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Aires, still not convinced


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Henry's journeys sound a lot like ours, though I tend to have a definite final destination in mind, then rough out a route, add interesting looking places along the way, and then select sites to facilitate the visits.  Average trip is about 10 weeks x 2 per year, off peak, and will visit about 30 - 40 sites per trip. 

Don't often take photos of the sites, but attach a few - just to show they aren't all like Crinkley's!  :-D








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Have to agree with Eddie here, sites from around first week in July to mid August are very high. We looked at a site near the Verdun gorge on 2 July, it was an ACSI site and until the 30 June was 13 euro for two people, electric and pitch. When I enquired on the 2 July it was 42 euro for the same with supplements for additional people or dogs. This site was nothing special so would not have stayed anyway. Went back to a municiple around mid point in the gorge and paid 10.20 euro. When we got to the end of the Ardeche gorge five days later all the sites their were over 40 euro as well, we moved a little way out and got one for 15 euro, most we paid on this trip. As for Basil and his never paid for an aire, well i have to wonder what aires you stay on, every good aire I saw this trip had a charge. Their are cheap sites still around but you have to look harder and sites become more crowded, one reason why we returned home a little earlier than we intended this year.
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Comparing Aires with Campsites is stupid in the extreme in my opinion they are as different as chalk and cheese and it is unworthy of you self appointed academics in my opinion.Of course you get larger pitches , ELHU, showers washing up facilities etc.on Camp sites but that is what you are paying for, that is not Rocket science, Aires are there for those who want to use them, I have used some super Aires in the past, super locations, great outlooks swimming pools nearby, locals coming round selling their products,we were also invited to share a bottle of wine with the town Mayor on one Aire we were staying on. I have also found some duff ones that I would not rush back to.What is the big deal about free ELHU, you can manage very well without electric, particularly

if you have solar panels and Inverters . I have recently spent 110 nights in France Spain and Portugal and did not use a camp site at all, I wild camped and used Aires all the time I would not dream of telling others that this is the way to go. it suits me and that is all I am concerned about,I care not if Rupe is convinced or not,that is his choice but I get a little annoyed at the Big Brother Syndrome of those telling others that this is what you should do because that is what I do etc.


:-o :-o

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JudgeMental - 2010-07-10 8:14 PM Amen with Brian as per usual.... a lot of blind prejudice at show on here...each to their own me thinks I haven't looked at prices this year but with exchange rate it is probably nearer £50. That is for 4 adults? us and our two teenagers. ..............

Don't worry Eddie, once you're retired you'll both be able to stay at Fornella for about 25 Euros per night out of season (current rates).  If you get really carried away and buy an ACSI card, its only 15 Euros per night (2010) electricity included!  Happy?  :-D

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vindiboy - 2010-07-11 9:07 PM


Comparing Aires with Campsites is stupid in the extreme in my opinion they are as different as chalk and cheese and it is unworthy of you self appointed academics in my opinion.Of course you get larger pitches , ELHU, showers washing up facilities etc.on Camp sites but that is what you are paying for, that is not Rocket science, Aires are there for those who want to use them, I have used some super Aires in the past, super locations, great outlooks swimming pools nearby, locals coming round selling their products,we were also invited to share a bottle of wine with the town Mayor on one Aire we were staying on. I have also found some duff ones that I would not rush back to.What is the big deal about free ELHU, you can manage very well without electric, particularly

if you have solar panels and Inverters . I have recently spent 110 nights in France Spain and Portugal and did not use a camp site at all, I wild camped and used Aires all the time I would not dream of telling others that this is the way to go. it suits me and that is all I am concerned about,I care not if Rupe is convinced or not,that is his choice but I get a little annoyed at the Big Brother Syndrome of those telling others that this is what you should do because that is what I do etc.


:-o :-o


Blimy Malc which thread have you been reading, not this one by the look of it. Just had a quick glance back and cannot see anyone telling others what to do. Why is it stupid to compare, both are simply places to stay the night so a comparison is valid and it is interesting to hear why others do what they do. You have gone 110 nights without using a site well fine I am sure the people in local business appreciate your non paying for anything stay. Wild camping is another subject and is getting motorhomes a bad name. A forum is a place for discussion, advice etc so if you do not like it then why join. You may not agree, I often certainly do not, but will still argue the point because I enjoy doing just that.

