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Also Dave Newell's "Any driving instructors about?" string shows last post as "daleh1251" when looked at via "New threads", but the last one visible is Dave's own from 30 May.  I know I added to that in reply to Dave, so it seems the forum may now be refusing to form second pages.

Making the defective search work better was good (though long overdue), but it now looks as though most of the remaining forum functions were cocked up in the process.

This is getting really frustrating!  On this basis, can we have the defective search back please so that normal posting and reading are possible?  I assume someone had the naus to keep a copy of the previous settings before they made any alterations?  :-D

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On another issue, is there any chance of getting the website show registration and/or subscriptor details working properly?


I've been trying in vain for the last few weeks to book into the Northern show and, despite having the subscription number confirmed by the subs dept, I CANNOT register for the show on-line. I left it a while as there was a message on the site to say that the subs info etc was being updated but that's now been done (or at least the message has gone), and it still DOES NOT work.


I've followed the instructions to the letter but it is misleading as it says:


To register a magazine subscription against your order, please enter your details below exactly as you see them on your subscription carrier sheet, renewal notice or MMM membership card. The details need to be an exact format match against our subscriptions database.


Please enter either your subscription number and name or name & postcode in the boxes below. Don't worry if you don't know your subscription number we should be able to find you on our database from your postcode and name. Please exclude any preceding 0’s from the number you enter.


The carrier sheet (which I assume is the printed plastic cover that the magazine came in) has 2 numbers on, NEITHER of which is the subscription number, I asked for and was sent my 'correct' subscription number, but that doesn't work either! And, even though it says I can put in just the name and postcode (again, taken from the carrier sheet) it still does NOT work!!!!! All I get is 'Cannot find subscription ...".


Then, when ringing the subs number you are very, very, very lucky if you can get a human at the end of the phone, more likely than not you get an answerphone after some, not inconsiderable, time. So, today I emailed the subs department and asked them to ring us (as they said to do if I had problems), so, to give them their due, they did ring and put my hubby through to the Events section ... to another ruddy answerphone to say they were shut!!!!! Aaaarghhhhh!


Are we NOT supposed to go to the show or something?!?!?!?!?!


I can't be the only one who's having problems with this.


All I want to do is go to the flipping show and get it booked before we go away on holiday on Saturday!!!!! Why is it sooooooo darned hard???? I wonder how many others are having problems too and simply cannot be bothered and therefore may not go to shows they would have had they been able to 'commit' to them. *-)


Please, please, please can someone sort out this problem. :-S

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Keithl - 2010-05-30 8:45 PM


Where does his mythical value of £2,499 come from?

If you run the website name through Website value calculator you get a value of 78 dollars!

A bit more of a realistic price I think.




Edit Sorry, I forgot the 99 pence on the end. It's £2,499.99!


WOW - calculator says mine is worth $103 so maybe I could sell it for £5,000 :D ............................. but then I don't know who would want it except me (lol)

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