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Motorhome and car outfits. Perverse or a necessity in the UK.


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In a post titled “Aires Info – help sought” and dated 22 April I posted a reply to ask why a member had considered the use of a car with a motorhome to be “somewhat perverse”. Since my post a few people have reiterated the views of that original member that, towing a car with a caravan, in lieu of vice versa, does appear perverse.


As I said in my reply I would not call it perverse but essential in certain circumstances; i.e. the narrow lanes of Cornwall for instance. There are places that we wish to visit in the UK; and I feel that most of the readers of this forum would agree with me when I say that the UK is not motorhome friendly, when we need to park that we have either height barriers or miles to travel to visit the attraction we wish to visit.


Again as I said in my reply; “we do not tow the car when in the wilds of Scotland or on the continent it would be a hindrance to the distance we travel and the very nature of touring in a motorhome”.


So I whole heartedly agree with Brian when he says. “If a motorhome is driven to a place, parked for an extended period, and a towed car used for touring around, it is, in effect, IMO, being used as a caravan. It is, in any case, a motor caravan, and to all intents and purposes once inside, there is little difference between the two. It is where you live while you are away. So, if what one habitually does is to park the van for extended periods, to me, there is greater benefit in parking a trailer caravan and using its towcar to tour around, than in parking a motorhome and using a towed car to tour around”.


So what is my point I hear you ask?


For the people that think it perverse or not and to the many new motorhomers that are new to this site.


What do the experienced / experts do when they visit a town / attraction and find that they are not able to park. Do they drive on and miss what they wanted to see? Do they find a site as close as possible to the attraction where they can catch public transport / cycle / walk / or wish they had a motorscooter or small car in tow?


I can understand the increase in fuel consumption with the motorhome / small car outfit, but the small increase in cost for having the convenience of a small car to visit what we want to see in the UK is worth it. But as I have said and I feel I must reiterate the only time I would consider a motorhome / small car outfit on the continent is if we were staying on a site for an extended period in Spain or the South of France. To take the small car when touring on the continent is a hindrance and a waste of time for it defeats the point of the freedom of a motorhome.


I would also like to know from the experienced / experts, is towing a small car with a motorhome more perverse that erecting a safari awning onto a motorhome?


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I don't see either as 'perverse' , simply someone elses' choice.


I personally don't like towing - one of the reasons that I got a motorhome.


As for awnings, I suppose that depends on how often you like to move on - usually two or three days in my case, so not worth erecting one, or carrying the extra weight.





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Chas - at the end of the day it's up to the individual to decide which is best for him/her. Everyone has their own ideas as to what is best for their needs and I would be the last person to condemn anyone for their choice. We would have seemed daft to most people as, at one point, as we used to tow a car with a motorhome BUT ... it was because of the car that we got into motorhomes in the first place! We had a 'classic' Bond Minicar and whilst I would have prefered to have been able to tow both it and a caravan, it simply was not possible, so a motorhome (Commer Autosleeper van) was the first in a long line of vehicles.


We don't take a car with us, and have instead downsized to a more manageable length of motorhome (19'6" or 5.99m), to make parking easier amongst other things. We do carry bicycles with us and often will park just a little way out (usually no more than half a mile is sufficient to find a parking spot) and pedal in to the town. We also will be able to carry a scooter in our garage too if we so wish (we have scooters anyway).


A reason I can think of for some to prefer a motorhome/small car combination rather than a large car/caravan combination is that the small car will be easier to park than some of the very large cars that are now needed to tow some of the larger caravans.


As for erecting safari rooms ... that's worthy of a whole new thread on it's own!!! :-D

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Hi ChasB good luck to you you do what you can afford to and enjoy it as to myself I find there are so many places that I want to visit that I only go to the ones that provide places to park my motorhome thus giving my trade to places that seem to want me. As to areas in Cornwall I try to follow larger vehicles as locals seem to give way to them in respect of their good sense. John B-) p.s I can also use my bus pass if I diguise my Basset as a child.
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When I go away for trips in the motorhome I normally tow the bike. However, last week we drove down to the coast on a whim and had a spiteful game of bat & ball on the beach, followed by a splendid lunch. We spent a very pleasant day in the sun.

Now, you wouldn't bother to hitch up the caravan and tow it down to the sea for a day. So with a motorhome & trailer you have the best of both worlds......innit.

