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No More Motorhoming


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Guest JudgeMental

"Kelly will you be selling tickets to watch you set fire to yourself?

is this not a Fiat with another name?"


I was thinking the same thing......Probably the turn around of the century!:-S


Maybe Kelly does not realise IT IS THE SAME VAN AS THE FIAT? *-)

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Our 1st motorhome was a new Peugeot one of the 1st on the road in Dec 2006 and was faultless having done almost 20k miles in over 18 months our local Peugeot Garage were brilliant when on the rare occasions we had to go there even sending a fitter to our house when we had a small problem ,  comparing the two vehicles Peugeot / Fiat in my opinion the peugeot is a better base vehicle ,

 To those of you who have read my postings regarding my past problems will note my main complaint is with Fiat as a company and their associated dealerships to which I feel we had been badly let down.

We are looking forward to taking delivery of our new motorhome and can only hope its as good as our 1st Peugeot.

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LordThornber - 2010-09-09 9:00 AM
In fairness Eddie, it wasn't the vehicle that made them jumpy about motorhoming, it was the crap RAC/Fiat service they received. Martyn

Absolutely right thats it in a nutshell up until the debackle we had we had no problems at all with the motorhome and we would more than likeley still be using it.

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Guest JudgeMental

This is really funny....the disappointment resulted from a bodged job on a juddering vehicle. The breakdown drama could have been avoided using travel insurance......


What is to prevent the same thing happening again as it is an identical vehicle mechanically :-S

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I think perhaps it is called

'hope over experience'


good luck to them, what are the odds of that particular combination of crummy luck happening again to the same people


mind I speak as one who has avoided sevel types like the plague


and wouldn't know where to begin as a tugger if my life depended on it,

people watching on sites leads me to believe it is a rather complicated pastime

I only do the KISS approach to life



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As regards never buying another Fiat ever and sooner setting fire to oneself, well if you think the Peugeot will be a lot better than the Fiat as its a different Company then I guess you are entitled to that view however misguided or not it may be.I wish you well with your new van it sounds like you are overdue some good luck, I would check when you chassis was made by Fiat oh sorry Peugeot as they are sometimes at converters a long time and they do buy up old stock sometimes

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Guest JudgeMental
jhorsf - 2010-09-10 6:38 AM


I would check when you chassis was made by Fiat oh sorry Peugeot as they are sometimes at converters a long time and they do buy up old stock sometimes


Yes very important point! if it is not a late 2009 or better still a 2010 chassis I would not touch it with a barge pole *-)


I am looking for a new van at the moment and only interested in 2010, you would be surprised how much stock sits around for ever........

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