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Grrrrr Thieving beggers !


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Hi All


Popped over to Silverstone this weekend to watch the Moto GP ( fanatastic weekend, shame Rossi wasn't riding though ! ) with the family. On returning to the M/H from the first morning, I immediatly noticed my upper fridge vent missing !!!!8-) ...... Yep, some low life had helped themselves to it !!!!!


After several phone calls this morning, I have managed to order a replacement costing me £31.55 with postage .... rediculous price ! It is a Thetford SR vent and was priced as high as £42.99 without postage ..... No wonder 'low-life' stole it !


Had an interesting chat with AJC Leisure who I ordered it through who mentioned a massive rise in these types of items going missing and they put it down to a 'new-breed' of Caravanner who they said, and I must agree, can't really afford to caravan but buy one as everyone else is ..... anything goes wrong, steal the said item when next on site!


Been caravanning / motorhoming both as a kid and as an adult with my own family for over 35 years and never remember anything being nicked before


Spolied an other wise excellent weekend ..................... :D

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And now to add insult to injury, I have ordered the said vent ( inc mesh ) but posted on Swift's forum re part number. They have come back saying it is Ok to order just the vent, checked via a local dealer and guess what ...... 1/2 price !!!!!!


£32.00 ish from internet order ( inc mesh ) .... £15 from Swift ( excluding mesh )


So, for anyone like us who has their's nicked, the part number of the outer fridge vent (excluding mesh) is 1054072 and can be purchased via Swift's dealer network. This is for the Thetford SR vent, we have the large N180 fridge.


Only downside ordering from Swift is it works on a 2 week dealer delivery, so you could be waiting 2 weeks for the item ..... but save loads a dosh in the process !

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Sorry to hear of your bad luck.  We should introduce finger chopping - one for each item nicked.  That would separate the honest ones from the low lifes.

You may get a few of these but two years ago we parked up in a big car park which served Matalan, Asda, Comet etc to buy some food.  Walked back to the MH to find the 'lockable' water cap missing.

I mean it was so obvious from from a loooong way off in that the white side had a big black hole where the cap should have been.  It's not the sort of thing you overlook when you have a quick look back over your shoulder when walking away from it.

Unusual for Swift to be cheaper than a dealer.  They'd be the last one's I'd normally contact.


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I lost a fridge vent in Spain a couple of years ago , my fault, I serviced the fridge as I was having trouble lighting it, and in the process the vent catch broke off, it had got brittle, I meant to put a screw in it to hold it in place but didn't,and it fell off whilst travelling. When I got the new one I drilled it in two places and put a couple of screws in it to secure it better, glad I did now as it makes it more difficult to steal.
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I have seen water containers and the grey waste container with chains and padlocks through them on some sites. Usually places like Billing Aquadrome when we used to camp there for the Land Rover Show.


But I saw the same at our local Steam Rally in Dorset as well. Seems wise to be prepared.


Sad reflection of live tho’.


One thing I would add re manufacturers is that I was after some spares for my Avondale cvan a few years back and found the dealers I contacted pretty unhelpful. In marked contrast a phone call to the Avondale factory and I got a very nice lady who organised the parts and sent them to me by return and the price was very reasonable to me, but I do not know what a dealer would have charged because none of them could be bothered!


Avondale also included some new stickers and an age related brochure – all in the name of customer care!


Damn shame they are no more to my mind.


So well done Swift as well.


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In France last year on a site in St Jean de Monts I caught a young lad wandering round my van at 4am he was trying to take my little wheel chocks from my ramps ..I jumped out of the van and chased him away and watched where he went... later that day I saw him again and went to speak with him.. he was an English lad!! his father wanted to know what I wanted and when I told him what he'd done he said Oh no he was in bed I said can you prove that and he said ..well no so when I told him exactly what he was wearing even down to his scruffy trainers... he admitted it (The lad that is) that he was by my van but just cutting through my pitch To which I told him if I saw him within 100 yards of my pitch I would give him a slapping...I reported them to the site office and 2 days later they escorted them off site!! apparently the lad had been seen skulking round other pitches at very late times!!
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Apparently one of their favourite items for removing is your loo tank *-) *-)

not advisable I wouldn't have thought but then look at the price of them.


I guess once you have emptied one you could empty any.


Now there's a competition in the making, could you recognise your own tank when emptying blindfolded. :-D :-D :-D


We have a Sog so don't envy them if they try to do ours.



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Guest peter
CliveH - 2010-06-21 1:16 PM


I have seen water containers and the grey waste container with chains and padlocks through them on some sites. Usually places like Billing Aquadrome when we used to camp there for the Land Rover Show.


But I saw the same at our local Steam Rally in Dorset as well. Seems wise to be prepared.


Sad reflection of live tho’.


One thing I would add re manufacturers is that I was after some spares for my Avondale cvan a few years back and found the dealers I contacted pretty unhelpful. In marked contrast a phone call to the Avondale factory and I got a very nice lady who organised the parts and sent them to me by return and the price was very reasonable to me, but I do not know what a dealer would have charged because none of them could be bothered!


Avondale also included some new stickers and an age related brochure – all in the name of customer care!


Damn shame they are no more to my mind.


So well done Swift as well.

Not surprised at Billing. There's a big Pikeys site almost next door.
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