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Aires, still not convinced


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On our latest trip resolved to try a few more aires and did so. A couple kindly recommended by RobertandJean were fine but the best one on the Gironde was still 7 euro and what did you get for your money, well nothing much except a pleasant parking spot and electric, no toilets, showers, swimming pool or security. Our average payment for a decent campsite was 11 euro's this year using ACSI a lot plus municiples. If you are stuck to going away in main holiday season then i can understand the enthusiasm for aires a little more as campsite prices rocket from around start of July. All of the better aires we visited were pretty crowded even at the start of June and I guess you would have to arrive fairly early to get a good spot, not something we usually do. We stayed at Mont St. Micheal again this year, as it is a great place, but price has now gone up to 10 euro, to make matters worse after I had paid my wife pointed out an ACSI site about three miles away for 11 euro. I know you can all point out some great aires but they are just to few and rarely exactly where you want. We know we can just wander at will and always find a good site nearby so why take second best. So I guess we will never be convinced other that the only reason to use aires is that you cannot afford or are to mean to pay for a site, actually the last bit is just my opinion my wife does not have a clue i am writing this.
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Rupert, I agree there are some sites at very reasonable prices using the ACSI, and other discount systems, but we do like our aires! Our proviso with everything, including sites and aires, is if one of us doesn't like the look, or feel, of a place then we don't stop, regardless of how cheap or expensive it is.


The points we've made, and others make , just go to reinforce my opinion that France has it sewn up motorhome wise. You can choose good quality reasonable sites, free or priced aires, top priced holiday parks, (which you'll never see me on!) and evrything in between. With the added bonus that motorhomes seem to be tolerated and accepted nearly everywhere.



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We always use aires, mostly free but never more than around 5€, if they aren't for you then don't use them. Any which are in popular places are likely to charge & often won't be a lot cheaper than a campsite. We tend to go off for trips of 3 months & our ideal type of place is somewhere a bit off the beaten track so finding a nice quiet aire with good views is a good option.
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Infact Rupert, next time you're in France can I be so bold as to suggest the following for your delectation!


St. Gengoux Le National, Gencourt, Coubon and Froncles as aires even you might approve of! ;-)


All are in the "All the Aires book" for full details and we've been to them all as an excellent example of the aire system.

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Guest Tracker

It never fails to amaze me why people with their own polarised opinions on any matter, including Aires, feel the need to foist their views on others in such a fashion as to suggest that their own way of holidaying is the best way?


Does it not occur that just maybe we all gave our own ways of holidaying which we have also refined over a number of years and that whether anyone else agrees or not is unimportant as long as we all enjoy what we do without being pigeonholed into categories such as 'tight fisted'?


If you don't like Aires - don't use 'em - but also please don't critcise those who do - simples!


I don't like sites - especially large ones - so I don't use 'em but I would never deign to suggest that anyone else is wrong for using sites!


There are no right or wrong ways - just different!


Chacun a son gout! (if I've spelt it right - it was a long time ago that I learnt that one!)

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Tomo3090 - 2010-07-09 9:36 PM


Rupert, I agree there are some sites at very reasonable prices using the ACSI, and other discount systems, but we do like our aires! Our proviso with everything, including sites and aires, is if one of us doesn't like the look, or feel, of a place then we don't stop, regardless of how cheap or expensive it is.


The points we've made, and others make , just go to reinforce my opinion that France has it sewn up motorhome wise. You can choose good quality reasonable sites, free or priced aires, top priced holiday parks, (which you'll never see me on!) and evrything in between. With the added bonus that motorhomes seem to be tolerated and accepted nearly everywhere.




Cannot disagree with this Tomo but does not change my opinion about aires

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Tracker - 2010-07-09 10:06 PM


It never fails to amaze me why people with their own polarised opinions on any matter, including Aires, feel the need to foist their views on others in such a fashion as to suggest that their own way of holidaying is the best way?


Does it not occur that just maybe we all gave our own ways of holidaying which we have also refined over a number of years and that whether anyone else agrees or not is unimportant as long as we all enjoy what we do without being pigeonholed into categories such as 'tight fisted'?