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It is neither perverse nor essential - it is simply a matter of personal choice.


Every means of escape has it's advantages and disadvantages and we all choose different combinations to suit our own perceptions of our own needs and preferences.


The only real issue that I have with large units is that they pay the same rate that a tiny camper van pays to occupy loadsa space on a site - but even that is no bother to me 'cos we don't use sites!


Live and let live - each to his/her own!

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Guest JudgeMental
malc d - 2010-04-26 8:31 PM


I don't see either as 'perverse' , simply someone elses' choice.


I personally don't like towing - one of the reasons that I got a motorhome.




Same here! with planning whats wrong with local public transport, cycling and at a push get a cab.....A combination of all these, far less hassle and cost then towing a car. Different if have mobility problems

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We all make compromises in this - we just have different ones.

Not being Doctor Who, we can't get all the comforts of home into a vehicle that will fit down Cornish country lanes!


In fact, for those who operate mainly in the UK, the maximum sensible size for a MH is probably smaller anyway than for those who travel in countries with more road space and longer distances.


There will always be individuals whose particular requirements & priorities lead them to a solution that would be no use to most other people, and towing a car with a MH is probably one of those cases. Faced with a regular need to leave the "home" on site and travel around, the vast majority would probably go for a caravan, but some may have reasons for doing it the other way round - maybe because they also enjoy the more "nomadic" thing, and do that on other trips.


I certainly wouldn't use words like "perverse," in case someone uses it of me! (For instance, I'm clearly in a tiny minority in having my MH as my main vehicle while still working - AND needing to use it for work. Try finding an insurer for THAT, and you'll probably end up calling me "perverse" for wanting something so strange!)

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I don't find it perverse either just not my cup of tea. Having towed a caravan for nearly 20 years finally decided I don't like towing always appeared more stressful than driving the Motorhome.


We don't mind camping a few miles away from a town & cycling there might start to get lazy as I qualify for my bus pass next month.


On the subject of towed cars it does get my back up when sites charge extra for a towed car when the charge for the Motorhome is already the same as a car/caravan.



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as someone who used to have a motorhome , went to towing a caravan and now has returned to a motorhome and do intend on occassions towing a car here's my reasoning.



Why a caravan - well we would have our car with us when away and we need transport on occassions due to wife having MS

Why a motorhome - we can get away much quicker and more often.


So why have we decided a MH and towing a small car?


With the caravan we had we needed a larger car (actually a 4x4 was our choice) but this car was pretty much not needed the rest of the time other than the short period we towed. I was spending £70 a week on diesel just to go to work - no brainer , (and no I'm no skin flint just hate throwing money down the exhaust pipes)


With the caravan I could not get away for the weekends we so much need and desire. I cant get home from work early enough to take into account the hitching up process and getting ready to go leaving enough time (say 2 hours) to drive to the site , pitch up and actually make it worth while.


So we've come back to a MH. However the reason we went to a caravan was the need for transport (as highlighted above) when away. But with the MH I can get away more often , I can even drive the MH into work a go from there , something I could not do with car and caravan (partly time hitching in the morning and partly no place to leave caravan at work).


So my solution that meets my needs are MH towing a small car as and when we need to.


Oh the the other reason I got out of caravanning - accidents. Last week alone there were at least two instances of overturned caravans. Having been involved in my outfit snaking on a couple of occassions I didn't fancy the next road report being about me. (Before anyone says my outfit was rated at about 72% for towing I was using a Disco 3 towing a 1500 MTPLW caravan which was never over loaded , and always loaded to the best of my ability in a appropriate manner).


Towing a 1000kg car behind a 4000kg MH just seems more stable to me.


Anyway thats my take some may agree some may not , I dont always need a car when away but have the options if I need it.


Finally costs -

MH was £37000.

Car and van was - £37,000 car + £16000 caravan.


Wife already has a car for the toad I now have a Focus (£6000) so we're quids in , and my overall running costs drastically reduced.


Insurance for MH is actually cheaper than the caravan and the only added cost is the Tax at £165 , but offset from that of the Disco at £400+ it pans out.

Towbar was already fitted to the MH so my only other expense is the A Frame which will be £800.


I cant be bothered hiring a car while away and doing some basic calculations it would cost us over 3 years (at todays prices) about £2000 for what we need , plus as well the hassel of collection and delivery means some lost time off my very valuable R&R time.


