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Millau Aire ? Safety


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Last year we pulled in to the Millau aire( the one at the bottom of the hill close to the roundabout) intending to stay overnight. As we were settling down we noticed an individual of somewhat unsavoury appearance watching us from the toilet block area.

he then walked around our van at a distance and kept looking at the van.


I got the camera out and slipped out on the blind side with camera at the ready, and as soon as he spotted me, he decided to move on, and we decided to move to the other aire in the town. It might have been perfectly innocent, but caution on our part was the better option.


Just the threat of grabbing a photo of him proved something. Perhaps he was just shy??




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Tomo3090 - 2010-05-21 7:10 PM


What bol888ks Tom! So people don't get robbed on sites? Get real. Aires are perfectly safe and are just as secure as anywhere else.


Sorry they are just not. Their have been several instances on here in last year of problems on aires, even more on MHF forum, never heard of a serious incident on a site. We stay on aires sometimes but there are not many we would go off for the day and leave van on.

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Guest JudgeMental

you are much more likely to get robbed on a site......reason being people are not so security conscious, and "just" pop to the showers or the shop leaving the van open. Have heard of people being robbed while sunbathing under there awning while a thief entered through offside front door.......


I have heard of more robberies on the camp site at Calais then I do on from the Calais Aires *-)

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Perhaps anyone bigging up aires might want to take a look at this thread?




Seeing as we have no clear evidence, (or do we?), of whether sites are safer than aires/wild/whatever, perhaps we could debate on how safe we actually feel, be it site or aire?


I've used aires, wild camped and sites and we without doubt get a better nights rest on a site.


Seeing the link above, as I've pointed out in it, dogging, moving your van, folk lurking round your van? Where's the relaxation in that?


Some folk don't "relax" when someone is cruising round their van, I know my Missus wouldn't, that's we invest in a site.


If that's your bag, (dogging, van moving etc), well fine, but Tom, I'm with you.



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Guest JudgeMental

what is wrong with you.........someone waliking around my van repeatedly/suspiciously will get a mouth full at least. Perhaps it is best that the shrinking violets amonst us stick to sites, in case someone walking the dog nearby brings on a panic attack or worse :-S


I do hope the many reported robberies from motorway aires are not being confused with camping car aires...Surely you have read enough from this forum by now to know they are not the same thing *-)

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JudgeMental - 2010-05-22 12:07 AM


you are much more likely to get robbed on a site......reason being people are not so security conscious, and "just" pop to the showers or the shop leaving the van open. Have heard of people being robbed while sunbathing under there awning while a thief entered through offside front door.......


I have heard of more robberies on the camp site at Calais then I do on from the Calais Aires *-)


This is plain rubbish Eddie, I have never, ever, personally come across a robbery on a site. OK they probably happen but it is not a robbery I would worry about it is being attacked. You must, of course, take precautions on a site, as you would at home, it is still a lot safer. I use aires and will continue to do so for quick overnight stops only. Anyway since when have you used aires extensively, you are always going on about the sites you use. I know most use them, aires, with no problems but talking about relative risk here. We have all heard about Uncle Freds cousins mate twice removed who once spoke to a bloke who knew a bloke who got attacked and robbed on a campsite bit like all the gas attacks a while back.

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JudgeMental - 2010-05-22 9:12 AM


what is wrong with you.........someone waliking around my van repeatedly/suspiciously will get a mouth full at least QUOTE]



Good for you Eddie, if that's where you get your relaxation from. But it's not for me or my wife.


I've never had to "give a mouth full" on a site.


I much prefer a mouth full of food and wine, (same time?), and I can do that 'cos I'm not preoccupied with looking at doggers, villains, (actual or otherwise), or getting ready to move my van.





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Guest JudgeMental
rupert123 - 2010-05-22 10:13 AM


JudgeMental - 2010-05-22 12:07 AM


you are much more likely to get robbed on a site......reason being people are not so security conscious, and "just" pop to the showers or the shop leaving the van open. Have heard of people being robbed while sunbathing under there awning while a thief entered through offside front door.......


I have heard of more robberies on the camp site at Calais then I do on from the Calais Aires *-)


This is plain rubbish Eddie, I have never, ever, personally come across a robbery on a site. OK they probably happen but it is not a robbery I would worry about it is being attacked. You must, of course, take precautions on a site, as you would at home, it is still a lot safer. I use aires and will continue to do so for quick overnight stops only. Anyway since when have you used aires extensively, you are always going on about the sites you use. I know most use them, aires, with no problems but talking about relative risk here. We have all heard about Uncle Freds cousins mate twice removed who once spoke to a bloke who knew a bloke who got attacked and robbed on a campsite bit like all the gas attacks a while back.



