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Campsite in Rouen ?


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Does anyone know of a campsite in Rouen North West France or within walking distance of the old town? We have searched through all our books but can't find any. An aire would be ok as we only need 1 night stop *-)
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If your not too worried about being too far from Rouen there is a cracking aire at Forges-les-Eaux it's about an hour or so from Rouen...it's cost is 5.60 per night parking for at least 50 vans you can fill up with fresh water dump your grey water and your toilet waste the bakers van comes at around 8.30 in the morning for the fresh bread and croissants..used it 3 times last year !!
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We went to the aire at the quay last year in January and we had a bad experience with someone parking about 6 foot from the van in their car about midnight and either our van was so fantastic he couldn't keep his eyes off it or he was weighing it up! He even drove around it and another German Hymer for 10minutes. He then got out and walked around the van. We were awake fortunately and were watching him all the time.


we weren't harmed in any way and it could have all been quite innocent and he was waiting for someone, barges were coming and going all night on the river, but we thought it was best to move on before the situation developed into something, possibly!


Neither of us could sleep so we drove off to another aire at Oiselle bout 20 minutes away. It is in the aires book and has facilities and space for three or four vans behind some houses and adjacent to a park.


I know many people use Rouen safely and have no problems but I just thought I'd mention it to give you an option.



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So do we Jules! But we got there at tea time when the place was busy with people and cars. These gradually left leaving us and an elderly couple in the German Hymer. We still felt safe and secure though and it was only later as things developed that it became dodgy. But we haven't been put off by using them and wouldn't hesitate to recommend aires to others. It's just common sense after all.
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Hi, Sorry the one I new about was too far out to walk as it turns out. This is where others have parked for the night -

Latitude: 49.43618025339778

Longitude: 1.0895776748657226

Information: On the Quie Jean De Moulin and the banks of the Seine overlooking the Cathedrals of Rouen


With regard German wanderings around vans, they are very interested in dogging and was probably wondering if you were too. My sister was sat in a layby in Yorkshire well off the beaten track chatting to a friend when a German lorry driver came up and parked right next to them and sat for a good 10 mins watching them (they were just chatting, honestly) :-D Sisters friend got out and asked if there was a problem and the guy just asked him "are you the dog" my sister was so embarrassed and has been teased lots since.



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We stayed at a campsite in Rouen last year. It is in the suburb of Aubette & is shown as St Leger du bourg denis on page 196 of the 2009 AA caravan & camping book. I have more details if required. The site was a little basic, but cheap. From memory €14 per night including electric. They sell bread & cider on site & it is very atmospheric. We used it for first night stop over on way from Dunkirk & got there about 4pm. Come back if you need more info


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Blimey, if ever anyone needed a reason to keep away from wild/free camping and using aires, they'd better read this thread.


Folk wandering around your van??




Moving your van???


We would find that absolutely awful, but like Rich keeps banging on about, each to their own.



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We do have a dog and I do occasionally walk her in laybys! :-D However, for accuracy the guy weighing up our van and acting suspiciously was a Frenchman and I know they have a reputation in the lurv department but I think even they don't generally trawl car parks at midnight checking out motorhomes, or perhaps YOU know different! (lol)
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