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Pricing of aire near Calais


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If you had stopped a few kilometres before that "aire", at La Ferme de l'Horloge (another aire privee) signposted at Tardinghen as we did last Thursday evening you could have parked overnight in a lovely spacious meadow with terrific views over the Channel with French and Belgian camping-caristes for 5€ and the services at the farm buildings down the road are 3€.


It's an easy drive to Calais along the coast road or not far from the free autoroute. We've stayed there the last couple of years and its so peaceful compared to the Calais dockside.



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Our 'Saturday' boy was 60 plus and definitely female! LAst time we were there we met her husband, his English was non existent, hers not as good as my French, and that's not saying a lot. I find French people on aires or campsites aren't interested in talking to British people, in fact why should they, there are lot's of other Frnech people to talk to! Sorry, I digressed, again
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We stayed at this aire a couple of weeks ago and you have obviously misunderstood the pricing structure.

You only pay for water or dumping waste if you are just passing through not if you are a resident on the aire.

We stayed for 3 nights ....the pitches are huge...the views good and the owner very friendly and helpful.... we will stay again as it is only 8 miles from the docks and have reccomended the site to friends.

He also allows caravans. The site was virtually full for the 3 nights we were there... most just staying one night on route to or from the docks.

As for the french not using it ....that was not so when we were there .

We saw 3 french motorhomes and our neighbour was a french gentleman in a trailer tent.


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Minstrel - 2010-07-05 12:03 AM Our 'Saturday' boy was 60 plus and definitely female! LAst time we were there we met her husband, his English was non existent, hers not as good as my French, and that's not saying a lot. I find French people on aires or campsites aren't interested in talking to British people, in fact why should they, there are lot's of other Frnech people to talk to! Sorry, I digressed, again

But, on the other hand, how many Brits would/could speak to a French motorhomer, in French, on a British site? 

It is just reticence that holds them back, not stand-offishness, or a dislike of the Brits.  Like us, they don't really "do" languages, and are reluctant to try.  If you have enough French to start a conversation they'll open up, and most will will be very patient as you fish for words, and may suddenly find they know bits of English as well.  Before you know where you are, you'll be invited for drinks or somesuch.

On the whole, they are a very friendly, helpful, honest bunch - so long as you exclude Parisian shop assistants and a disappointingly high proportion of public servants, even some in Tourist Information Centres.  :-)

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Minstrel - 2010-07-06 5:40 PM


I must be unusual then, because i would talk to French people on a british site. Part of it is that I like to practice my french, but I think I'd do the friendly thing!


Well said Minstrel-I too would speak to French people on a British campsite-whether they'd understand me is another matter but I find if you meet 'Johnny Foreigner' of any country most would like a chat and are only reticent as Brian says because they are in a foreign country.

We have just come back from Berlin and met many nationalities some of which we had no chance of speaking to but 'broken bits' of French, German, Italian and English got us nemerous group conversations.-and a few invitations to a drink

I know this is off thread but it just touched a nerve-why do we all think everybody should speak English?

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To put my penn'orth in: we have stayed on that site since it opened in 2004, at least twice a year, either when getting into France, going home, or both.


Last time was last Saturday night. We were charged 9 Euros, arrived at 1.30 pm by the way, and because we wanted a shower, 1 Euro each for that, plus tourist tax of 25 cents pp. We didn't bother with EHU for only 1 night. Grand total 11.50.


It is my understanding that tourist tax is not charged all year round, only in peak season.


The charge for water and waste water is, as has been pointed out already, only for passing vans, NOT for people staying on site. I know, because I've asked before about that.


This time I didn't look at the pricelist, but on previous occasions the price for car + caravan was always more than for a motorhome, last year it was €12.50.


AFAIK there are only ever Bernard and Marie-Cecile, his wife, there, I've never seen anyone else there in the office.


I've also seen French, and in fact quite a few Belgian people there, not just Dutch, German and English.


The site is becoming ever more popular, I booked it for last Saturday, good job, as it was full when we arrived at 1.30 pm, and the people next to us told us vans had been turned away well before that.


Each to their own, but we like the site, it's only 10 minutes from the tunnel, has marvellous views, and if you need an early get-away, you only have to ask and Bernard will open the gates at 5.30 am, as was the case last Sunday.



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Just come back from the big annual jaunt and found the aire at Arques. " eurines and pick your own spot at the lakeside. Absobloodly superb. Had nice chat with Frenchie from 44 and we both think CECV is the best accessory shop for motorhomes ever. This years best buy a folding waste bag holder that has 2 arms which hold the bag closed until you dump rubbish then swivel out one arm or 2 and there you have it. Just need a good supply of supermarket bags.
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Having read these posts, I persuaded the wife to stay the night at the Municipal at Calais. Site was as good as any commercial one, but, we will never stay at Calais again, why! the constant drone of the Ferry ships just drove us mad with sleep interruption.
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  • 3 weeks later...
ChasB - 2010-06-28 4:34 PM


We have just got back from the other side of the water having spent a few weeks in Alsace and the Alps avoiding most of the rain.


Before catching the ferry back we spent a night at a so called aire; ( Its in the aires book, but it’s more a camping site) at Escalles near Calais. It’s called Les Erables Cap Blanc-Nez - 62179 Escalles Calais.

I would only ever go there again as a last resort. Reason their pricing, which I will explain later. There were only Dutch, German and English motorhomes on the site there; and can only think that the French were not that stupid.


The price for a night for a motorhome and two persons is as follows:-

If you arrive in the day 12 euros.

If you arrive in the evening 9 euros.

Electricity 6amp 3 euros.