If you don't like Aires - don't use 'em - but also please don't critcise those who do - simples!


I don't like sites - especially large ones - so I don't use 'em but I would never deign to suggest that anyone else is wrong for using sites!


There are no right or wrong ways - just different!


Chacun a son gout! (if I've spelt it right - it was a long time ago that I learnt that one!)


And their was I thinking part of the reason for a forum was giving your opinion but of course I forgot that opinion must agree with trackers. Sorry about that I will try and remember in the future. Oh where exactly did I criticize users of aires or suggest people were wrong to use them.

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Tomo3090 - 2010-07-09 9:52 PM


Infact Rupert, next time you're in France can I be so bold as to suggest the following for your delectation!


St. Gengoux Le National, Gencourt, Coubon and Froncles as aires even you might approve of! ;-)


All are in the "All the Aires book" for full details and we've been to them all as an excellent example of the aire system.


Thanks Tomo, robertandjean were kind enough to send me twenty favorites but as i said most were not where we wanted to be at that time and of the twenty we tried only a couple which were near enough to our destination point. They were fine for one night but if we wanted to stay for several nights would not be suitable for us. I will keep the list and add others to it, yours duly noted, and use them if they are convenient for one night stopovers.

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Guest JudgeMental

Just ignore his egotistical posturing, any of us with half a brain do.


I like a happy balance..... a mixture of both, with a preference for sites when we arrive, and Aires while touring/travelling


I simply don't get the either or entrenched attitude.......

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rupert123 - 2010-07-09 10:49 PM ....................And their was I thinking part of the reason for a forum was giving your opinion but of course I forgot that opinion must agree with trackers. Sorry about that I will try and remember in the future. Oh where exactly did I criticize users of aires or suggest people were wrong to use them.

Really, Henry!  There may be the odd overly sensitive soul who thought this just the teensiest weensiest bit critical and provocative.  Surely, even you must admit it is a bit disparaging to label all users of aires either mean, or virtual paupers.  Or was the element of choice supposed to compensate?  :-D

"So I guess we will never be convinced other that the only reason to use aires is that you cannot afford or are to mean to pay for a site, actually the last bit is just my opinion my wife does not have a clue i am writing this."

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rupert123 - 2010-07-09 9:53 PM Our average payment for a decent campsite was 11 euro's this year using ACSI a lot plus municiples.


I can believe 11€ as the lowest price, but not the average.


Whenever I've looked at municiples they're expensive. The other night we stayed in the free aire at Azay le Rideau. The municiple was next door. For two of us, with a dog it was over 18€.


That's far too much to pay for what is basically an overnight parking spot. We don't need electricity, showers etc., as our motorhome has those included!!


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Blimey, what's wrong with holding a view?


Still not convinced says Henry, well neither am I but does my viewpoint forbid me from making a post or 2 about aires? No of course not.


He like me has used them to varying degrees of success. Take the aire at Etretat, right next door to it is a Municipal at double the cost but why would you use it?


I'll let you into a little secret, it's half the price of the municipal, oops, I've already told you that. We stayed on the municipal for about a week, and the only thing we didn't use was the showers, using our own instead.


So why not use the aire then and save some dosh? Again I'll let you into a secret, metered water with one outlet, dear dear dear, what's that all about? Never ending coming & going of one nighters, no facilities, (use your own merchants stop shouting at the back)...


So to summarise, Yes each to their own, pays yer money takes yer choice etc etc but I like Henry cannot fathom why you want to "save" money and have less enjoyable camping experience.


Take the folk on here who say their batteries/water/etc can, I can hardly type this without laughing, LAST, I mean what on earth would you want to have what is supposed to be an enjoyable experience where you are having to measure your existence out??


You can just picture it can't you, "Doris, switch that light off whilst yer having a pee, It'll mean I can use my 12v shaver to trim my sideburns on Tuesday at 8am"


OK, each to their own, nooooooooooooo


Right I'm done now..........honest



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Guest Tracker

So much depends om how you use your van.


