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Awning piping ... like rocking horse manure!!!

Mel B

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Okay, update on the awning front ...


On Sunday we purchased a 'new' drive away awning - an Outdoor Revolution Movelite (called the square?), it's 2.4m wide x 2.4m deep, can't remember the height, but big enough to attach to the side of the 'van ... just! We got it of a chap locally who'd bought it last year to use with his car as a tent - he'd also got the inner tent with it - but had never used it, so it is literally new, cost him £175, cost us £50 ... bargain (although hubby had to miss some of the abysmal England football trashing in order to go and get it ... such a crying shame ... NOT!).


Anyway, back to the plot ... we've managed to obtain the figure of 8 plastic tubing stuff to be able to fasten it to the van but can't for the life of us get hold of the 4mm to 6mm Fiamma awning piping tape stuff anywhere locally. We can get the full kits (for a heck of a price), but not just the tape. Annoying thing is that one of the local firms had it 2 weeks ago but hubby didn't get round to going! Now they don't think they'll be stocking it again ..... Grrrrrr >:-(


I've managed to find it 'on line' but it's at least £4.99 for 1 metre plus £4.99 postage - I need about 2.3m - so that means 3 metres and it's gonna cost £20 just for this bit which I think is ruddy rediculous.


Does anyone know where I can get it reasonably priced? :-S

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Gee MelB, you don't half get involved, no wonder your post numbers are so high. There seems to be few things that are perfect in your life, perhaps the Dogs and Hubby but mechanically you're always suffering.



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Thanks for that, it's just the double edged beaded tape I'm after, where one side is the smaller 4mm size (to fit in the Fiamma awning slot) and the other side is the standard 'caravan' awning size (can't remember off the top of my head if it's 6mm or not).


If the worst comes to the worst I'll buy the single 4mm tape and sew it on though so thanks for the link. :-S

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You got a brand new awning and saved £125 but you won't spend £20 for the bits to make it fit? Come on Mel, it will still mean the awning only cost £70, a saving of £125 over the price the seller paid last year. Sorry if this is not what you want to hear but I really don't understand why you don't just cough up a £20 note and then you can get on.



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I knew someone would say it Dave ... I was just waiting to see who it would be! :-D


It just seems such a waste when I've got the flipping figure of 8 tubing already. If I really was that 'desparate', I could sell the tubing on ebay and get my money back, but I just don't understand WHY there is such a dearth of the double piping when you can get the figure of 8 stuff all over the place? It's just plain daft ... :-S



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Not having a a dig at you Mel, but it rarely fails to amaze me about some folk who are making "savings" on e-bay.


A friend of mine and his Missus but & sell regularly and he often regales his tales of how much he saved buying X, Y or Z.


So I took him to task one day about some camping gear he'd bought. On the face of it, it was a genuine saving, until I asked him about how much time he'd spent surfing, (ages), and more importantly how much it had cost him in time and petrol collecting the items.


So, fair do's to him, he calculated as well as he could and he was quite shocked at the results, OK, he enjoys the surfing, but the petrol and wear & tear on his vehicle was considerable.


I appreciate there are savings to be made, I have myself before now, so I'm not dismissing it completely.





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Try this Mel , the kits got the tape and the figure of 8 sections all included for £17 (admittedly with p&p on top probably £20) but you can as you say sell the tubing you already have.


Dealt with Riversway a few times now and they've been pretty good , even getting an awning sent to me directly from their supplier when their stock hadn't arrived in time.

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LordThornber - 2010-06-30 11:57 AM


Not having a a dig at you Mel, but it rarely fails to amaze me about some folk who are making "savings" on e-bay.


A friend of mine and his Missus but & sell regularly and he often regales his tales of how much he saved buying X, Y or Z.


So I took him to task one day about some camping gear he'd bought. On the face of it, it was a genuine saving, until I asked him about how much time he'd spent surfing, (ages), and more importantly how much it had cost him in time and petrol collecting the items.


So, fair do's to him, he calculated as well as he could and he was quite shocked at the results, OK, he enjoys the surfing, but the petrol and wear & tear on his vehicle was considerable.


I appreciate there are savings to be made, I have myself before now, so I'm not dismissing it completely.





Hi Martyn - yup I know what you mean ... we've got a friend like that - except he sells stuff and after ebay and Paypal fees he ends up worse off than if he gave his stuff away!!!


As for:


jhorsf - 2010-06-29 11:11 PM


:D ducks and watertight comes to mind Mel :D


You've met my husband have you!!!!! (lol) :D


I'll have to buy the stuff off the web as suggested, either the full kit or, the tape on it's own. It still seems daft though that the 2 things go together, to expand on your analogy, like a 'duck and 'water' :D but finding the 'water' is much easier than getting your hands round the neck of the ruddy 'duck'!!!! Quack! Quack! Waddle ....:-D *-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, managed to get some piping tape off a chap advertising on the internet. We've brought the awning away with us and are currently sited on a nice little CL near Chester on our way to Wales for a few days before the motorhome show.


Anyway, we decided to get the awning out and have a 'play', got it up okay and shuffled it near to the 'van, lined it up and put the piping tape into the Fiamma awning channel after extending it out a couple of feet so we could reach. Then we started to slot the plastic figure of 8 stuff on to it and at the same time slotted the awning's tunnel piping into the other side of the plastic figure of 8. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy! No problem at all. We then wound the Fiamma awning back in and the awning 'tunnel' fits nicely up against the van and we can open the door without it snagging the top. Great stuff!!!


Had a nice 'play' with the awning, unzipping and rolling up the various sides, used the extra poles to make the canopy, then zipped it all back up again and took some photos. :D I'll post them when I get a better signal as it's a bit week. It looks to be in proportion to the 'van and gives a good amount of space to be able to put a few bits and pieces in it and have plenty of room to sit and relax in it too.


To take it down it was very easy, we just wound the Fiamma awning out again, slid the plastic figure of 8 stuff out, removed the piping tape, shuffled the awning away from the van and took it down. It packs down and actually fits back in its bag easily!!! I can see us getting a fair bit of use out of it. :->

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