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Guest JudgeMental
Brian Kirby - 2010-07-11 9:32 PM

Don't worry Eddie, once you're retired you'll both be able to stay at Fornella for about 25 Euros per night out of season (current rates).  If you get really carried away and buy an ACSI card, its only 15 Euros per night (2010) electricity included!  Happy?  :-D

Err....with just the odd pot bellied pig for company?......not really sure :-S :D
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rupert123 - 2010-07-11 11:36 PM




Blimy Malc which thread have you been reading, not this one by the look of it. Just had a quick glance back and cannot see anyone telling others what to do. Why is it stupid to compare, both are simply places to stay the night so a comparison is valid and it is interesting to hear why others do what they do. You have gone 110 nights without using a site well fine I am sure the people in local business appreciate your non paying for anything stay. Wild camping is another subject and is getting motorhomes a bad name.



Sadly Rupert you don't get it. We are based in France and use aires all the time when we travel and most of them are free. The French for all their idosynchronism have one major redeeming feature (there are others) -they do not demand money every where you stop. Our town, Mazamet, provides 2 aires where you can freely stop, empty and refill without it costing a penny. As part of my equivalent of council tax I guess I pay a small price to provide this facility. (the second facilty cost the council 25000 euro) These faciliities and the use made of them is welcomed by local traders. Do you really think the poster went 110 days without buying food?


This arrangement applies across Spain Germany and Italy. Sadly the UK is out of step and behind with its provision for MH's particulary as some MHers dont want the hassle of prebooking or the necessary disciplines imposed by a campsite.


Failure to provide proper regulated facilities where MH's are welcome leads to poor / inappropriate parking.


We look forward in the next year or two to returning to tour North Wales and hopefully being able to park off campsite and maybe even spend a few pennies with local traders. who knows I might even come and buy you a pint!!



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hi Try the municipal at Bruere-Allichamps, Just 6 euro per night including shower token. The town claims to be the centre of France, and has history dating back at least to Roman times. The site gave us a publicity leaflet (2 sheets) explaining history and with photos of local interest points. Site is located on bank of river (Cher ?), and has plenty of shady pitches.



tryiny to add a pic but cant

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Pointing out perceived advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of stopover is not ‘telling others that this is what you should do’. It’s simply contributing to a discussion – which is kind of the reason for a forum; a forum to which users like vindiboy are free to contribute, or not, depending on how annoyed doing so makes them. 

Steady on there Mr 123, wild camping is not getting motorhomes a bad name. A minority of selfish pratts who happen to wild camp, as well as probably using sites and aires too, might well be responsible for some negative feelings, but to tar all wildcampers with the same brush is not fair. 

Using your van as you do, I’m pretty confident you’ll never find me camped, or know that I’ve camped there. Also, we actually make it a policy to leave places cleaner than we found them if that's possible. Even if it’s just picking one bit of litter up, that’s what we do. There’s more than one way to make a contribution.

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crinklystarfish - 2010-07-12 10:31 AM


Pointing out perceived advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of stopover is not ‘telling others that this is what you should do’. It’s simply contributing to a discussion – which is kind of the reason for a forum; a forum to which users like vindiboy are free to contribute, or not, depending on how annoyed doing so makes them. 

Steady on there Mr 123, wild camping is not getting motorhomes a bad name. A minority of selfish pratts who happen to wild camp, as well as probably using sites and aires too, might well be responsible for some negative feelings, but to tar all wildcampers with the same brush is not fair. 

Using your van as you do, I’m pretty confident you’ll never find me camped, or know that I’ve camped there. Also, we actually make it a policy to leave places cleaner than we found them if that's possible. Even if it’s just picking one bit of litter up, that’s what we do. There’s more than one way to make a contribution.


I am not tarring all with same brush but as you point out it only takes a few to get all a bad name. It is certainly though getting M/H a bad name, especially when they park en masse at popular places and as laudable as it is I would seriously doubt anyone notices your leaving a place clean but certainly would if you left rubbish or parked in sensitive spot. I know most are probably like you but unfortunately a lot are not.

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ian81 - 2010-07-12 3:58 AM


rupert123 - 2010-07-11 11:36 PM




Blimy Malc which thread have you been reading, not this one by the look of it. Just had a quick glance back and cannot see anyone telling others what to do. Why is it stupid to compare, both are simply places to stay the night so a comparison is valid and it is interesting to hear why others do what they do. You have gone 110 nights without using a site well fine I am sure the people in local business appreciate your non paying for anything stay. Wild camping is another subject and is getting motorhomes a bad name.



