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nowtelse2do - 2010-06-08 7:55 PMGraham, whoever does the checking would not know if the drivers were on single, or dual carriageway and if asked the drivers would probably not know either because the tachos stay with the driver for a short while, they are then handed in so there is a time factor involved.
Hello Dave,I was commenting on what Tomo had said:
The card is then downloaded by the traffic office on return to the depot and records are kept there. The card also records "overspeeds", i.e where you exceed the speed limit for more than a minute. It also tells you how many minutes you were speeding for.
I would hazard a guess that the trucks involved may have been held up (slower trucks) coming up from the Stocksbridge  area and they took the opportunity to pass them. As for dropping down from Woodhead, pass the reservoirs you don't say what their speed was but from my experience they would soon be baulked by other loaded trucks so would have had to slow down.


You may well be right about them being held up coming from Stocksbridge but that doesn't excuse them does it? 50 mph plus is a full 25% plus higher speed than they should have been doing, not just a little - and the limit isn't optional is it?Yes, they were baulked by other vehicles on the descent - which is why I said they exceeded 40 mph "whenever they could."As has been said by others, the majority of HGV drivers (just like all drivers) are responsible and drive properly. All the more reason to root out those who don't and who, thus, give their fellows a bad name.Graham
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There seem to be two main groups here .....


Those who admit to being human, and therefore fallible.


And those who accuse my wife of being incompetent, or worse, because she used her brakes to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front, when traffic was travelling at varying speeds.


Could she have SAFELY moved into the inner lane? In my opinion, no. So how did the truck driver manage? I don't know, he was behind us. Maybe there was a gap alongside him. Maybe he just forced his way in ...... who was going to argue with him?


Maybe I should ask the police to show me their camera footage of the tunnel, for the day and time in question? I wonder if that come under Freedom of Information?



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