So shoot me down if you wish but I dont think its perverse its very much a solution to my personal needs and fits well with us on ,many levels.




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I cant see the point at all ........ as "judgemental" states its a lot less hassle to use public transport, or even walk. We have a 50cc scooter in the garage and use it "occasionally" for a trip to the shops or just for fun. I towed a caravan for 10yrs and always aspired to a hassle free motorhome. There is the benefit of being able to do a steady 70mph instead of the mind numbingly boring 50-60mph you are forced to endure when towing summat. In the states or indeed Australia with there very very long and straight roads I can see the point, just about; but towing a car behind a MH on the M6 makes no sence at all in fact surely it is beside the whole point of a motorhome it is IMO both unnecasary and somewhat pretentious. I will never see the point in it ..... unless someone can give me a valid reason other than a 1hr joy ride down some narrow country lane in Devon where there is more than likely a very nice little bus route for a couple of quid. If you want to be able to do the above then buy a nice 4x4 and an 18' caravan ..... job done, and cheaper.
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Sorry but I am not convinced either with the reasoning or the finances. How can it be cheaper to have a MH and car as oppose to car and caravan ? With respect yes I have read your figures but sorry I cant agree with them.

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Whether or not anyone else can see the point of what any other folk do is not relevant because we all have the right to do our own thing in our own way without criticism or condemnation by anyone else.
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Yes I agree, but with respect I have the right to voice my opinion (hence the IMO in my post) and furthermore the whole point of this type of thread is to to gather other peoples thoughts and experiences.

I am not critisizing anyones methods or preferences but merely pointing out that personally I disagree with them, as I disagree with RogP's attempt to financialy justify it, I can assure you that I can both purchase and run a car (up to the job) and caravan for less than a MH and toady thing. ;-)

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OK to prove a point here we go....


My ford kuga 4x4 will return 40mpg solo and I would guess 24mpg towing so its fine for everyday use and more than capable of towing a 1400kg caravan which is a plenty big enough van.


So we now have a car and a suitable caravan to go on hols and drive down some small country lanes in. It takes all of 10mins max to hitch up a caravan and about 20mins tuther side to "pitch" camp. (anyone who takes longer wants to get some lessons)

so any argument of time wasted hitching is null and void as is argument of "cant use fuel thirsty car for everyday use" and as for " we already owned a suitable toad so that doesnt count finacially" well it does count if we are comparing things financially as you spent money on it at some time.


So here we go with the finances...


Kuga 25K top spec brand spanking new (after some haggling)

Caravan 12K brand spanking new (too many to list)

combined insurance £ 400

Road Tax etc lets say £ 300

Servicing for both (incl) contingency lets say £600


Thats a total of 37K initial purchase

Annual cost for both incl servicing etc £ 1300

Fuel ?????


And that is doing it with brand new car and van imagine how much cheaper if you bought used ???


I rest my case its cheaper by far to run a suitable car and caravan against a MH and car.

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Guest Tracker

If it comes down to financial justification, then there can only be one justification for spending any ammount of money on a glorified luxury plaything like a caravan or motorhome - or a boat come to that - and that is affordability?


As long as the money spent does not affect your lifestyle either by losing you interest needed to help with the cost of living or by costing you so much interest on a loan that it reduces your standard of living - then who cares what it costs - it's your money to spend how you will and depriving the kids of some of their inheritance can be great fun!


Who cares what it costs as long as we can afford it and enjoy both the process and the resulting new toys?

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IPS , Not wanting to get into an argument but


Caravan , My (Tow) Car , wifes car = £62,000

MH , My car (now) , wifes Car = £52,000


There's 10,000 reasons for a start.


My weekly fuel bills = Disco 3 £70 on diesel , Focus £30 on petrol so theres another 2080 reasons in a year.


I wont go into all the other insurance , tax or servicing and running costs as they all really do even out


Call me pretentious if you like , I really dont care. I do however care about my family and our ability to have the holidays WE desire and to make sure my disabled wife can still also enjoy those holidays we used to have before she was stricken with Multiple Sclerosis (which was one of the reasons we thought a caravan was the right thing) It was for a while but its not now.


I can no longer do all the bits and pieces involved in hitching and pitching , getting the water barrel filled etc etc etc etc on my own especially after several hours drive. I certainly can no longer put up full awnings on my own either.


