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Gas alarms Are they really needed Travelling?


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IMO every ones perception of risk is different and we react accordingly.

I know of a family that do not lock their doors as they percieve no threat of robbery where they live.

I also know of a couple that decided not to return to UK as they had become used to carrying hand guns whilst about the home and thought it unsafe not to.

I guess most of us fall between those two extremes, or does anyone know different?

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I don't know what your problem is with me, or the others, but you appear to have a very low opinion or anyone else's views and experiences. I have simply asked for info, not to be derided or insulted. I could answer your retorts by others but I can't see the point.*-)


If you want to call aires 'laybys' and not use them, then that's fine, that'll leave more space for those of us who do use them and appreciate how wonderful many of them are. :-S

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Mel B - 2010-07-09 8:25 PM




I don't know what your problem is with me, or the others, but you appear to have a very low opinion or anyone else's views and experiences. I have simply asked for info, not to be derided or insulted. I could answer your retorts by others but I can't see the point.*-)


If you want to call aires 'laybys' and not use them, then that's fine, that'll leave more space for those of us who do use them and appreciate how wonderful many of them are. :-S


Its called mutal respect Mel you got the reply your flippent attitude deserved.

I dont have a low opinion of anyone elses views or experiences I simply know better through experiences in relation to security and also having a partner who is a professional in personal protection.


Thank you. *-)

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Brian Kirby - 2010-07-09 5:50 PM

"I could start giving out facts and statistics but most of you seem happy to live in candy floss land and insist it never happens and will never happen to you."

Laura, I for one wish you would give some of the above. 

For two reasons: first, I should like to understand what it is you wish to warn us of, and second, if I knew better what that was, I could learn from you, and give better thought to how I should avoid it.

Until you give us some facts and statistics, it is very difficult to leave "candy floss land" and understand what the realities are.

I can't help that, I just haven't experienced what you clearly have experienced, so I simply don't understand what you are trying to warn me, and others, about. 

It's a bit like trying to explain snow to someone who lives in the Sahara: until they can see it and feel it, the words remain just that - words.  Hope that doesn't sound dismissive, it is not intended to be.

You have already made it very clear Brian that needing to chain ones doors is above and beyond what you see as reasonable or needed.You dont think someone will screwdriver your van lock on a campsite or anywhere else in order to get into it to steal from you or attack you.You dont belive its a possibility.So if you do not wish to have that awareness becasue of disbelief you cannot be informed,trained,or educated as you do not wish to believe.So what is the point of me saying anything to anyone who wants to totally dismiss the possibility?Its not me being rude or with holding information.Its a well known fact that most victims are victims because of lack of awareness.If people think we are sitting there axe in hand waiting for a thief to commit a crime against us just because we are aware then clearly you just dont get it.Thank you.
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Randonneur - 2010-07-09 2:03 PM


If I had to go to the lengths as suggested for the security of my motorhome i would sell it and give up motorhoming.Its a long time since Ive read as much crap.Sorry if it offends anyone.

Totally ignorant. *-)

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crinklystarfish - 2010-07-09 3:23 PM



Trying to get my head round this and not sure if you and your other half are genuinely in a constant state of readiness for attack or whether you’ve ended up painting yourself into a corner because of pressure to defend your choices.


I note that all you really do that’s different to most is chain up your doors and the rest of the armoury is just creative deployment. I guess it’s a fairly obvious concept if you are into ‘reality self defence’.  

I ‘get’ it to a point as I’ve travelled through places like Bogotá, the slums of Rio, and even Manchester/>/>. However, the two times I’ve been burgled, and the one time I was beaten by 5 blokes have been in my home county. Reputations are often worse than reality.


I’m far from blasé, and am wary of crime, but understand that the vast majority of the Europe/>’s population stop short of violent theft. I’d suggest all we really need to do is pick stopovers to the best of our ability and have a healthy awareness.


I absolutely accept that being a victim is always a possibility but don’t let it dominate my travels. I’m not sure that you do either but it hasn’t really come over that way sometimes. It’s come over almost like you set off with the sole objective of steering clear of violent crime rather than to enjoy travelling experiences but I don’t think that’s what you meant to convey.

Is that right?


Oh, and the only people who persist with the myth of gas attacks are people who sleep heavily, and people who sell gas alarms.


Thank you Crackly nicely put.

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Laura - 2010-07-12 4:37 PM


Randonneur - 2010-07-09 2:03 PM


If I had to go to the lengths as suggested for the security of my motorhome i would sell it and give up motorhoming.Its a long time since Ive read as much crap.Sorry if it offends anyone.

Totally ignorant. *-)



So we don't now have a right to reply!!!! It seems there is only one opinion according to you and that is yours. As a retired Police Officer I have my own opinions which I will keep to myself and that is the last I will say on the matter.

