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Fiat Ducato 2.3cc 130bhp Euro 4 Multijet Engine


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My OH is totally thrilled because he (yesterday) placed a deposit on an Autotrail 696G with the above engine.  He doesn't read this forum, I do. 

I have told him that this is prone to gearbox problems specifically 'judder' in reverse; he says 'oh that's all fixed now'.

Can someone tell me, this is a 2008 spec vehicle on a '09' plate, is it likely to be affected with this problem and if so, will it have been fixed?


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Pot luck reports suggest the mods to the gearbox have made improvements but it aint perfect and some folk report they still have major problems.I have a burstner Solano T700 3500 kg and was one of the first to have the mods done here in Spain April 2008 and it has improved things but I am still very carefull to aviod reversing up hills when I can
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I agree with colinfrier and I really hope that you do not have any problems, but it's a bit like roulette someone always wins and that is the Casino (Dealer/Manufacturer).

Can you persuade your O/H to at least have a get out clause in your agreement:- A) The modification has been done with relavent paperwork proof and B) that you can try the van out on a hill and if it judders then the deal is off. This approach will not guarantee a future free of judders, but at least you can start with a judder free van.


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A copy of part of my post on main thread.


As you say your OH doesn't read this forum and has said 'oh thats all fixed now', I guess thats what the dealer said, one convertor I know of will not sell you a 2.3, only a 3.0 auto, if you want anything else you have to purchase base van yourself and take it to them for conversion.

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I've just read the replies to my OH and he has agreed now that there may be cause for concern!  He has placed a call to the dealer and is going to speak to him about it when he rings back.  The big problem is trying to find a van with suitable layout AND engine/gearbox!

Many thanks for your help. 

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Well said Dawki, I couldn't agree with you more. I used to have a Cheyenne on a Merc and it was brilliant, the only reason I changed to a Fiat 3 ltr was because Autotrail stopped using Merc chassis and I was advised to go for the bigger engine which I have to say is well on a par if not better than the Merc engine. The other consideration was the chassis which is roll free, not like the Merc but I was used to it and drove it accordingly.
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Appart from the reversing issue and a few minor problems I must say I have found the FIAT a great vehicle to drive the mods have helped some more than others but even if you don't "JUDDER" when you purchase it could develop later.I have found you can reverse without "JUDDER" but at the expence of a smoking clutch.

Ther are plenty of reports of similar problem with the 3 litre but FIAT deny yet again that there is a problem and have no fix for it.I have found the 2.3 even with 3500kg has planty of power so I don't think more BHP would be any advantage.

As for the 3 litre semi-auto I think it is to early to say how much the clutch suffers when reversing time will tell.

If only FIAT could get there act together they would have a class leader.

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Guest JudgeMental
Your other half needs his head examined for listening to a dealer...They will say anything to get your money! I cant believe you have put a deposit on a used Fiat without first at least reversing it up a slope :-S If the dealer is so confident get him to show you the evidence from Fiat that modifications have been carried out *-)
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Quite agree with the above.


May i politely suggest that you get your OH to read through all of the Judder threads from the very beginning and you take control of the cheque book?


I don't suppose anyone has thought to ask the dealer or the previous owner why they have chopped in a 2008/9 van so soon?


I am not being over-dramatic when I say that this has got 'nightmare' written all over it.




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You can never be 100% sure about any make of motorhome base vehicle


But you should do all you can to make sure that the cheque you write is a passport to years of pleasure, not months of grief...


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That is obviously good to hear, but you should seek proof. Most of the dealers were reluctant to pass on any form of documentation to the owners and therefore 'proof' is not often readily to hand. I suggest you call the dealer that allegedly did the work, and get it confirmed.


Motorhome dealers will tell you anything to sell a vehicle. There have been many examples of this. It is not a slur on your dealer because you have not said who they are, but it is not uncommon.


I also recommend that you speak to the previous keeper of the vehicle and double check that the work was done, while enquiring as to why they changed/sold the vehicle so soon.


Finally, before paying for the vehicle insist on driving it and reverse up a slope and round a corner to make sure that it does not judder and that you are happy with the speed that you are travelling in reverse using only mirrors with the clutch out and no accelerator.


All being well; enjoy!



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Madmaggott - 2010-06-23 12:50 PM We now have confirmation that the vehicle was recalled and the 'fix' carried out.

At whose instigation, though?  If it was the previous owners who had this done, I would be concerned that it is for sale so "young". 

You have three possibilities, do you not?

1 They had it done and were blissfully satisfied with the result, but it was the wrong van so they decided to sell it anyway.

2 They had it done and were dissatisfied, and that is why it is for sale.

3 They had it done and were partially satisfied, but have lost confidence in the vehicle, and that is why it is for sale.

I'd be a little reluctant to ask the dealer, because you still won't really know how much confidence you should attach to his reply.

If the dealer has had it done (unlikely, I'd guess), then he will be unlikely to have tested it's ability fully laden, so it's still an unknown quantity.  If you can get to the original owner without forewarning the dealer they may come clean about the reason for sale, but as they presumably traded it for another van, they may be reluctant to prejudice the potential sale.  After all, the dealer may have offered them a very good deal, so "ratting" on their old van would look at least disloyal to their benefactor.

You really need to test drive it in a hilly area, taking the opportunity to reverse it on a hill, and see how smoothly it performs.  If there is no vibration it is probably OK, but if there is any at all, it will be likely to be exacerbated when the van is laden.

So yes, that is the time!  :-D

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Guest peter

It's quite simple really.

Take the bloody thing out and give it a good test run, especially in reverse. That's what I did with my Burstner.

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