Electricity 10amp 4.5 euros.

To take on fresh water 3 euros.

To dump your grey water 1 euro.

A shower 1 euro.

And to top that they charge taxe de sejour at 0.25 euros per person. That could be as much as 21 euros a night, so be warned.


Every time another motorhome arrived the patron reminded me of the campsite owner in the carry on camping film; rubbing his hands together when he thought he could charge a little more.



We were very disapointed when we turned up as usual at this site!! it has changed hands it was not the usual oldish man and wife in charge I,m thinking they have retired. We were charged about 28 Euros usually for 2 nights, which we didnt at all begrudge, you didnt pay for water when staying on site only if you were filling up and leaving.


There was no room this time it was heaving with caravans and tents, we drove around the area for hours and ended up at 3 Trolls which incidentally cost us 20 Euros a night and was a bit of a dump!


The Aire at Le Portel had room but we couldnt get in as it was a machine that you had to pay with your card!! it refused my debit card twice saying Wrong Pin!! I wasnt going to chance a third!! Im sure the machine was broken which is very annoying when you cant gain entrance any other way, even someone on site was putting in a number for us which it wouldnt except.


We are going to miss Escalles if this is the norm it was very handy for the Vet at Marquis.

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maggyd - 2010-08-04 11:03 PM


We were very disapointed when we turned up as usual at this site!! it has changed hands it was not the usual oldish man and wife in charge I,m thinking they have retired. We were charged about 28 Euros usually for 2 nights, which we didnt at all begrudge, you didnt pay for water when staying on site only if you were filling up and leaving.


There was no room this time it was heaving with caravans and tents, we drove around the area for hours and ended up at 3 Trolls which incidentally cost us 20 Euros a night and was a bit of a dump!


The Aire at Le Portel had room but we couldnt get in as it was a machine that you had to pay with your card!! it refused my debit card twice saying Wrong Pin!! I wasnt going to chance a third!! Im sure the machine was broken which is very annoying when you cant gain entrance any other way, even someone on site was putting in a number for us which it wouldnt except.


We are going to miss Escalles if this is the norm it was very handy for the Vet at Marquis.



I wonder whether they were on holiday themselves? When we were there last, which was 10 July, Bernard told me that he was looking to expand the site, by buying the field next to it and developing that. But he said he had to get planning permission of course, and he was in the process of doing that. So it would seem odd for them to retire at this stage. Unless he didn't get the permission and decided that enough is enough.


It certainly doesn't surprise me that it was full, I booked it for our last night in France, from previous experience I knew we probably wouldn't get in otherwise. I did like the site, but when it is full, or nearly full, he has tended to "squeeze" vans on, which I don't like. When I've booked, I've asked for a pitch at the front, and always got it, but higher up there sometimes seem to be more vans than pitches!

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I've only just seen this thread - I think the comments whether it's an aire or not are misplaced, because the word "aire" is so generic in French.


We use the French aires guide (Guide National) which lists a lot of campsites, where they offer fillup/dump facilities (aire de service.) The guide then lists the cost of overnight stays. Some of them are "bells and whistles" sites charging 40€ or more!


But to make it even more confusing, les Erables advertises itself on billboards locally as an "aire de camping", camping area. I've seen that term used occasionally, particularly in the Gironde, and usually for a basic campsite - which is exactly what les Erables is.


We've stayed there a few times, and like it - it is fairly basic, and the electric hookups are eccentric - newer hookups seem to use old style French sockets, where older ones are Euro-style. But Bernard is very helpful with a wide range of adaptors to loan! We went last on 15 July, and noticed the toilets seemed to have had some improvements.


Having said which we are less likely to go in future - one of the draws for us has always been the restaurant l'Escale in the logis in the village, which seems to be getting very overpriced for what it is. Shame, as it used to be great.

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Hymer584 - 2010-08-05 9:07 AM


maggyd - 2010-08-04 11:03 PM


We were very disapointed when we turned up as usual at this site!! it has changed hands it was not the usual oldish man and wife in charge I,m thinking they have retired. We were charged about 28 Euros usually for 2 nights, which we didnt at all begrudge, you didnt pay for water when staying on site only if you were filling up and leaving.


There was no room this time it was heaving with caravans and tents, we drove around the area for hours and ended up at 3 Trolls which incidentally cost us 20 Euros a night and was a bit of a dump!


The Aire at Le Portel had room but we couldnt get in as it was a machine that you had to pay with your card!! it refused my debit card twice saying Wrong Pin!! I wasnt going to chance a third!! Im sure the machine was broken which is very annoying when you cant gain entrance any other way, even someone on site was putting in a number for us which it wouldnt except.


We are going to miss Escalles if this is the norm it was very handy for the Vet at Marquis.



I wonder whether they were on holiday themselves? When we were there last, which was 10 July, Bernard told me that he was looking to expand the site, by buying the field next to it and developing that. But he said he had to get planning permission of course, and he was in the process of doing that. So it would seem odd for them to retire at this stage. Unless he didn't get the permission and decided that enough is enough.


It certainly doesn't surprise me that it was full, I booked it for our last night in France, from previous experience I knew we probably wouldn't get in otherwise. I did like the site, but when it is full, or nearly full, he has tended to "squeeze" vans on, which I don't like. When I've booked, I've asked for a pitch at the front, and always got it, but higher up there sometimes seem to be more vans than pitches!



Oh well you could be right s we are usually there earlier or later in Sept; I always found the couple very helpful and friendly, I hope they do get the field next door. I did think that they were making the large car park on the road into the Caps into an Aire and laying on water but it seems they have just tidied it up and segregated cars from buses.

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