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waste water


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Blizzard makes some good references, pretty obscure stuff, but as we both seem to agree, in reality, both (and more) bits of legislation would be unlikely to ‘cover the occurrence’ as there would almost certainly have to be some consequence to bring a prosecution. If there were a consequence, we again seem to agree that we’d be looking to at least due care or, god forbid, a death by… offence. 

There are zillions of obscure bits of legislation that are not enforced and indeed, a further passage in s.161 of the Highways Act 1980 includes an offence of playing football on a highway to the annoyance of users. That too could be enforced, but it’s so unlikely that society is virtually contemptuous of it. 

The underpinning principle of de minimis non curat lex would undoubtedly be tried too for something like an ‘inconsequential’ letting loose of grey water. Purely technical and academic violations of law do not make it to conviction. 

‘Hot potatoes’ like insecure loads (box from back of van) are regularly enforced so is not really comparable.

Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not condoning a full drain of waste water whilst on a public highway and don’t do that myself. I confess, though, that the main reason for me not doing so is that I wouldn’t want to bring our pastime into disrepute. I know there is no measurable environmental impact and would have zero fear of being prosecuted. 

The thread, at points, has been heavy on infinitesimally vague possibles and light on actual probables. Even if someone did let a full tank go, the very worst consequence – in reality – is that someone might tut loudly. 


Apols, you did say rivers. I understand the pleasures of the sea toilet. Good job they aren’t fitted to motorhomes, now that would upset the neighbouring pitch, especially if they had sausages on their BBQ.

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crinklystarfish - 2010-07-06 10:33 AM

.........................The thread, at points, has been heavy on infinitesimally vague possibles and light on actual probables. ........................

Oh yea!  Including, just for the sheer argumentative fun of it, that with the exception of an unlit road at night, the trail of "water" down the road is perfectly visible, can be seen for what it is, i.e. an unknown liquid that could as easily be oil or hydraulic fluid, and is eminently avoidable by any attentive and sensible rider of a two wheeled vehicle.  That little bit about being to stop within the distance you can see to be clear, and to generally conducting your vehicle in a safe and responsible manner keeps popping into the back of my mind. 

How anyone could prove intent, or recklessness, as opposed to accidental discharge, as a basis for prosecution, also foxes me a bit.  So, if you hit a patch of what is basically water, with a bit of added food waste and a very small amount of detergent, and the result is you go sliding into the landscape, I think you have at least as many questions to answer about how you were riding, as the person who released the waste.  Oh yes, and without wanting in any way to discourage this practise, which I think highly anti-social, you'd also have to know who was the perpetrator to be bale to prosecute! 

So yes, worrying about "infinitesimally vague possibles and light on actual probables" seems a pretty succinct summary to me!  :-D

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What percentage of the liquid is likely to be oil or grease? As a biker of some 50 years I can assure you on two wheels any slippery substance is bad news, especially added to white road markings and metal inspection covers. So it is potentially dangerous/lethal, whatever illusion you choose to hide behind. It is also anti social and UNNECESSARY>:-)


Roy Fuller

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Tracker - 2010-07-03 5:41 PM


Many shower wastes will take a sink plug Colin - that's what we use to prevent nasty niffs from backing up the waste pipe!


We don't get nasty niffs because our Rapido has a trap on all outlets which is what all manufacturers should do. Unfortunately we had a plug in but the water pushed it out.

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We find a nice grassy layby, let the waste go there then dribble home or to wherever the next stopping place is. This is because we usually wild camp, camp on Cl`s or rallies. Yes we could use a bucket but my husband is a biker of 30 years and can`t see any harm in it. There`s more things in or on the road that will bring you off a bike than a bit of motorhome grey waste.

I work in healthcare and have never had an admitance of a person who has contracted a disease or ailment through it either. Think some peeps are a bit OTT on this subject and have a touch of OCD.

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Guest pelmetman

Had to do deliveries today, and followed a Hymer heading south on the M11 emptying his grey water.


Never seen it from behind before 8-) and irrespective of whether its dangerous or not, it did not reflect well on us motohomers :-(


Brought our grey water home this week to water the garden! see I said I was tight (lol)

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