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To Be Or Not To Be?


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We are off tomorrow night for our first trip in our new MH and since I started a 3 months (on-going) period of recovering from broken bones / operation etc. I am sooo excited *-) B-)


Other half can't wait to change the lights to LH drive position instead of sticking on black tape, whilst on the tunnel train. I just can't wait......


It has been a bit of a saga for the last few weeks, but now feel confident we can actually enjoy some time away. I have noted all the height, width, and length measurements in our "MH document file" and noticed that the height now comes under 3 metres so we are hoping we will now be a "class 2" on the French toll roads. I will let you know when we come back in 10 days time.....It has always seemed to be a hobby of my OH to ask "how much was that?" and "what class was used?" - we will see.


We are also going to try our new Post Office Visa Electron Euro card for the first time. We loaded it with 200 Euros and will use it, hopefully, at toll booths that only accept a card for payment - we found 2 of these on our last trip. If all goes according to plan we will be able to pay in Euros without incurring debit card charges and taking pot luck on the exchange rate at the time.


We are also going to attempt my biggest challenge of all - trying to open a non residents bank account whilst in France. We travel there more and more every year and it makes sense to us to be able to transfer money at a much better rate than the normal tourist rate. Watch this space! ;-) I will probably open a document and get babel fish to translate what I want to say - trusting it will be correct of course. *-)


Has anybody else any experience of any of the above, so we can be prepared please???

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Guest Tracker

Very best wishes for a great trip Jenny.


I have no experience of your financial plans but I would, as no doubt would many others, be very interested in and grateful for your feedback on how it all pans out in reality.

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When we go over the water, and to any country, I always take a wadge of notes in a money belt, including the passport, it fits next to the skin and stays on me all the time and in bed, and cannot be seen with clothing on.


So simple and saves all that 'how much will I be charged' and 'which card is the better one'. There's never any chance of losing it unless I'm taken hostage which is unlikely!



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Guest JudgeMental

we have returned today from our wet and miserable trip to the Vendee...weather always a gamble at this time of year but this is the worst I can remember, bikes hardly came out of the garage :-S


no 1 son forgot his bag of books (in middle of A levels *-) ) realised this as ferry pulling in to Dunkirk on Saturday. so it was agreed that he go back....norfolk line do not take foot passengers so quick run to Calais, and first office likewise but luckily P&O said yes! £35 single please (more then the motorhome with 3 of us) He made it home safely and has had a great week!


With all the delays we headed for Le Crotoy for the night. There it began.....I felt sorry for the locals, as half the Aire was taken over for a local festival but there was a full scale gale and driving rain in progress most of the time. this set the tone for the rest of the trip, so a 1000 miles and a waste of time.


I have drifted a bit but my point for posting was this: our van is 2.9 but every auto barrier said Class 3 so delays ensued while I pressed the button and waited and waited. some times someone would come out sometimes I had to talk to the wall "3 metres class 3" Nooooo 2.9 metre class 2 - and anyway, 4 wheels and 3500kg so class 2!all this while being honked from behind.......


anyone travelling west.....


This was on probably the most expensive stretch of toll road in France, avoid it like the clap (new section A28 from Rouen to le mans) Take the D438/338 thats runs more or less parallel with it and save £50


busy now looking up flights to S/E Asia......anyone want a Euramobil? ;-)



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Hi - 2008 we "romped" down to St Tropez via Autoroutes (and back again of course). Cost a fortune (Swift Sundance under 6m). 2009 we set the SatNav to avoid all fee paying roads - brilliant ! Slower progress of course on RN roads through some towns but many are now bypassed anyway. Much more of a holiday than being on the autoroutes.

I assume you've heard of France Passion? Recommend you try another year if not set up for this trip.

Best of luck and enjoy !

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catinou - 2010-06-03 12:13 PM .............. We are also going to attempt my biggest challenge of all - trying to open a non residents bank account whilst in France. We travel there more and more every year and it makes sense to us to be able to transfer money at a much better rate than the normal tourist rate. Watch this space! ;-) ..............

If you google "Britline" you will find an English language Credit Agricole du Calvados internet account (based in Caen) that gives a chequebook, and has a separate VISA card and savings accounts available.  Be aware that French banks charge, and also charge for credit cards.  The cheapest way to transfer money to the account, oddly, was to give them a cheque in Sterling, and let them convert it to Euros.  The account was started to aid Brits wanting to buy property in France.  We opened one to buy our first van, and it was very good.  French banking rules are (wisely) very strict, and if you overdraw the account you will incur the full wrath of the French state, and penalty charges, and if you do it more than once you may lose the right to hold an account!  Before the xenophobes all leap off their bikes, this applies equally to the French!  :-)

However, you also need to keep in mind that although you can withdraw cash through (plentiful) branches of CA across France, because it is a French account, you can't draw cash Euros outside France, and you can't write Euro cheques outside France.  For these features, you need plastic, and because of the French charges, the best plastic for Brits to use outside the UK remains the Nationwide debit and credit cards.

The Euro is a common currency, in cash form, but each country has its own banking rules and individual bank accounts are only usable within the countries in which they are held.  So a common currency, but no common banking facilities.

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