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I have been robbed


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Hi I went to my newsagent today as I had read my MMM and decided to buy the practical one and was I shocked the newsagent said £4.20 and I paid him I did not realize until I got outside what I had done (I was in shock after all) I had paid for a motorhome Mag that has almost as many pages as the caravan club magazine and only almost half as many as my MMM.

OK I was caught on the hop but it will not happen again do they not know there is a recession on 160 odd pages and most of them Adds >:-( they ought to be ashamed of themselves. >:-)

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All the magazines are now advertising outlets with a few interesting features thrown in relating to one's personal interest, whatever that is.


Its time for everyone to return to the more placid times of doing things oneself and refusing to buy anything that is outside the norm.


Everyone who buys such magazines are simply funding their own destiny and for what?


Get thinking is my motto and not fill your garages with unuseable novelties and think of the cash you can save. Between one's ears there is a brain, use it !!



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Ihave been a subscriber to PMH and we are considering giving it up. Mainly because of the quality of the journalism, the hangup they have with the editorial self promotion ( pictures of the team liberally scattered throughout the articles) The reader teams wittering on about things that happened years ago. ( if I have to read another article about Ruth Bass and her B****y cathargo i'll be sick) and the ratio of content to adverts. Yep I think I will cancel my direct debit :'( And don't feel so smug MMM we are closely watching the take over of the mag by the stothart family. The articles by the professional travel journos that appear in a different guise in the CC mag and the CC&c mag. It all looks rather suspicious to me. Do you all meet in a pub on the M25 and sort out the commisions amongst yourselves *-) *-) *-)


Keep em waxed ............ Ned

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Guest peter

Bloody hell, my wife buys that every month. Not anymore, now I know what it costs. What a rip off.

Perhaps Dave Newell has upped his fees?. :D

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Well you have been truly robbed if we are talking about the same magazine as the cover price on my August(!) edition just purchased is £3.80 and not the£4.20 you were charged. MMM is £3.50 but for how much longer? It may be bigger but do you read the extra particularly if travel articles are of limited interest and in the main repetitive.
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Guest JudgeMental
Thinner probably due to less advertisers (recession? *-) ) I never buy the UK mags they are laughably hopless.......they could really learn from German mags if they could be bothered :-S
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No Bobalobs I have just looked again at my August issue of PM and it defo says £4.20 so did they decide to change the price half way through the print process maybe someone from Practical motorhome if they read this can please explain why, Is it the postcode lottery like the National health scandle one price for us and another price for others. Mike
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Yes I know Chris if they carry on the way that they are going they will have the 2011 issue on sale with this recession I think that they may be short of a few reddies so they think that they will sneak in an extra couple of issues and no one will notice.
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Mickydripin - 2010-06-12 12:03 PM


No Bobalobs I have just looked again at my August issue of PM and it defo says £4.20 so did they decide to change the price half way through the print process maybe someone from Practical motorhome if they read this can please explain why, Is it the postcode lottery like the National health scandle one price for us and another price for others. Mike


If you really want to read it why don't you ask your local library to buy it for the magazine stand? Our library has various types of hobby mags.

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