD ...not the m/way...over brenner seems at first glance to be the better ( cheaper ) option


we are 4ton, 1997, twin rear axle ...


am i correct that i need to purchase a go-box (not a vignette ) (or do i need both ) before crossing the border ...in order to travel ANYWHERE through austria...but will only be CHARGED if i use a motorway....

apologies for repeating this query.....the search is not working again....


a new route for us so any comments/advice will be appreciated


has anyone o/nighted at vipiteno ( it maybe a truck stop ? ) on the italian side of brenner pass






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I believe the GoBox is needed for autobahnen/expressways only, and not for all Austrian roads, but do check this first.

From Kranjska Gora take 202 1.5 miles west, to signposted junction Beljak/Villach(A), and turn right onto 201.  Follow 201 North up Wurzenpass to head of pass at 1073M and Austrian border.  Road becomes 109.  Continue N on 109 to junction with 83, just before Hart, and turn left (W).  Follow 83 W to Arnoldstein.  At roundabout in Arnoldstein, turn right onto 111, direction Notsch.  Follow 111, over A2, to Hermagor and turn right onto 87 for Greifenburg and junction with 100.  Turn left onto 100 direction of Lienz, and follow 100 to Italian border at Prato Alla Drava, where road becomes SS52.  Continue on SS52/SS49/SS49dir to junction with SS12 at Brenner, and turn right(N) onto SS12, direction Austria and Innsbruck.  You are now on the old Brenner Road.  Enter Austria and follow Brenner Road down valley to large roundabout just South of Innsbruck, near Innsbruck-Sud junction on Brenner Autobahn, and turn about 3500 onto Mutterer Strasse towards Mutters.  Follow this road through Mutters, Gotzens, Axams, Zifres, down into the Inn valley, cross the Inn and the A12, onto the 177, and follow this past Zirl, and on toward Germany and Mittenwald.  Total distance 205 miles, estimated driving time, 6 hours. 

No autobahn, no autostrada, no tolls and, I believe no GoBox or vignettes needed.  Oh yes, and you get to spend extra time in Italy!  The road is all quite good, although the bit on the Austrian side of the Wurzenpass may be a bit patched and uneven.  It is mostly a valley route, but has a few twists and turns over ridges.  Scenery looks superb, and you should have the time to admire it.


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wow brian....


that is quite a reply....

just exactly what i needed...


i have printed it off ....

(i may not take the laptop on the trip ....you may recall the actual van was almost stolen on our last foray to italy )

jury is still out on that one


many thanks for taking the time to post




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Hi Bertie.

As long as you don't use the Autobahn (Motorway), like Brian says no Go Box needed. Weight limit on the old Brenner is 7.5t. There is a newish car, and coach park North side of Vipiteno and is well used during the day, don't  know about overnight but would probably be OK, nice gentle stroll back into town from there. After you leave Innsbruck follow Brian's route. Don't use the Arlberg tunnel as I'am pretty certain that it is part of the Motorway route (not 100% sure)) so follow and go through St Anton.


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