Sadly Rupert you don't get it. We are based in France and use aires all the time when we travel and most of them are free. The French for all their idosynchronism have one major redeeming feature (there are others) -they do not demand money every where you stop. Our town, Mazamet, provides 2 aires where you can freely stop, empty and refill without it costing a penny. As part of my equivalent of council tax I guess I pay a small price to provide this facility. (the second facilty cost the council 25000 euro) These faciliities and the use made of them is welcomed by local traders. Do you really think the poster went 110 days without buying food?


This arrangement applies across Spain Germany and Italy. Sadly the UK is out of step and behind with its provision for MH's particulary as some MHers dont want the hassle of prebooking or the necessary disciplines imposed by a campsite.


Failure to provide proper regulated facilities where MH's are welcome leads to poor / inappropriate parking.


We look forward in the next year or two to returning to tour North Wales and hopefully being able to park off campsite and maybe even spend a few pennies with local traders. who knows I might even come and buy you a pint!!



I agree with some of what you say here Ian but not sure what it is 'i do not get' explain please. If you come to North Wales you can certainly buy me a pint and their are places to stop outside of sites but please use some common sense. In some places it is illegal, as it is in many of the popular areas of France. Where does this strange idea that you need to pre book campsites come from, I have never ever pre booked a site in Europe, especially in France. What exactly are the disciplines imposed by a site exactly. If you mean things like no late arrivals, no noise after 11pm, no open fires, no parking two feet from your neighbour then fine, personally I am all for this.

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rupert123 - 2010-07-11 10:36 PM


vindiboy - 2010-07-11 9:07 PM


Comparing Aires with Campsites is stupid in the extreme in my opinion they are as different as chalk and cheese and it is unworthy of you self appointed academics in my opinion.Of course you get larger pitches , ELHU, showers washing up facilities etc.on Camp sites but that is what you are paying for, that is not Rocket science, Aires are there for those who want to use them, I have used some super Aires in the past, super locations, great outlooks swimming pools nearby, locals coming round selling their products,we were also invited to share a bottle of wine with the town Mayor on one Aire we were staying on. I have also found some duff ones that I would not rush back to.What is the big deal about free ELHU, you can manage very well without electric, particularly

if you have solar panels and Inverters . I have recently spent 110 nights in France Spain and Portugal and did not use a camp site at all, I wild camped and used Aires all the time I would not dream of telling others that this is the way to go. it suits me and that is all I am concerned about,I care not if Rupe is convinced or not,that is his choice but I get a little annoyed at the Big Brother Syndrome of those telling others that this is what you should do because that is what I do etc.


:-o :-o


Blimy Malc which thread have you been reading, not this one by the look of it. Just had a quick glance back and cannot see anyone telling others what to do. Why is it stupid to compare, both are simply places to stay the night so a comparison is valid and it is interesting to hear why others do what they do. You have gone 110 nights without using a site well fine I am sure the people in local business appreciate your non paying for anything stay. Wild camping is another subject and is getting motorhomes a bad name. A forum is a place for discussion, advice etc so if you do not like it then why join. You may not agree, I often certainly do not, but will still argue the point because I enjoy doing just that.

Of course we did not buy food , Diesel, drinks, eat out , souveniers,clothes travel on local transport,tour Castles etc., for the 110 nights we were away and were glad to get back to England to start eating again STRUTH.
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It really is clear from this thread that some prefer mainly to stay on sites others, like ourselves, prefer aires but we had or have no intention of saying those who stay on sites are wrong. We just try to point out the advantages of aires over sites, as we see them, and highlight aires we think others might like to visit; no more no less.

What has been pleasing is the number of PM's we have picked up asking for aires in certain regions/departments, we will respond to these fully whem back home. Also when home intend to launch another "best aires thread", this time maybe with focus on free aires just to illustrate that there are many "good" aires that are still free of charge. (Certainly there are manymore than 20 good aires as suggested. We are heading towards 200 and counting!).

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That’s quite some database you’re building. 

Just out of curiosity, have you found any ‘secret’ ones yet? ie the ones that don’t seem to appear in any guides (at least not any of the ones I’ve seen), but exist on the ground with only the smallest of ‘dumping’ signs alongside what are often full and free services. I’ve happened upon a couple of beauties and been the only ‘van there. 

What’s going on there? 

Also, have you wrestled with the notion that spoon-feeding the locations of appealing aires is probably one of the most effective ways of turning them into unappealing ones?

Just curious...