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Guest pelmetman
I thought about getting a gas alarm, but as er in doors pointed out ..........."with your wind problem it would be going off every 5 minutes!" :$
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pelmetman - 2010-07-12 6:07 PM


I thought about getting a gas alarm, but as er in doors pointed out ..........."with your wind problem it would be going off every 5 minutes!" :$


As a businessman Dave, are you going to bottle it & sell it as a repellant against allcomers (?) (?) (lol) (lol)

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We have been camping now for 45 years by caravan and motorhomes, like most of you camped in remote places in that time. I had my knuckles rapped awhile ago regarding comments i made re scaremongering for new comers, i except that now that we have been very lucky not to have been involved in any such involvments. However this year in France on a lovely Airs for 5 vans ( there were 15 of us , we being only Brits) had our offside headlight and side indicator lenses broke in the night . Just our luck. Regarding chains, we do use one when on our own just for peace of mind.It will not stop us enjoying going away, bye the way we have no alarms etc just central locking .
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Laura - 2010-07-12 3:24 PM


Mel B - 2010-07-09 8:25 PM




I don't know what your problem is with me, or the others, but you appear to have a very low opinion or anyone else's views and experiences. I have simply asked for info, not to be derided or insulted. I could answer your retorts by others but I can't see the point.*-)


If you want to call aires 'laybys' and not use them, then that's fine, that'll leave more space for those of us who do use them and appreciate how wonderful many of them are. :-S


Its called mutal respect Mel you got the reply your flippent attitude deserved.

I dont have a low opinion of anyone elses views or experiences I simply know better through experiences in relation to security and also having a partner who is a professional in personal protection.


Thank you. *-)


Interesting way to respond Laura if you have so called mutual respect, and my reply was NOT flippant, just because you don't appear to have liked it doesn't mean it was, funny maybe, but not flippant. Will this be construed as flippant too?! :D




To me it appears from your postings, and your reluctance to give more details of the 'events' that have occured, that you have not had direct experience of the things that you are commenting on? Not that I would wish them on you of course. It is interesting that you appear to feel that you know better than those of us who have direct experiences ....


8-) :-|

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I have spent a lovely afternoon reading and laughing over all these replies. I went to Holland and France with my partner for the first time this year and did think about safety when we used an aire. I found French vans there and I must admit was relieved when a british van turned up.

I definitely think a second purse with a small amount of money would be a good idea if a thief managed to get in.

I don't think chains and padlock are going to be on my list but maybe a stout rope to link between the two front doors.

My partner hid her jewellery and we didn't find it again until we unpacked the van when we got home.

Laura I'm rather saddened to read your replies but I feel we all need to know your past circumstances to understand why you feel the need to take so many precautions.



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I have a photo of the wife with her mother blown up to A4 and laminated and put in the side window.

I have never had anybody try to break in or anything else in 30 years of caravanning /motorhoming.

On saying that very few people have come accross to say hello either!?!;-)


I use aires 99% of the time in Europe and CLs in the UK.



Rather than have to have your van armoured up as if it is going on a tour of Helmand Province if anybody wants a copy of said photo please email me and send 50p postal order.



PS Jackie is away at her mothers today and can't see this post:-D






:-D :-D

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Dave Newell - 2010-07-19 7:08 PM


Anybody ever see the film "Worms"? I think Laura and her other half must have been the couple who had a nuclear bunker under their house packed with a full armoury! :D




I remember the film well Dave, it was called "Tremors" and starred Kevin Bacon ... brilliantly funny and creepy at the same time! :D I recall that they did make a sequel but it wasn't anything like as good.

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Oh how funny. Not been around for a while and here I see little has changed!

Thankfully the biggest change is the number of people who now believe the gassing stories are based on myth. There have been two notable responses from anaesthetists, one a Professor at Addenbrookes stating that the amounts of noxious gas would either cause an serious explosion - gas + fridge - or death before rather than leave people in an unconscious state!


But how sad that some people go away for a taste of the real freedom in a motorhome then have to lock themselves into Fort Knox... Actually with all that 'security' surely it becomes more of a challange for some thugs to get in! (lol) And yes we have had a break in - South of France. Thankfully the dog was still there on our return!

We do have a strap for the front doors which is rarely used but there if we need it - I think it has been used twice in 10 years! And a full purpose made alarm system.


Finally as far as a gas alarm goes - YES for Carbon Monoxide. A little foolish to think it won't affect a m/h me thinks. It's a small enclosed box!


Go and enjoy your hobby. Most of us have survived so far without all the hangups!

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Guest JudgeMental

I normally ignore threads on topics like this but looked in today out of bordom....


Obviously another nutter troll....Now where did I put that hand axe and pro plus tablets :-S

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Funnily enough, I had a chap come round today to see me (steady Eddie ... hubby was here too! :$ ), and whilst chatting it turned out that he used to work for Swift. Anyway, we got chatting about motorhomes etc and he said "Oh but you they lob gas into your van up through the window and you get gassed and robbed in France". *-)


I resisted the temptation to beat him silly with a lump of wood 8o| and calmly explained the myth to him, the amount of gas that would be needed, the chance that the motorhome would more than likely blow up with that amount of gas in in before the people were gassed, the view of the Royal College or Anaesthetists (or whatever it was), etc, etc. :-D He thought it was rife over there. 8-)


Why do people just believe these daft stories! *-)

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OMG I can't believe that I just laughed so much!! What have I been missing .


Hubby is back looking at me laughing wondering if I finally have lost the plot .

Oh PMSL the best post or I should say the best thing I have read in ages.


Randonneur you stick to minding your own business what do you know about sinking underground battleships. :D :D

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