If your main use is touring rather than 'site sitting' Aires make perfect sense for the period between when you want to stop for the rest of the day, be it morning noon or night, and then move off in the morning as they are plentiful safe - and I'm talking village or countryside NOT busy main roads or motorways -and generally do not involve much finding plus they have the bonus of being convenient and cost effective with no booking in and faffing about finding a pitch.


If however your main use is sitting on a site and sunning yourself or people or scenery watching or catching a bus into town or whatever and staying two or more days in one place then a site probably makes much better sense - particularly if it gives the user a sense of security that he/she does not find on an Aire.


My apologies to you Henry for my slight over reaction.

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Really chaps, for many people, it isn’t about the money; it’s all about the quality of the experience. The simple fact is that many people choose not to stay on sites for reasons other than financial.

Many use their motorhome as a motorhome and not as a caravan and so do not want site-based travel experiences.

rupert123 - 2010-07-09 8:53 PM ...So I guess we will never be convinced other that the only reason to use aires is that you cannot afford or are to mean to pay for a site…

Or, perhaps, that some find that sites are often: claustrophobic, restrictive, busy, noisy, compromised, and are populated by rather too many intrusive and nosey people with bigoted attitudes?

This is not to suggest that all, or even most people that use sites are of this persuasion, I recognise that any one site will hold a full spectrum of people with different values and attitudes.

…actually the last bit is just my opinion my wife does not have a clue i am writing this.

It shows.

It bears repeating that I personally would happily pay any holder of a pleasant plot with zero facilities twice the rate of the nearest site, than to be shoehorned in next to bigots who opine the utterly erroneous view that I could not afford, or am too mean, to pay my way.

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Sorry Henry if aires are not to your taste, but if you prefer camp sites then fine each to their own. We really do not see the attraction of camp sites, which are often a long way out and certainly now often expensive. At moment on aire at Nort-sur-Erdre (Dept 44), which sure you would not like despite fact that we have a lovely river view and easy walk to marina and pleasant town. But yes it is busy and vans are parked fairly close, but can open our doors! Regarding the cost then as we have stated before this is not our main reason for staying on aires but still think it is better to spend our money on a nice meal or drink in local bar than giving it to a site owner, but that's just our view. (aire here is free, no electric, 2 Euro for water).

Now to points from another post. Regarding example of difference between aire and site at Etreat then here is a counter example from our last stop, Chateaubriant (Dept 44). Here aire is on marked hard standing next to site entrance. Overnight parking and all services including electricity are free; you are parked right next to "good Quality" housing and it is lit all night. Site next door costs around 10 Euos/night is on grass has a public footpath right through it and warden only there a couple of hours each day, plus no lighting. So for doubtful pleasure of using site shower rather than much cleaner facilities in own van can see no reason at all for not using aire.

But however you choose to camp enjoy; we will continue to report on the aires but if you do not like them do not use them!


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Tracker - 2010-07-10 10:37 AM


So much depends om how you use your van.


If your main use is touring rather than 'site sitting' Aires make perfect sense for the period between when you want to stop for the rest of the day, be it morning noon or night, and then move off in the morning as they are plentiful safe - and I'm talking village or countryside NOT busy main roads or motorways -and generally do not involve much finding plus they have the bonus of being convenient and cost effective with no booking in and faffing about finding a pitch.


If however your main use is sitting on a site and sunning yourself or people or scenery watching or catching a bus into town or whatever and staying two or more days in one place then a site probably makes much better sense - particularly if it gives the user a sense of security that he/she does not find on an Aire.


My apologies to you Henry for my slight over reaction.


No problem Rich, guess we will never agree on this one though.

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JudgeMental - 2010-07-09 11:05 PM


Just ignore his egotistical posturing, any of us with half a brain do.


I like a happy balance..... a mixture of both, with a preference for sites when we arrive, and Aires while touring/travelling


I simply don't get the either or entrenched attitude.......


