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Light Weight Bumpers


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To offer a bit of pretection to my motorhome, I have been considering and light weight towbar type arrnagement, but not to tow. Something made out of Aluminium, not for towing capability just to offer some protection.


Anyone done similar or know of anyone who makes such things?


I don't want the weight of a steel one, got to be weight concious these days...


Thanks :-S

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Hi, i'm not sure of your location, but when I had my Rapido 710F, I had a lightweight steel rear bumper fabricated to measure - I think it was in Lincolnshire. However, when replacing that vehicle several years later I looked again for something similar,l but they had either stopped making them, or gone out of business.

There are other advertisers in MMM, which are often for towing as well, but can be made without the towball attachment.

I also looked at a local company where i was living then in Cornwall, who could fabricate basically whatever i wanted, which would have been - if I remmeber correctly - lightweight steel, and could have been round (like a scaffold pole) or u-shaped. The cost was quite high, and I gave up in the end.

However, if you have a steel fabrciaction company in your area, it may be worth getting in touch with them to see what they can offer.

Hope this is of some help.

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I think you can get "Nudge Bars" that would do what you want.


Have a look here:-




But as this website states - some of the older style "Bull Bars" for the front not the rear - are now illegal. So you may want to be a little careful about having something made up that does not conform to a certain standard - tho if it is to be fitted at the rear there should not be a problem.


Hope this helps.

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I would have thought that any protection guard made from aluminium would easily fold even with a gentle nudge on a bollard, or someone backing into you.

Many years ago on my old motorhome I aquired a 60mm diameter pole which had been used as a signage post, and with 2 plastic caps bought from a supplier of them, all it needed was 2 flat straight bar brackets welded onto the pole by a friendly blacksmith.

A coat of silver grey Hammerite finished it off a treat. The brackets were about 12" long and bolted to the rear chassis, but a lot would depend on your rear chassis members to see if this was possible. The weight IMO was not worth considering, but it would stand I am sure a fair wack in a prang.

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