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Ferry confirmation ?

bob b

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I'm booked on the Portsmouth/Bilbao ferry next week. I can't seem to find a ferry ticket/confirmation anywhere.

Had I received one, I would have filed it as usual. I'm now wondering if P&O actually send anything out nowadays.

Can anybody confirm that this is the case?

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Not sure about that particular route but we normally just turn up for a booked ferry and quote a reference number given at time of booking.


We have also turned up without one having forgotten to note it down but still no problem as they have your details which you can confirm by your passport and vehicle registration number.


Actual tickets don't seem to be issued these days, just the boarding/lane label when checking in.


Have a good trip :-D

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Cheers Neil. I'm sure that I wasn't given a reference number either, as I normally print the e mail off and put it with my passport.

As you say, they'll have my details to hand when I check in.  

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Hi Bob, checking in last year at P&O was this..


Arrived at check-in window


Hello Mr Thornber, passports please, note, passports, nowt else.


Go to lane 6


This got me thinking that they must have number plate recognition equipment.


Big Brother gone mad or convienience, take your pick 8-)


We received no conformation of booking other than an e-mail but we booked online.



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Thanks Martyn, I know I could ring P&O, but it takes soooooo long to get to talk to a human in such large organisations. I guessed that someone on the forum would have travelled the route recently.
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I assume you booked on line, and have a card statement that shows they have taken the money?  You should have received at least an e-mail reply quoting a booking No/reference by way of acknowledgement.  Have you looked back through your e-mails to the time you booked?  Does your e-mail list indicate you have unread e-mails?  If so, it may be undated, so may be right at the end of the list.

Might you have made an error in entering your e-mail address when booking?  Even the most minor error would prevent the acknowledgement coming back to you.  If you have not yet had a card statement showing the money was taken, or cannot see one on-line if you have internet access to your account, I would ring them to check.

Ask yourself what you will do if you arrive at the port, and they deny having received your booking.  Then decide what to do next.

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Eurotunnel have number plate recognition so you don't even need your Booking Number.The last time I booked my E-Mail address was one character wrong when they took my information so I did not get a confirmation E-Mail a phone call soon sorted this out

John Y

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I booked the ferry through Airmiles. My credit card statement shows the transaction in Janurary and my Airmiles account also shows the tranaction, together with a ref number. I've made a note of that number and will produce it on demand, together with the credit card statement.

Thanks for the help.

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Bob  We travelled with P&O a few weeks ago and like Mr Thornber when we approached the "check in" the operator said "you'll be Mrs Elliott" so either the guy had good eyesight, read our plate and went into the system for our name or they have a vehicle recognition system. Didn't need anything except our passports, although I did have my booking confirmation info with me and would always take any such documentation with me, cos I'm such a worrier.

 On our return we spent overnight at Calais ferry terminal, along with several other vehicles, before catching the ferry next morning. It was quiet and we felt very safe. During the evening, (and presumably the night), and the following morning security vehicles made the rounds on a regular basis. We thought that's great, making sure vans weren't broken into etc. On going through passport control at Dover the guy spoke to someone on the phone and we heard Pilote being mentioned. Once through we were pulled over by immigration who asked to search our van. So we reckon the regular patrols at Calais weren't for our benefit but were probably to check for folk trying to stow away and that anyone who spent the night was being checked out. All well and good but when I told them we had a big dog who would have alerted us had anyone tried to stow away they didn't check inside the van but merely looked in the garage. So in theory we could have been hiding someone inside. Maybe we just don't look like people smugglers!

We had a terrific 5 weeks in France and I'm soooo jealous of those who are heading off. Prices are up again on last year for food and fuel but it's still worth it. Happy travelling!


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Hi Bob b

Writing this from a very hot Spain, came over two weeks ago, so bring your sun cream.Fuel is a good price here in Spain 1.05 euros per litre, so about £1 per litre!!!! Whenwe arrived at Portsmouth dock, they had not even asked for my reg no on the booking, they just needed passports, though we came with Brittany Ferries. Still a lot of D utch here, not many of us brits here yet, but Acsi sites very popular. Great new site at CALPE

Enjoy your trip


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