I want to get going at a whim , pull up plug in and holiday and maybe moved on after a few days to somewhere new. If you can do all that quicker in a caravan well done , I cant.


For me to get away for a weekend

Caravan - (not including changing out of my pin stripes!!!) park car on road , raise steadies , engage motor mover , release hand brke , perform a 180deg turn of van on driveway , reverse car onto drive , hitch up caravan , disengage motormover , raise jockey wheel , check electrics , get wife , son and dogs into car , fit towing mirrors , pull off drive. Best will in the world I never managed to do this in less than 30-40 minutes. Maybe I was doing something wrong.

MH - (not needing to change pin stripes!!) pull car on the drive , get out , lock car , wife , son and dogs are already in MH waiting. Jump in MH , start her up and 30seconds later I'm off the drive and into the sunset.

Even better I could drive the MH into work , my wife meets me at work we drive of into the sunset a whole 1 1/2 hours sooner.

OK add into that mix if I choose to tow my wifes car it will take an added 5 minutes to hitch it up but thats only for our main week long holidays so not all the time.


Dont get me wrong caravanning worked on many levels for us and was right for a while. A MH works and many other levels and those , for us now outweight a caravan.


Its not cost (but thats a bonus)

Its not about the speed when towing or not

Its not about being pretentious

It is about me and my family being happy and having the time of our lives when I get my time of work to relax and unwind. The speed (as in get up and go) and frequency I get to do that the better.


Not sure we wont have to go back to a caravan if my wifes health gets any worse who knows but while we have a MH we'll be out every opertunity we get , towing a car or not.


So for me MH and occassional towing of a small car fits.


So thats me then Mr Pretentious B-)


(PS this is meant to be light hearted to explain my reasons , not that I realy have to mind you , each to their own makes the world a whole lot more interesting)

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I tow a car. I don't want a caravan, simples.


I tow a car in the UK, which allows us to get out and about. Try catching a bus in a rural area. Try riding a scooter carrying the dog. Try persuading my wife that she has to ride a bike...


With a motorhome plus toad, I have the choice of whether to go solo (Europe, Rowntree Park etc) or take the toad (Cumbria, Devon etc). With a caravan, you have to take the full monty every time...plus drive a suitable towcar (generally a 4x4 to make you public enemy number one), versus my funky Fiat 500.


Finance wise, well obviously a motorhome+toad is generally more expensive than caravan, but as others have said, I'd have the toad (Fiat) regardless of whether it was being bunged on the back of a trailer.


If people get so exercised about my choice of motorhome+car, IMHO they need to get a life versus worrying about mine.



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Who cares what it costs as long as we can afford it and enjoy both the process and the resulting new toys?


Not me thats for sure. My motto is "Its only money" spend it now you may be dead tomorow.


Tow a car with a MH by all meens but as its no business of mine but my point was that trying to justify towing a car with a motorhome by saying that it was financially better is a nonsence.

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Rosbotham - 2010-04-27 7:13 PM


I tow a car. I don't want a caravan, simples.


I tow a car in the UK, which allows us to get out and about. Try catching a bus in a rural area. Try riding a scooter carrying the dog. Try persuading my wife that she has to ride a bike...


With a motorhome plus toad, I have the choice of whether to go solo (Europe, Rowntree Park etc) or take the toad (Cumbria, Devon etc). With a caravan, you have to take the full monty every time...plus drive a suitable towcar (generally a 4x4 to make you public enemy number one), versus my funky Fiat 500.


Finance wise, well obviously a motorhome+toad is generally more expensive than caravan, but as others have said, I'd have the toad (Fiat) regardless of whether it was being bunged on the back of a trailer.


If people get so exercised about my choice of motorhome+car, IMHO they need to get a life versus worrying about mine.





Ok, now thats more like a reason.......dogs and scooters dont go and if your mrs isnt keen, and you dont like waiting for buses then I accept that also. You also accept that it costs more and obviously dont care, which I admire.


For the record I dont worry about your life or care what anyone does as long as it doesnt interfere with mine its just that we were asked for an oppinion so I gave it,

Regards - ips

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(PS this is meant to be light hearted to explain my reasons , not that I realy have to mind you , each to their own makes the world a whole lot more interesting)


Absolutely agree my friend, no offence intended and I didnt call you "pretentious" I was generalising. I am sure that there are mitigating circumstances for towing a car.....................still not convinced though ;-)

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