We have only been robbed once and that was from a site, personal enough? I make a very good living out of risk assessment.....what are the odds on being personally attacked in a camper van anywhere? Answers again on a postage stamp plse


So now it has to be only personnel experience........I have been at this a fair old time and just like you have quoted back what I have seen and heard? So how is that rubbish? do you not trust fellow motorhomers?


We use both Aires and campsites and I am security conscious, we all have key to side door of van so no need to leave it open.....I am as aware when at home, most robberies are opportunist, they simply try a door and if open you get robbed.


The gas attacks were rubbish but the robberies that went along with them were as well were they? so where does the fear come from I wonder.......


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Guest JudgeMental
LordThornber - 2010-05-22 10:39 AM


JudgeMental - 2010-05-22 9:12 AM


what is wrong with you.........someone waliking around my van repeatedly/suspiciously will get a mouth full at least QUOTE]


Good for you Eddie, if that's where you get your relaxation from. But it's not for me or my wife.


I've never had to "give a mouth full" on a site.


I much prefer a mouth full of food and wine, (same time?), and I can do that 'cos I'm not preoccupied with looking at doggers, villains, (actual or otherwise), or getting ready to move my van.





Neither have I Martyn, not once...... Nor do I overreact at someone "just" looking at others vans...surely a common enough phenomena amongst motorhomers.


And neither am I ignorantly prejudiced towards the European Aires system.






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A prejudice is a prejudgment: i.e. a preconceived belief, opinion, or judgment made without ascertaining the facts of a case, (Wikipedia, since you ask).


Eddie, I'm confident you're not including me in being prejudiced against aires, but if you are that's unfortunate, because...


I've used aires, I'll use them again, but without wishing to sound like a stuck record, we feel less safe on them, we sleep poorer.


We kip better and feel safer on a site, and when we can, we use them.


I'm done now :D



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No point getting heated, chaps.  There are two issues: how safe you feel; and what level of security is provided.

How you feel is personal.  It depends on whether it is mid day or mid night, on whether you are in the van or away from it.  Different people, different circumstances, different results.  It is largely subjective.

The level of security offered also varies but, on personal observation, the aires with reception offices and access barriers are in the minority, as are the sites with no reception office and no barrier.  Hence, there is almost no access control on most aires, but at least the semblance of access control at most sites.  Surely that must have a general psychological deterrent affect on potential thieves contemplating breaking and entering vehicles on a site vis a vis an aire?

Do you trust other motorhomers?  Honest answer?  No more, and no less, than I trust any other strangers.  Why should I implicitly trust someone because they are in a motorhome, or because they are in a tent or a caravan, for that matter?

Do people get robbed on campsites?  Emphatically yes.  Mostly among the backpackers at the major resorts and attractions in summer, but there is a low level of theft on sites all over Europe, as there is in towns and villages.  Thieves exist, and they don't exclude campsites from their itineraries just because they are campsites.  All those holidaymakers with all that money, those passports, laptops, credit cards, and almost no security to speak of.  Easy pickings, so of course they go.

Do thieves visit aires, then?  Be a bit surprising if they didn't, wouldn't it?  I'd guess some even go in motorhomes, possibly nicked ones.  But the local scallywags noticing a £50,000 motorhome left unoccupied must surely feel a certain obligation to suss it out.  Wouldn't you?

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We live in a victorian terrace in the centre of a city with people walking by our front windows 10' away. Does that make us nervous, no. Would we leave the house with the front door unlocked, no. Do we enjoy the convenience, you bet we do.

Humans have a natural, and healthy, inbuilt fear of anything outside our normal sphere of reference or experience, so it is little wonder that an unusual environment should place us in a heightened sense of awareness. That is not strictly fear.

I think this sites verses aires is purely a personal thing. Also you can not say one is better than the other. There are some very good ones of each as well as very bad. How can you compare a site we stayed at in France next to a river amongst Pine trees with a car park aire with French vans parked 18" from each other.

Personal security has to be uppermost in our thoughts at all times, and if that is triggered by an event then just be grateful for this level of perception, it should keep you as safe as it is possible to be(lol)(lol)




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My point wasn't whether one was safer, or better, than the other, it was that crime can happen on a site or an aire and without all the statistics it is impossible for someone to decry one or the other.


My comments about Rouen on the other thread were to just give the reminder to be careful about what's going on around us because I know I'm sometimes guilty of being to relaxed about it, and what happened was a reminder. We have since used aires and will continue to do so. Just as we have used sites, even those where we have spoken to people who have had problems themselves and not just "Urban Myths" about places.

