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Tyre Dressing Products

Bob Elswood

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I recently renewed all my tyres on my motorhome as they appeared a little perished and had minute cracks appearing on the walls. They were 7 years old and were Mich XC campers.


The tread needless to say was almost as good as new!!


The tyre fitters noticed that I had used a tyre dressing on the walls. After fitting the new tyres they advised me NOT to use tyre dressing on the new tyres as it will only accelerate the deterioration of the tyres!!


The dressing I used is a reputable brand and it clearly states on the container that it 'protects and preserves'

Has anyone any thoughts on this matter? I could not really see any reason why the tyre fitters should advise me to stop using it other than it may prolong the life of my tyres and so deprive them of more business !


PS. I know there have been many debates as to the age at which you change the tyres on a motor home but I tend to use my eyes rather than just go by a defined 'cut off time'.

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Never heard of this problem with tyre products before. I suspect that if there was a potential problem then no one would be manufacturing or selling the product. I have used various stuff in the past and from my experience it doesnt stay on the tyre wall long enough to have any effect anyway.
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