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Truma Heater Problem


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Hi I am having a problem with my Truma s3002 "I think" heater when on gas. If we get more than a light breeze the flame keeps going out then ticking to re light with the occasional "pop" and the smell of exhaust fumes. A fellow camper suggested the flue may be wrong but I can't see it on a 18 month old van. Anyone had the problem or anything similar?
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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to bring this back from the dead but just got back from the dealer for the second time only to find I still have the same problem. The dealer "cleaned it out" first time and changed the cowel today...I wonder if they know what they are doing?. I am very worried about the smell of fumes in the van and wonder who to press next with the problem.



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Hi Phil,


Give the Auto-Trail service centre a call directly and ask for help. After all they are the people that built it. If you have to go there to get it fixed then ask your dealer to contribute to the cost as they should have fixed it first time.



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Or, failing all the above, get hold of/e-mail Truma UK's technical bods, describe the problem to them, ask if it suggests any particular fault, tell them your dealer can't find/fix the problem, and ask if you can take your van to their service centre.  Several people have commented very favourably on their reception, and on Truma's attention to detail in fixing problems.  You could always ask the dealer to reimburse your costs in doing this, since he can't, as he is legally obliged, make it work.
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I would definately contact truma and explain the prob and that your dealer was unable to fix it. Having said that it may be better letting your dealer have the opportunity to have another look.
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