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aires france


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Hi Fred - welcome to the mad house! :->


It depends which one you mean, we have the French 'aires de camping car' book which is much more comprehensive than the 'All the Aires France' one in English sold by Vicarious books.

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Guest JudgeMental
Hi Fred, If you have a sat nav, plenty of free POI of campsites and Aires around.......and a lot easer to find that way then fumbling about with a book :-D
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Forget the "all the aires " book the French "Le Guide National Aires de Services Camping-Cars" is much better; use this together with the French web site "camping-car infos.com" which is very good and upto date. Main thing though is go for it and experience the real freedom of motorhoming by using the aires. Enjoy.

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All the Aires books are good, the Vicarious one ALL THE AIRES FRANCE is in your native tongue ,has pictures , Sat Nav co ordinates and is written [ or submitted] by people who have used the particular Aire, how much simpler can it get. :-o :-o 1600 Aires listed in the latest edition . :-) :-)
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vindiboy - 2010-05-24 8:48 PM All the Aires books are good, the Vicarious one ALL THE AIRES FRANCE is in your native tongue ,has pictures , Sat Nav co ordinates and is written [ or submitted] by people who have used the particular Aire, how much simpler can it get. :-o :-o 1600 Aires listed in the latest edition . :-) :-)

They are different publications for different audiences, but "Le Guide National Aires de Services Camping-Cars" is also complied from reports submitted by users.  It is published by Editions Lariviere, who also publish Le Monde du Camping-Car, which is more or less the French MMM.  The comings and goings of aires are reported monthly by LMCC's regional contributors, and the guide book is compiled from these.  Make no mistake, French motorhomers keep an eagle-eye on their aires!

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The French version has many more aires in it, whilst I appreciate that the "All the Aires France" book is in English ahd for many that it a good thing, the French one isn't difficult to use, you soon get used to the French terminology if you have a French dictionary to hand. What I do get a bit peeved at though is the name of the English one as it does NOT include ALL of the French Aires! :-S
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Brian Kirby - 2010-05-24 10:01 PM
vindiboy - 2010-05-24 8:48 PM All the Aires books are good, the Vicarious one ALL THE AIRES FRANCE is in your native tongue ,has pictures , Sat Nav co ordinates and is written [ or submitted] by people who have used the particular Aire, how much simpler can it get. :-o :-o 1600 Aires listed in the latest edition . :-) :-)

They are different publications for different audiences, but "Le Guide National Aires de Services Camping-Cars" is also complied from reports submitted by users.  It is published by Editions Lariviere, who also publish Le Monde du Camping-Car, which is more or less the French MMM.  The comings and goings of aires are reported monthly by LMCC's regional contributors, and the guide book is compiled from these.  Make no mistake, French motorhomers keep an eagle-eye on their aires!

I agree with all you say, I have the white,and Green Aires book in French, the English one, Sat Nav Aires pre loaded etc etc, but I thought the original enquirer was looking for something simple, and I think 1600 Aires for a starter is pretty good. *-) *-)
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The ALL THE AIRES FRANCE book works for me, cos it,s got pictures un dat, an me French is very pour, My inglish a'int that hot eivver.

Seriuosly? seriously, the Vic book is a good start, and Don Madge is a very nice bloke who needs the money to fund his travelling life style.

But a really good resource is to talk to other Motorhomers on your travels, a great source of up to date info, and future friendships.


Regards, PKC.

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You can get a memory stick from Campingcarinfos, or log on to their web page, and this has virtually all of them all over Europe at your fingertips. They have reports on many if not all of them and a large number of these are done by users from all over Europe. Many in English. We've found that, along with the Vicarious books publication all we need.
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This is the one we prefer, you can buy the downloads for whatever country you need at 3 euro's each for your GPS, works great on our Tom Tom.




Then if you get to one that is full or not to your taste you can check out the area for more and it gives the page to look for in the book for more information on it.


Just got the 2010 version, had 2007 and it is much improved with loads more photos and details given .



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Mandy&Andy - 2010-05-25 1:26 PM


This is the one we prefer, you can buy the downloads for whatever country you need at 3 euro's each for your GPS, works great on our Tom Tom.




Then if you get to one that is full or not to your taste you can check out the area for more and it gives the page to look for in the book for more information on it.







Just got the 2010 version, had 2007 and it is much improved with loads more photos and details given .









Just looked on there Mandy I cant find where you download to TomTom?

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The only problem with just just getting the POIs is that all you get is a page reference and an address.  It doesn't give you any information regarding facilities, costs or the number of spaces available.

I agree with Mandy in that the 2010 version is much bigger (and heavier) than the 2007 version and like you I've now downloaded the POIs for the countries we might visit in the near future.

I don't think it's the sort of thing you need to invest in every year.  I think getting a new book and POI set every 2 or 3 years is adequate.

I've now deleted the multiple sets of POIs I used to carry and have now narowed it down to just 2 sets.  A CamperStop 2010 'European' set covering France, Benelux, Germany, Switzerland and Austria and an Aires 'European' set covering the same countries.

The reason for the second set is that each one contains individual information about the specific location :-


"22 BINIC - Blvd. Clemenceau [N/Ve/S/g]"

which means :-

22 - Department 22
BINIC - (close to/in) city BINIC
Blvd. Clemenceau - street

[N/Ve/S/g] means :-

N - overnight parking allowed
Ve - water supply and dumping available
S - electricity available at additional charge
g - fee up to 8 Euro/night (or per 24h)

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So where is the link for your second version, sounds very interesting to us, guessing you have a TT.


What annoys me is when they say they have EHU but you get the and it turns out to be just on the Borne and the 2euros is for an hour if you are lucky.


Then you get the ones were it is 7 euros a night with EHU (Honfleur) and that is EHU for all night.


Wish there was a way to show the difference.



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Bl##dy server is playing up again . . . . I'll try again with the other files

. . . . . no, still not working.

Mandy send me a PM with an email address and I'll email you the files.

I'm off to work now so I'll send it back later on.


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This was our first time using Aires for France using the Vic book. Done 2400 miles spent 6.4 e which 2 e for water at Charleville- Mezires and 4.4 for parking at Valery-EN-CAUX water was extra but we did not need any however in the book it said Free for parking. Found the experiance really good from up on the snow line to side of lakes/rivers and one which i will not forget where at Millue we were packed in by m/h and at Vallery which was a sea of m/h..
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