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Hi All,

Just had to reply to this one!

Tony where you first tried to stay is not the official place to park but just the service point. Years ago it was also the place to stay on, and to be honest not very inspiring, but the new parking place is fine with marked bays, lit at night and always busy, even his lordship could sleep easy here.

Eddie is spot on in his comments. There are risks in all activities but, in our opinion, the risk in being robbed/attacked whilst staying on an official camping-car aire in France is no greater, and maybe less than that of van being broken into at home or being mugged walking down the street.

Regarding the comment that aires with vans parked 18 inches apart can not compare with a tree lined riverside site, well there are good aires and poor aires just as there are good sites and bad sites. We have just returned from spending 35 nights in France on aires and never felt threatened once, indeed we always enjoy the great freedom that using aires brings. (The aire at Nozay, dept 44, sounds very much like the site described; we had lakeside views, vans parked a reasonable distance apart and electric hook-ups. Only difference we paid not one Euro for the privalege).

But each to their own and if going on aires causes stress then best go on sites or PM us and we will give you details of aires which we are sure you will feel safe on. But if when you get there you do not then nothing lost just drive on for unlike at many sites you will not have paid any advance booking fee etc.

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This thread started off as a simple post on one aire but has developed into an interesting differance of opinion. As I clearly stated in my first post we do use aires but only for a quick overnight stay. If staying at a place we liked for two or three days would not even consider an aire, why, because we would not feel happy at going of and leaving the van all day on one. A campsite with its barriers, staff etc may not be completely secure, what is, but is a lot more secure than an open parking lot. Their have also been cases of attacks on aires, I can remember two instances on here, one in Holland from memory and one at Catillon sur Sambre. We have stayed here since this report with no problem but it does happen. Now the chances are small and should not put people off but the risk is there. Robert and Jean kindly gave us some recommendations, we have tried a couple and will try some more when we go away in about eight days time. I agree with them that some aires are nice places but the best are always crowded and no one will ever convince me they are preferable to camp sites.
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Guest JudgeMental

vandalism is not an attack? what did you say about second hand opinion? you pored scorn on me for this.


our habits are similar to yours... half term next week, will find us staying on Aires for 2-3 nights and 4-5 on a campsite in the Vendee, I dont expect anything untowards to happen.

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Brian Kirby - 2010-05-22 11:46 AM

No point getting heated, chaps.  There are two issues: how safe you feel; and what level of security is provided.

How you feel is personal.  It depends on whether it is mid day or mid night, on whether you are in the van or away from it.  Different people, different circumstances, different results.  It is largely subjective.

The level of security offered also varies but, on personal observation, the aires with reception offices and access barriers are in the minority, as are the sites with no reception office and no barrier.  Hence, there is almost no access control on most aires, but at least the semblance of access control at most sites.  Surely that must have a general psychological deterrent affect on potential thieves contemplating breaking and entering vehicles on a site vis a vis an aire?

Do you trust other motorhomers?  Honest answer?  No more, and no less, than I trust any other strangers.  Why should I implicitly trust someone because they are in a motorhome, or because they are in a tent or a caravan, for that matter?

Do people get robbed on campsites?  Emphatically yes.  Mostly among the backpackers at the major resorts and attractions in summer, but there is a low level of theft on sites all over Europe, as there is in towns and villages.  Thieves exist, and they don't exclude campsites from their itineraries just because they are campsites.  All those holidaymakers with all that money, those passports, laptops, credit cards, and almost no security to speak of.  Easy pickings, so of course they go.

Do thieves visit aires, then?  Be a bit surprising if they didn't, wouldn't it?  I'd guess some even go in motorhomes, possibly nicked ones.  But the local scallywags noticing a £50,000 motorhome left unoccupied must surely feel a certain obligation to suss it out.  Wouldn't you?

Yes I agree with you Brian, we have stayed on both aires and sites without problems of this kind but safety and awareness are states of mind and some people will be more apprehensive than others. In our favour is the fact that we have an immobilizer, (a large German Shepherd dog with a loud voice when necessary) so unwanted callers are very careful to keep their distance. We are also very security conscious and try never to leave anything, which might tempt a vagabond, on display even when stopping at service areas in this country. My wifes' Grandmother once told her, "NEVER TRUST ANYONE WHO DOESN'T LIKE DOGS" and I tend to agree with that, although all dog owners are not as responsible as they perhaps should be and that's a pity, but then that's a whole new topic. :-D B-)
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