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Caravan door


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Got back to the 'van after walking the dogs to find the door open, every locker open a bit of stuff thrown around but luckily we had nothing on board worth nicking. The door frame and lock are damaged. They just got a bar, stuck it in between the door and frame and pushed. It forced the bolt into the lock body and they were in. We were only a 100 yards or so away, the other side of the hedge (with our 2 German Shepherds... ). We've been parking the 'van there and walking the dogs for years.


My point is that the caravan door locks really won't keep anyone out if they're determined. Come to think of it, you could probably get through the plastic windows without a lot of trouble. I reported it to the police so I had a crime number for the insurance company, but now I can't try and fix the lock until (if) the forensics people come around.

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The forensic lady found no fingerprints, so whoever did it will never be found. Be aware if park anywhere your 'van anywhere around the Leighton Buzzard/Woburn/Milton Keynes area...


Fixed the door lock. I understand they need to be light weight but hadn't realised how weak they are, even the bolt itself is plastic and it sits against a very soft aluminium extrusion.


The frame is badly mangled in two places, they're only both only an inch wide (high) but I can't see how to make it right mainly because the paint/finish has been taken off by the crowbar. The frame looks like it's all one piece, which I suspect will cost a fortune.


Yes I know it's what insurance is for, but if it can be sorted by some clever person, it will save the insurance companies a good reason to further increase the (already pretty steep) premiums, not just for me.


Anyone know anything about caravan door frames or talented body workers?

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It's a shame we were walking the dogs, but could you imagine the potential for damage to the *ucking pikeys if they had tried it with our GSD's onboard. Crystal might only be 15 months but I wouldn't risk it. Charm is 6 and huge...


I am in no doubt that it's not as bad as having someone coming into your home. I don't agree with violence, but would make an exception in this case.


Go Shepherds go



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