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man was walking along.........

Guest JudgeMental

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Guest JudgeMental

A man was walking along a California beach when suddenly in a booming voice......


God said,


"Because You've been faithful to me in all ways, I'll grant You one wish."


"Build Me a bridge to Hawaii." Said the man.


God said, "It's an enormous undertaking to build over an ocean, it would use up all the steel & concrete in the world. I can do it, but it's hard to justify. Is there anything else You can think of, that I can do to help mankind?"


The man thought for a bit, then said,


"I wish all men could understand women.


I want to know what She's thinking when I get the silent treatment,


why She cries,


what She means when She says "nothing's wrong"


& how I can make her truly happy!"








God replies, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?




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