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Faulty fridge


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Hi When we turn on ignition I switch the fridge onto 12 volts for the journey but on our last trip it wouldn't come on so my husband looked at the fuses(non blown) and then checked connections on the leisure battery(just had new one) and it came on. Its been working ok since but today we set off again and the same thing has happened no fridge lighting up when ignition on. What should we look at to check for faults? All advice gratefully accepted!!


Sue :-S

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Check it with the engine actually running and see if it works.

Apart from this as before fuses, battery connection, and wiring.

edit. When you say lighting up, do you mean the interior compartment lamp? Check lamp is not blown.


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HI Brambles didn't make myself very clear did I ! its the "on" switch above the door the red one which lights up when engine running to show fridge is on.

Where would we start looking for the wiring to the fridge? we are new to this.


Sue :-(

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Fridges are always difficult because you cannot always get at the wiring easily and depends on model if panels can be removed to access the wiring connections without pulling the whole thing out.

Motorhomes are all different so wiring routes are different. So a good place to start is the fridge manual/instructions to check what connections you should have. As the battery connection was the problem before I would start there and check it thourally again. Also check near the engine battery for any fuses as often feeds for the power supply are taken from the engine battery via a fuse. This in turn will then feed a relay which is only energised when the engine is running so may be a relay in the habitation contol box/power supply has failed.

If you post the Motorhome model and fridge type some one may be familiar with the set and can post more useful information.


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There should be only one connection between the fridge and the leisure battery - to operate the light in the fridge.  When the engine is running, a relay supplies the fridge with 12V power for cooling from the vehicle alternator.  When the engine is stopped, the relay breaks the circuit.  This is because the starter battery is permanently connected with the alternator, so if the relay did not connect/disconnect as described, the fridge would flatten the starter battery if you forgot to turn off the 12V to the fridge.

That a light does not come on, does not mean the fridge is not working.  The bulb could have failed, or a wire to the light may have been disconnected, leaving the fridge working as intended, but without indication.  Since the habitation battery has been replaced, and since the fridge seemed to start working when those connections were checked, I wonder if the problem might be the earth return connection from the fridge, rather than the supply to it.  This may possibly have been taken to a common terminal near the habitation battery. 

However, the only way to be sure is to trace, and check, all the fridge wiring.  Easiest to start by taking the ventilation grilles off the back of the fridge, and inspect from outside the van.  You will find life much easier using the handbook, easier still if it contains a wiring diagram.  You should probably first find the relay, and check if it is operating, as failure of these relays is not that uncommon.  You shouldn't need to visually inspect every inch of the wires, the problem is most likely to be where the wires connect to power sources, fuses, or other wires at junction boxes.  Don't ignore the 12V "earth", or return, connections, no earth = no power!  The fridges are pretty standard, but the way they are wired varies between manufacturers and models so there is no standard pattern, though all will more or less follow the same principle.

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