Well Eddie suggest you follow your own advice and ignore. I have said several times, that I use aires sometimes for overnight but am not convinced about using them all the time. Just my opinion so why the abuse.

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rupert123 - 2010-07-10 11:17 AM


JudgeMental - 2010-07-09 11:05 PM


Just ignore his egotistical posturing, any of us with half a brain do.


I like a happy balance..... a mixture of both, with a preference for sites when we arrive, and Aires while touring/travelling


I simply don't get the either or entrenched attitude.......


Well Eddie suggest you follow your own advice and ignore. I have said several times, that I use aires sometimes for overnight but am not convinced about using them all the time. Just my opinion so why the abuse.




I always ignore egotistical posturing on this forum, and I


strongly object to the Judge inferring that I have only got half a brain.





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Just to put my two'penorth in, the majority of Aires are meant for overnight stops not to use as a holiday spot, although we have used some for a couple of days, example Mimizan (right on the beach with shower/toilet), Lancanau Ocean (although expensive for an aire it is right next to the cycle path and is very convenient). We have just used an Aire north of Condom and it was a farm with electric points/Shower/toilet all for 8€, couldn't be in a better spot and will return there.


But all this is horses for courses depending on how you use your motorhome as someone else has said.

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Guest pelmetman

Do they charge for Aires now (?)


We have not been to France in our camper for about 8 years, and I don't remember paying for any Aires then, although 3 years ago drove my old man back from Spain in his Hymer....................................Nightmare :'( not Spain or France, just the couple of occaissions I let him drive (!) We only stopped on campsites as we needed facilities.

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Guest JudgeMental

Yes, some are free but most between 5 -8 Euro plus 2 euro odd for water (this is not set in stone but approximate *-) )


I prefer camping not Glamping..... (Glamorous camping was discussed in papers yesterday :-D )


The horrific example of a campsite given above by crinkly bears no relation to any site I have ever stayed on in over 30 years of European camping.


We enjoy being able to spread out on grass, swimming, using a BBQ. and have only on a few occasions been on a site that is stuck in the middle of nowhere. we are keen cyclists so location not really an issue but most municpals are located in or on a town and not many decent sites are in the middle of nowhere.


while the Aire network is excellent and welcome, we use them, and treat them as a convenience that is all......


As for cost with ACSI offering sites at 11/13/15 euro...I mean come on!lol


we are of to Italy this summer and the site we like there is nearly £60 a night and worth every penny....Get a life for pity sake :-D



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malc d - 2010-07-10 11:25 AM

strongly object to the Judge inferring that I have only got half a brain.



Which half have you got Malc - left or right - or top or bottom?


Is it better for one's head to be half full of brain than half empty of brain?



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Tracker - 2010-07-10 1:22 PM


malc d - 2010-07-10 11:25 AM

strongly object to the Judge inferring that I have only got half a brain.



Which half have you got Malc - left or right - or top or bottom?


Is it better for one's head to be half full of brain than half empty of brain?





Contrary to what Judge may think, I have actually got a complete brain, that is why I objected to what he said.


(I wouldn't claim that it always works very well, but it is all there ).







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Guest pelmetman
JudgeMental - 2010-07-10 12:54 PM



we are of to Italy this summer and the site we like there is nearly £60 a night and worth every penny....Get a life for pity sake :-D



£60 per night 8-)..............................I would expect a fully serviced pitch with free beer and wine (lol)


I'II have to put my wallet in the fridge now, it just broke out in a sweat at the thought (lol)

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Guest JudgeMental
malc d - 2010-07-10 1:32 PM


Tracker - 2010-07-10 1:22 PM


malc d - 2010-07-10 11:25 AM

strongly object to the Judge inferring that I have only got half a brain.



Which half have you got Malc - left or right - or top or bottom?


Is it better for one's head to be half full of brain than half empty of brain?


Contrary to what Judge may think, I have actually got a complete brain, that is why I objected to what he said.


(I wouldn't claim that it always works very well, but it is all there ).




I mean come on!....last diagnosis I believe was that there was not enough matter in your head to operate on for the lobotomy! :D

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