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URGENT...HELP/ADVICE please ...genny not delivering 230v


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good afternoon everyone


any tecnical/mechanical persons out there


i have a fixed telair 2500b generator ...

it was working ok


yesterday i changed the oil ...

now the generator is running AS NORMAL... but it is not supplying 230v to power the electrical sockets...


the instruction book 'troubleshooting' section says...

in first instance..

1a) the alternator has de-energised....so RE-ENERGISE


there is no info on how to do this !!!!


we are on our way to the channel tunnel !!!

just stopped for lunch ...and discovered the problem !!!


i know...i know....







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At the risk of being daft - if it worked before the oil change and not afterwards - what did you have to undo or alter to change the oil and could it be as simple as an oversight or accidental alteration?


First rule of mechanics is if it worked before and not now and before suspecting an 'outside influence' - what could I have done wrong?


Sorry if I am stating the obvious?

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thanks for the replies


to change the oil

i ran the genny to warm it up ...then only unscrewed the drain plug...drained the old stuff out ...then refilled with new and replaced the plug..

i've done it several times before with no probs...


i've checked all plugs, switches etc...all seem ok

i've saved the article to study tomorrow...

it's been a long day..

traffic on motorways flowed freely..no jams..

just arrived at calais ..

heavy rain, blowing a gale *-)




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Hi Berti,

Sorry I have no experience of your sort of inbuilt genni, but the earlier types of car alternators were non self energising, i.e they had no inbuilt magnetism to excite the field coils, this meant that they would not start to charge a completely flat battery, it was necessary to put a small initial charge from another source. it could be that your problem is down to a similar cause.

Is it possible to connect to a electric supply in your van.

Sorry if this sounds a bit vague, but as they say at Tesco, hopefully every little helps.


Regards PKC.


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Hi I have the same genny but powered by lpg, did you drop the unit down on its pivot to clean the air filter? I did this and dislodged the positive wire from the terminal block on the lower right hand side. If you have a meter with the genny running check the output at this terminal block, the top pair is the 240 the next pair is the 12volt charging and the bottom pair is the 12 volt supply to start the genny, to the left of the terminals is a small box with a black button on it this is the reset button if you have no output at the terminal block check the output here as it is a thermal overload and may be faulty? Good Luck.
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good morning


thanks pkc ...all info seems to indicate that i need to be connected to the electric to try to solve the problem.......

so no hairdryer or jacket spuds for mbh for the moment (lol)


thanks weldted.....great to hear from another owner of one of these genny's...thought i was an endangered species...i've tried a couple of posts on the forum but no replies and have only met one other m/homer on our travels who had one......and that one wasn't working either !!!


ours was on the van when we bought ....it was only a year old...all receipts were with the van ...it had only been run for 13 hours ...

it's a petrol...and when it's working it's a great piece of kit......but that is... 'when it's working' !!!

apart from our first holiday in the van ..something has gone wrong with it on every trip....over 8 yrs replaced starter motor, impeller, coil, relay switch...and more bits

i reckon i have spent about £600 on repairs and cost of someone having a look at it for me


i will follow your suggestions...

i parked on a centre commercial o/night ...not ideal for doing repairs*-)

see where we end up tonight..


i will post how i get on




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Hi again I have looked at my handbook but it makes no mention of having to re enegise it. with the engine running have you got 12 volt output that is the first small terminal above where the 12 volt leads fromthe battery go. if there is output here it is energised, if no 12 volt there with a short piece of insulated wire strip the insulation 10 mm at each end and touch the positive large terminal thats the bottom left one with the smaller one directly above it it should say charge, this is the (12 volt) side of the genny this may give it small charge to excite it.if you were using a seperate battery this is where you would connect for charging the gennies starting battery. Hope this helps
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hi everyone


well....i found an aire that had an hours electric for €2....so i plugged in..

tested all plugs in van ..and they were all working ok...


next i switched genny on while connected to the electric ... i left it running for 10 mins...

then disconnected from electric...


tried genny again on it's own ...

still no electric to plugs...mbh suggested leaving it for another 10 mins connected to electric ... and then try again...

and guess what....

it worked *-)

all plugs in van working ok..

microwave working fine.....had a brew using electric kettle..


so we were happy bunnies ....for a week....

until yesterday...

genny running ok...but no electric to plugs....


have to try again when we get on campsite on tue 18th...


thanks for looking that up weldted....

yes ..i am getting 12v ...so i don't know ....i feel like throwing it on the tip....

for what they cost i shouldn't be having all these probs ...


we seem to have got the 'duff-one' :-(


is yours a more recent model than ours ..(1999/ 2000 )




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