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France in july


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We are hoping to travel through France to UK in July but have been told its not a good month to do this due to the Tour de France and parts being closed. Would appreciate any advice on best route from Spain through France to Calais.





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If you Google 'tour de France 2010' you can see the route - so you can easily work out a way round it.


We have been 'caught up ' in the tour in previous years and it's not really a big problem - they close off the roads that are to be used for about 24 - 36 hours - so as long as you allow yourself plenty of time it should be no problem.


This years route appears to be mainly east to west across the south and up/ down the eastern side of France, so a trip up through central France should avoid it.





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I'm planning my next trip to avoid it as well, but I arrive in Amsterdam a few days before it starts in Rotterdam - then I head south to arrive in Paris on the 9th.


here are the most useful sites I've found:





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