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vignette Austria


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If you using autoroutes in austria for first time make sure you get a vignette as soon as you see a sighn for them outside a filling station or shop ,it's to late once you join the autoroute the police are checking vans at exit .We met a couple who had been fined 160 euroes on the spot!

If using the Brenner pass after a few miles ther's a service station that say's HALT on the sighn ,this is an air for motorhomes and caravans all facilites inc. hook up and all night securite 8 euroes .



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The main thing to watch out for here is the price depends on the size of your motorhome. Up to 3.5 tonnes you can buy a vignette for around €15 which lasts 10 days (2008 price) but over this weight you have to buy this pre-loaded gadget which sits on your dash and the units you have bought are deducted by some gizmo on motorway bridges as you drive. Sorry, can't help with the price of this one.
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The vignette is just a sticker in the window.


The " Go-Box " is a gadget that currently cost about 5 Euros and is 'read' by electronic means from gantries over the motorways. You then get charged by mileage.


I once bought a vignette at a petrol station at the border - I believe that the Go-Boxes can be bought in countries surrounding Austria, and also via the internet.



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