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going to book ireland (southern)in sept. not been there before and would like a bit of info i am not sure about .

Dogs. am i right in thinking i can take the dog to the republic without any injections etc.

how long is the sailing time the ferry from fishguard to rosslaire.

i take it the dog will have to stay in the m/home.

can he be accessed during the trip.

can £ be used as well as euros.

anybody been to the glen of aherlow site.

sorry if i sound a bit thick but not sure so no better place to ask. i am dipping my foot in the water before venturing further afield.

thanks (?)

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We are off to Ireland week after next not taken the Motorhome before but been there loads of times working.


4 hour crossing, dogs will have to stay in the Motorhome no access to car deck.

They only use Euro, diesel cheaper than UK so go with an empty tank, everything else expensive. Driving standards appalling especially in towns they never appear to know where they are going and they just stop in the middle of the road for no reason.


I have some info on Motorhome stopovers which I'll post tomorrow.



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Dogs. am i right in thinking i can take the dog to the republic without any injections etc.

Yup, it's not like mainland Europe where they have to have a pet passport, there are no requirements for Ireland but if you have a 'dangerous' dog breed you might have to muzzle your mutt.


how long is the sailing time the ferry from fishguard to rosslaire.

3 hours 30 mins (assuming you have to use the Stena Europe as you'll be too big for the other one).


i take it the dog will have to stay in the m/home. can he be accessed during the trip.

When we last went, we were allowed to take the dogs up with us so long as they were in suitable carriers (and supposedly had to stay in them for the whole journey, however, because we were travelling at 3.00 am we had them snuggling with us on the seats well out of the way of eveyrone else and no-one batted an eyelid - most people had them closed anyway!!! (lol) I would assume that, if you aren't able to take your dog up with you (ie too big to put in a carrier), you should be able to visit it to make sure it's okay, similar to what other ferry companies do. You'll have to contact them to find out for sure as I can't find anything about it on the 'Ireland' crossings info.


can £ be used as well as euros.

If you mean on board, usually you can use both currencies.


If you have Tesco vouchers you can exchange them for ferry vouchers to off-set the cost, as they are worth 4 times their face value.


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We had a month in Ireland last year; the extreme south is very picturesque, mountains, sheep, yellow Iris, purple Rhododendrons, peat digging is still worked, lots of good beaches, some roads very narrow and lumpy. Driving in small towns is …………. interesting? Dublin was horrendous with traffic and new motorways being built; if you really need to go there I suggest parking away from the city and using other transport.


We were stopped twice by customs for red diesel checking (in a van), we also called in at a cattle and sheep market auction, just followed a truck, that’s the place for good food.


The food in the tourist spots was very expensive and rather similar. Chowder is a speciality in many places with mussels and prawns … but … the quality depended on how many times it was diluted with added vegetables, to which there is no answer, even the expensive hotels did it too!


No difficulties with the native people, they are like you might imagine very talkative, particularly out in the country areas, make sure you talk to them, they like a good excuse … but … there are many Eastern Europeans serving in shops and eating places …so … watch your change and make sure you check the actual costs of what you’re buying before you pay, and I mean that!! Remember well they all know you are a foreigner.


We searched for traditional music and found asking was the better way. One area I recommend were we stayed for a while was Westport Co Mayo, motorhomes parked by the tidal river (free) and traditional music in the Carlton Hotel on the Quay every Thursday (also free) take directions to THE QUAY!


If you’re into glass and think of visiting Waterford, they do not manufacture now, only displays and sales.


If you go to Kerry and take the ‘Ring of Kerry’ tourist route, do check which way the tourist coaches travel and you’ll have an easier run round.


As has been said diesel is cheaper, many items have an extra tax added due to their poor economy situation. Cooked breakfast food is available at many garages. Some roads in the centre of Ireland are motorway standard and empty of traffic.




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We paid for our crossing with Air Miles £14 + 4000 miles.


As art says Dublin traffic best avoided, traffic light sequencing a nightmare quicker to drive across London.


Art's tip about breakfast food is a good one also available in Spar & similar shops & cheap for Ireland. For stocking up on van food plenty of Tesco & Lidl's about.

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Hi C ,

Yes dogs can be brought in to Ire and back to U.K without any Passport , inj etc'

The sailing time is around 3.5 Hrs and yes of course you can use £ on the boat. In Ireland i don't think it will create a major problem using £ against € but you may get a poor rate. Better to change some before you go..

Glen of Aherlow is a lovely site and a lovely area, give yourself lots of time from A to B as some roads are narrow and a little slow.

If I can be of any further help you can PM me ,

Have a lovely hol,



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Yes you can of course use Safe Night campover in Ireland and if you need any Info on same I will gladly pass on info on same,

Yes it looks like it's going well rather like pub parking only using farmers and yes I am told some pubs etc' are coming on line aswell.



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If you have a dog I would suggest going by the Fast Cat! if I remember rightly it just takes about an hour and a half,. they wont allow you down to check on your dog they lock the door but tell you that staff keep any eye on pets left in vehicles !! I don,t think they do though! its about 6 years since we were last there, I carried my chihuahua in a shopping bag going, but coming back he refused to leave the car so I just left him and asked if they could keep an eye on him :-S they said they would ! but I dont know if they did! anyway he was alright.
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