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Afternoon all - after several weeks locked away in a dark room our technical boffins now believe they have fixed the search facility on this forum...i'll leave this thread open so if you use it this weekend and still experience any problems you can let us know here!


We hope you all have great weekends whatever you're doing...


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I've been getting either the server error when I try to post, or a very long "hang" before the post is accepted.  Most times the post has, eventually, registered, but on about three occasions today I've had extremely long hangs, then the server error message, then been bounced off the forum, and had to log back in with username and password afterwards.  Coincidence, or consequence, I wonder?

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Searching on the main forum sections (e.g. selecting 'Motorhomes' or 'Caravans') gives an internal server error, but selecting individual subsections (e.g. selecting 'Motorhome Matters' or Caravan Chat' to search seems to work much better than it used to.



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Been having a further play with search.

It seems that searching an individual sub section like 'motorhome matters' works, searching section like 'motorhomes' returns 'server error' and you get logged off, search all forums and it stalls.

Also earlier today in chatter box I made a post in 'driving instructors' thread which displays when the thread is opened but when looking in section the last post indicated is some 3 beforehand.

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Thirded - it was ages before my post on the 'Classic Campers' thread showed up as the latest one.


I got the server error screen, got booted off and had to log in again.


In edit: Have just tried the 'Search' facility and it worked perfectly!

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Keithl - 2010-05-30 8:45 PM


Where does his mythical value of £2,499 come from?

If you run the website name through Website value calculator you get a value of 78 dollars!

A bit more of a realistic price I think.




Edit Sorry, I forgot the 99 pence on the end. It's £2,499.99!

I wouldn't take too much notice of the Website value calculator's 'valuation' of a website!



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Back to this website ... just done another posting on my "Stinky battery" thread and yet again I got the dreaded 'server error' message, but this time instead of pressing the back button and submitting the message again, I opened another tab on the browser and went to the forum again and lo and behold although it didn't show that there had been another posting at that time, when I went into the thread it was there, so no double posting.


I don't know what the 'MMM moles' have been doing in their dark room but it looks likes it's caused another problem now! :-(

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Mel B - 2010-05-30 7:44 PM


Why would you want to buy a website that is virtually 'dead'? As far as I can see there's little activity on there!!! 8-)


Maybe the search facility works SOOOOO well you can find what you want and don't have to post YET another message repeating topics that have been raised countless times before?

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Mel B - 2010-05-30 7:44 PM


Why would you want to buy a website that is virtually 'dead'? As far as I can see there's little activity on there!!! 8-)


Maybe the search facility works SOOOOO well you can find what you want and don't have to post YET another message repeating topics that have been raised countless times before?

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I've posted twice now on Dave's driving instructor thread and neither have appeared.


On one occasion it showed as me posting last, but there's nowt there, just as Brian is currently being credited with being the last to post on it and he too is absent. Daft.



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Reports of my absence, on this occasion, are not exaggerated!  The posts are acknowledged on the system, but do not appear.  Invisible virtual ink?

Oh yes, and this one does not come up as a "New thread" - which in any case should surely be "New Posts"?

Even odder, the paragraph above was an edit, after which it became visible as a New thread!!  Methinks someone has somehow got the search and the posting functions intermixed!

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What the heck is going on! My Chausson Flash 04 thread that I've updated is showing 7 May as the date at the top of the Motorhome Matters forum! 8-)


It took me ages to get it to show in the first place, having to put a second mini-posting (I hate the server...) to get it to even show! And it kept logging me off too .... 8o|


Now the ruddy thing has disappeared again!!!!!!! 8-)


I don't know what they've done but this is even more frustrating than having a search facility that has a paddy most of the time ... nothing worse than doing a great long posting to then find you 'might' have lost the lot! Fortunately I saved a copy in Word first! ;-)


I'm off to get a bath ... work tomorrow. :-(

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