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What is a motorhome?

Brian Kirby

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We're spending our savings! I finished in the fire service at 50 in Oct. 2006. Ann took redundancy from the local authority a month later and we bought our first van with her money in March 2007. We got some more money in 2008 which allowed us to buy the Autotrail. And we utilise our savings to pay for trips away. The 5 month trip cost us £7,000 and that was everything from fuel to spending money. We went to France, Spain, France again, Italy as far South as Sicily and back again. Total mileage was 7000, so it cost us a pound a mile! I work part time driving trucks so we can top up our savings monthly to put towards our next long term trip away. Greece or Morocco and Portugal. Please discuss!


I budgeted our money before we left to about £1,200 for our living costs and the rest was holiday spends for sight seeing and ice cream! We had a fantastic time and we both consider it money well spent. Someone we know spent nearly 5 grand on a four week trip to Florida. That only made us feel even more smug!


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