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"Classic Motorhomes" Why?


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Guest pelmetman

As you say Tomo most peoples hobbies are not understood by outsiders, as tuggers can not understand why people use a camper to tow a car (lol)

I like the blues too B-)

But when it comes to confessions............................................... I have a UKULELE and I'm not afraid to use it :$ (lol) (lol)

Shame I can't play it *-) at least it keeps the burglers away (lol)

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pelmetman - 2010-05-30 9:28 PM


As you say Tomo most peoples hobbies are not understood by outsiders, as tuggers can not understand why people use a camper to tow a car (lol) .............



Nor can a lot of motorhomers!! :D :D :D



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At nearly 70 a classic would not float my boat. We like a bit of comfort and have no intention of changing our present 5 year old Rapido until Fiat sort their problems out. However I can quite see that when we were younger and less well financially endowed we would have been perfectly happy with a classic.


One thing I have noticed that of all the classic users we have met, be it for financial reasons or simply because they like them, we have never met any that were not enjoying themselves, which is more than can be said for the owners of some very expensive gin palaces!

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I think Tomo that dreams, nostalgia and dare i shamefully say a bit of envy is what is behind owning these M/H's and cars and anything else that is classed as collectible. When I was 10 I would not leave a neighbour alone, he must have been pig sick of me, the attraction was a nearly new TR2 in cream with red upholstery and of course that was always my dream. Later on with a family and a mortgage around my neck and no spare money, that was the envy creeping in. Now, house paid for and the chicks have flown the nest (until they need something) a bit of dosh in the bank a M/H and a couple of classics, this is what i call nostalgia and a great way of life, so I'am now more than content and especially with a wife that feels the same.

'Get one and enjoy' :-)


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Don't know what happened here, wrote it all out, submitted it then decided to edit, lost the lot, 8-) so will try again.

Tomo, I think I can sum it up three ways. Dreams, Envy and Nostalgia. When I was about 10 a neighbour bought a nearly new TR2, cream with red upholstery, he must have been pig sick of seeing me because every time he started it up I would appear like a bloody Genie, yes he gave me a ride in it a couple of times, so that was the dream, to own one but never did.

As a young man I (shamefully to say) was envious of anyone who owned a classic vehicle, mortgage wife and 3 children = no dosh.

As a slightly older young man, house is paid for, chicks flown the nest (but seem to come back when requiring something) and now with a little dosh. With the blessing of my wife 2 classic cars (well 1 really, the other is a 1974 Mk4 Spitfire) so this is the nostalgic bit, things that I wanted but could never have, but am able to afford now. So a happy man.

I think a lot of people will be familiar with the above, :-D


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J9withdogs - 2010-05-28 9:45 PM  She's not particularly fast or beautiful, but she behaves impeccably and is very economical.

This last sentence Jannie, exactly opposite to Shirl's owner me thinks. :-D

Hows the romance doing, has the priest been back?


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest pelmetman

Just thought I would up date this thread, my camper went in for a service and MOT today, sailed through not failed in 20 years.

Its not what you spend its how you look after it, is my conclusion B-)

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