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Leak from water tap connection


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Just got back from a weekend away and whilst away noticed a small leak from the base of the bathroom sink tap where the connecter fits. Resisted the temptation to fiddle thank goodness. Anyway got home and fiddled with the hose feeding one side of the mixer tap and it came away with the connector still on the end. It looks like a push fit that goes into the tap base. The connecter at the tap end has a small square hole that presumeably fits over a similar shape in the tap base. The outer of the plastic connector has an o ring. Question is do I simply push this back and hope it stays or can a I get a new connector. Had a fair bit of water excape from my pressurised system although luckily the pump itself was off so it just drained the reservoir. I,m afraid if I just push it back in that it might happen again.

Any ideas or what the described connector is

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From you description, I think both connectors will be loose, because a retaining peg that should be holding them in place has fallen out.  Try pulling the other one (no, really!) and see if it comes free.  If it does I suggest removing the whole tap, because you will then be able to see what you are doing.  With the tap out, you should see an elongated hole between the two connector sockets, extending through the body of the tap, an inch or so above the bottom of the base of the tap.  It should coincide with annular grooves in the two connectors, so that if the right shaped peg is inserted, it will lock the connectors in place.  The peg is probably somewhere under the sink, it is a fairly unremarkable piece of black or dark brown plastic that looks a bit like a flattened nail.   If it has been vacuumed up, you'll have to try fashioning something from an odd piece of plastic.  Then, when you have that all done, put the tap back on the washbasin, shove the two connectors into their sockets, and wangle the peg into the slot.  All should now be secure - until it falls out again!  :-)
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Sounds like a good answer Brian, I will have alook. What I would like to do now though is extend the hoses so that a loop is accessible and gives a bit more length to absorb vibration etc. Thanks for your input. Going to go and have a look now but not easily seen so tap removal may well be the best option.

Thanks, Dave

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