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repair to damaged side wall


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I noticed last night that there is what appears to be a small crack in one of the out side walls of the MH.


Its about an inch long and it would appear on the surface just to be the outer coating of the skin. I think its been caused by something hitting it like a tree branch which has just broken the surface.


MH is out of warranty and I cant get it looked at any time soon so want to do some kind of tempory fix to at least protect it and prevent any possible water ingress or increase in its size.


I initially thought just get out the silicon gun a dab a smidgeon on , but knowing my luck its not going to be that straight forward


A colleague who is into sailing said try some Gelcoat sealer he's used on his GRP boat.


Before I jump headlong into it , whats my best course of action just to protect the area till I can get it properly assessed.

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w1ntersun - 2010-05-20 3:08 PM


Duck tape gaffa tape or duct tape. It,s both strong and waterproof. You can get the residual adhesive off later with nail varnish remover




Be careful with nail varnish remover - it's very, very strong and can melt some plastics! 8-)

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Guest peter
Whatever you do, do not under any circumtances use Silicone. It's almost impossibe to get it all off when you do a proper repair and nothing will adhere where it's been. Depending on the material your van's made from the solutions are varied.If it's grp. then drill a small hole each end of the crack to stop it spreading. Then you will need to make the crack wider with a 3 cornered scraper and fill it with grp reinforced filler and and then either paint it or use gelcoat repair paste.If it's aluminium then just fill it eith Epoxy (Araldite) then paint it. To seal it temporarilly cover it with sticky back Alumimium tape after getting all the wax off the surface with Meth's.
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How about using a DIY windscreen chip repair kit. Scrape out a very small hole in the crack at the center. If you have one, the tiniest of drills just to get through the gel coat. Then use the repair kit as you would on your windscreen to suck out any air (and moisture) and inject the resin.

It will get sucked in every corner of the crack and any void underneath.

If you see afterwards you scrape a groove along the hairline and fill with gelcoat.

What do you all reckon, will it work?

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peter - 2010-05-20 11:10 PM


Whatever you do, do not under any circumtances use Silicone. It's almost impossibe to get it all off when you do a proper repair and nothing will adhere where it's been. Depending on the material your van's made from the solutions are varied.If it's grp. then drill a small hole each end of the crack to stop it spreading. Then you will need to make the crack wider with a 3 cornered scraper and fill it with grp reinforced filler and and then either paint it or use gelcoat repair paste.If it's aluminium then just fill it eith Epoxy (Araldite) then paint it. To seal it temporarilly cover it with sticky back Alumimium tape after getting all the wax off the surface with Meth's.


I would go along with Peter's advice above except I would use 'Gel Coat Filler' I've used this many times on boats, caravans even repaired my resin shower tray (House one) where I dropped a large wrench on it, the stuff never fails.

Yacht chandlers stock in tubes 'Plastic Padding' brand.





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