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Geo Clinton

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Hell o can anyone help identify my motorcaravan? she is on a 508 chassis 3.8 ltr d engine 1978 T reg with Tyrol written on side of her nose I have owned her for 2 years and covered many happy miles wth my family and spent many unrewarding hours on the net trying to find more info on her can anyone help?
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Hi Geo,


I would guess when you say a '508' chassis that you mean a Merc.

In which case that means it's a 5 Tonne chassis with an 80 HP engine. That would certainly imply it's a pretty big M/H. (Clive MG's Gin Palace is only on a 4 Tonne chassis for comparison).

Post some piccy's and we'll see if anyone can help.



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Above is likely to be correct and it's probably based on a Merc Vario. They've been round for ever, and will still be running forever from now.

If it's a panel conversion, it could easily be a one-off. Many home-done conversions are built on the Vario, it's a superb base. Some are done to a standard that would put mainstream manufacturers to shame.

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