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Nowt to do with Motorhomes.


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My wife of 49 years +, asked me to look at her car..dead as a dodo.I aint the most mechanical guy in the world but I will have a go???

Traced the fault to a broken Earth lead ..and ended up lying on the ground with one hand up its jumper and the other hand holding on to the vehicle??

As I fiddled the wind got itself involved..the bonnet [despite being on the stay?] slammed shut and locked in position!Guess who had is thumb under that Bonnet?I lay on the floor swearing/shouting??15 mins,trapped..no one appeared.Couldnt move..trapped..managed to reach a near lying scewdriver and prise up the bonnet.T cut wont remove the marks?.and the thumb was painfully withdrawn.Magic..as soon as i managed to escape the postman arrived/next door neighbour came back??I am looking for a morale to the story but cant think of one??The thumb is growing larger..its big and coloured black..and like my financial ???is broke.

I read your posts and marvel at the skill and Knowledge many have in respect of mechanics and maintenance..but from now on i reckon i will say to her indoors..lets get someone in to look at it??

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Reminds me of the time one Christmas eve, we'd just bought a sack of spuds from the grocers and I was holding the car door open whilst hubby put them inside on the seat, unfortunately he then decided he'd shut the door rather than leave it for me to do ... one thumb well and truly trapped! Blooming heck did it hurt ... guess who had to cook Christmas dinner and do everything else for the next week ... he's done Christmas dinner ever since! :-D
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