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I agree with some of what you say here Ian but not sure what it is 'i do not get' explain please. If you come to North Wales you can certainly buy me a pint and their are places to stop outside of sites but please use some common sense. In some places it is illegal, as it is in many of the popular areas of France. Where does this strange idea that you need to pre book campsites come from, I have never ever pre booked a site in Europe, especially in France. What exactly are the disciplines imposed by a site exactly. If you mean things like no late arrivals, no noise after 11pm, no open fires, no parking two feet from your neighbour then fine, personally I am all for this.


What I felt 'you did not get' was the fact that local communities freely willingly and often without cost provide facilities that mean people can travel round for110 days without paying for water / waste / parking. It is done for the common good of society and maybe the incidental benefit of local traders.


I agree with regard to booking sites in France (especially outside July / August ....if they are open!!) but I was refering the UK and especiall the experience of relatives bourne out by postings, of CC sites. Also having driven my loo shower etc. I dont see the need to pay more money for duplicate facilities and things like swimming pools over priced shops etc.


You rightly note some of the benefits of campsites -necessary disciplines wasn't intended as a negative comment. Nothing is worse on an aire to gaving a garlic loving gaulloise smoking MHer park 1m (not 2 foot it is metric here!!) especially when the rest of the aire is empty.


personally we never park where it is clearly illegal and if we are on a sea front we try and not park, especially if staying for some time, in front of houses that appear to be be empty. Also obey the golden rules about leave nothing behind, take nothing away.


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rupert123 - 2010-07-11 4:44 PM


As for Basil and his never paid for an aire, well i have to wonder what aires you stay on,..........



My, my how techy!

I can asure you that the Aires That we have stayed on have, in the main been excellent. If we were to arrive at one that wasn't, not happened so far, well then we would not stop (leastways not overnight). Some of the views can be really good, as shown in a previous posters photos.

I could make a list of at least thirty Aires off the top of my head that are both excellent and free but no doubt that would not satisfy rupert123 so I won't waste my time. The important point is that they give you choice to do as you please, either camp on a site or use Aires to tour about and get closer to the local community. As I stated we do both.






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hi, just been reading this thread and thought i'd put my bit in.we have just returned from a month in france. when we left england we had every intention of solely using campsites, until we tried our first ever aire.wow, we were so impressed,far nicer in so many ways than campsites,and as has been pointed out,sometimes free.the main advantage for us was the location of many of these aires.they were usually very central for the town,shops etc, which is an added bonus when you don't have any additional form of transport.some of the campsites we looked at were in the middle of nowhere.....great if thats what you want, not so good if you like to visit towns etc. if we go to france again we will most definately ONLY be using aires.
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We have also returned from four weeks away and, as usual, used a mixture of aires and campsites.


The trip led us to experience one of the worst aires and one of the best we have encountered so far. Similarly, a very bad site and, at the other end of the spectrum, . a very good one. However, what we consider to be 'very good' or 'very bad' may not coincide with the views of others.


Which is why I always fail to understand the polarised views on this type of thread.



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Been watching this tread unfold some of the polarised view are a bit narrow minded.


As for Eddie's 60 quid a night I'd have to sell the van to afford that!


Having been a tugger up to 2 years ago therefore a necessity to say on site we have stayed excellent and some that have been dreadful,. I remember a site in Spain basically a nice site next to the beach but couldn't open the caravan window as you would hit the van in the next pitch, another one in Italy pitches so small had to park the car in the road outside the site, makes Crinkly's site look like the height of luxury got to be worth 60 quid a night.



Since changing to a Motorhome our style of camping has changed when we first got the van we stayed on one site for 4 nights since then over the last 2 years our longest stay has been 2 nights apart from a music festival which is a bit different.

Not done much on Aires due to being constantly lured back to Germany and a vast majority of their Sellplatz are excellent some better than campsites. Can't see the point of paying 20-30 quid a night when we often arrive at 9-10pm & leave the next morning.


Campsites are great if you want a base but if touring as others have said Aires/Stellplatz are often closer to local amenities.


Just come back from 2 weeks in Ireland stayed at one farm stopover & one site (one night each) the rest of the time we wild camped as it accepted their.

The only ones abusing it were the locals one guy in a small car park by the beach had set up his large Autotrail so with his awning permanently out was taking up 4 spaces and using another space for a tent for his dog.


Off to France at the end of August going down to the Massif Central will probably use Aries on the way there & back and when there probably spend a few days on a Municipal as we want to do some walking & cycling.



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