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We sold our last motorhome because of some problems and thought " thats it " no more motorhoming well never say never , so we could be looking for a new purchase. What we would like is a NON Fiat / Peugeot base vehicle no more than 6.1 mtrs  , fixed bed with garage to take a twist and go goped ,  RHD 2 berth any suggestions gratefully received.
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Guest JudgeMental

Glad you came to your senses Kelly! great news :-D


I know bad experiences can be frustrating but you need to persevere. Thankfully there is a lot of choice in the layout and length you want..really best thing is to go to a decent show or a few big dealers and have a good look around.


Hobby and Hymer do some nice Ford based vans.....

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Hi, Kelly,


I,ve just been drooling over the Karmann Colorado models as advertised by Geoff Cox Motor caravans and the645ti, which is the subject of a 'first sight' review in this month's 'Which Motorhome' . Very expensive, but all on the new VW T5 chassis. The one in the review looks to fit your requirements -- except for exceeding your desired length by about half a metre.

As the Judge advises, go and have a look around some shows -- happy hunting!


best of luck,



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kelly58 - 2010-07-15 4:55 PM We sold our last motorhome because of some problems and thought " thats it " no more motorhoming well never say never , so we could be looking for a new purchase. What we would like is a NON Fiat / Peugeot base vehicle no more than 6.1 mtrs  , fixed bed with garage to take a twist and go goped ,  RHD 2 berth any suggestions gratefully received.

Have a look at the Hobby Van Exclusive.

Fixed bed, large garage that easily fits two bikes, extremely well put together and a base vehicle that can reverse, and returns around 32mpg driving within legal limits. 

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Guest Tracker

Does it have to be new?


Have you considered a previous model Boxer / Ducato - well proven, not bad to drive, reasonably refined - especially the 2.2 and 2.3 versions - and as dependable as anything else but still holding their prices well because of it!


We will never buy a new van and never buy a current Ducato / Boxer secondhand either as any van that can take us 5000 miles to the Sahara Desert and back and 7000 miles to the Nordkapp and back without missing a beat or a problem can't be all bad!


And think of all the dosh and depreciation you'll save so that you can spend it all on diesel instead!


You could even get a personalised number plate to fool the neighbours into thinking it was a new van?


Excuse my twisted humour!

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There is no vehicle made that is totally trouble free.  It is in the nature of machines that some will fail from time to time.  To be worth mentioning as a caution, there surely has to be some indication of repeat failures? 

If that is the case, it would surely be more helpful to the OP to outline what to look out for, rather than merely casting a vague aspersion that this or that base vehicle "has problems"?

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Guest JudgeMental
Brian Kirby - 2010-07-17 12:16 PM

There is no vehicle made that is totally trouble free.  It is in the nature of machines that some will fail from time to time.  To be worth mentioning as a caution, there surely has to be some indication of repeat failures? 

If that is the case, it would surely be more helpful to the OP to outline what to look out for, rather than merely casting a vague aspersion that this or that base vehicle "has problems"?

indeedy... a good few of us have the Transit on here both new and old....I have yet to see a problem of the like that inflicts the Fiats and the like *-)
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Guest Tracker
JudgeMental - 2010-07-17 2:25 PM

a good few of us have the Transit on here both new and old....

I have yet to see a problem of the like that inflicts the Fiats and the like *-)


Not having had a Transit for many years I can'y compare but my own perception is that for the last few years of the old shape Ducato / Boxer they were as good as anything else on the road for trouble free holidaying.


Parts and service reasonable, well established with garages abroad, economy, noise levels & performance acceptable, ride less so unless on an Alko chassis, not prone to rust or rattles, driving position not the best but without a drivers seat swivel (you can't swivel it anyway without much cussing and knuckle bashing) much better, best with cruise control to avoid 'Ducato ankle ache'.

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Brian Kirby - 2010-07-17 12:16 PM

There is no vehicle made that is totally trouble free.  It is in the nature of machines that some will fail from time to time.  To be worth mentioning as a caution, there surely has to be some indication of repeat failures? 

If that is the case, it would surely be more helpful to the OP to outline what to look out for, rather than merely casting a vague aspersion that this or that base vehicle "has problems"?

Brian I saw no point in posting a list only for the transit lovers on here to argue and tell me they are vague aspersions and the van they have is fine, far better the OP finds all the things that do and will go wrong by reading the posts that are out there and makes up their own mind .Your post reads as if transits have no repeat failures in general, I am sure you do not really believe that or maybe you do?
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As I write, I am unaware of any generic shortcomings on "our" Mk 7 130PS FWD Transit base.  However, Transits have been around for many years, in many guises, both FWD and RWD, and many of the faults that emerge from the Transit forums relate to earlier models.  That represents a huge amount of data to sift.

By contrast, the SEVEL vans have two well known faults that may, or may not, by now have been resolved.  First is the reversing problem, second is water leakage into the engine bay to sit atop the cylinder head.  Knowledge is power, so prospective buyers are now forewarned, or can be, if they chance upon this forum.  Better that, than silence, methinks?

I am not aware of any other particular base vehicle generic faults, and I try to moderately abreast of such, insofar as they may affect motorhomes.

I appreciate that as soon as one says this or that fault affects such and such a van, there is an inevitable queue of twits who take to trouble to post saying "mine doesn't have that fault", but that surely is not of itself a valid reason for withholding information that may be of value to others?

Saying, in effect, "I know something you don't, but if you want to know what it is, you'll have to find out for yourself", doesn't seem exactly helpful to a prospective buyer, who merely wants to be made aware of what to look out for. 

In general, this forum exists to enable motorhomers to share potentially useful information with other motorhomers.  So I repeat, what have you to share, please, in exchange for that which you may have gained?

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ffrom 2 mins surfing posts







dual mass flywheels are the biggst eak point later 08 plate vehicles onwards have gone on to a sachs set up which is a hug improvement, if it goes under warrenty then ask for a solid flywheel convertion, wont cos a peny.


They always wear the offside front pads harder, will leave the ns with a good k of hard use left by the time the os fronts are on metal.


Injectors can go down but again new design now but £1000 for a set retail if they are needed


A weak battery causes 90% of the elctric problems including engine lights.


If its a rwd unti then launch it hard and right at the top of 1st side foot the throttle ad listen for any noises that should be there from the rear, if all good the rear axle will be ok. but the servicing for rwd units is mst extensive.


im a fully qualified transit techy




As James says, the latter ones have a lot of reliability problems. Most notably the EGR valve failing (doesn't actually stick, a part inside breaks). Plenty of gearbox/flywheel problems, local RAC guy I know is on his third g/box (rwd) but he does drive it hard. One of out Patrols has just had the bottom end let go on his 57 plate Transit, not the first I've heard of either. Most people I go out to with newer Transits say they've had nothing but problems with them.




The 56 ish plate ones use a 2.2 with a cast block. It's the same engine that's in the new boxer.

It's a horrific pile of poo. It's always broken. EGR faults, injector clamps snapping, eating flywheels, eating piston rings, not revving, smoking like a chimney, misfires, not starting (this happens a lot).





I can only go on personal experience of upto 56 reg transits. the latter of these were very very unreliable , we had over 800 within the company and had an estimated 2 minor breakdowns and 1 major for each vehicle. of the 2 we ran the engine exploded at 13000mls throwing a rod through the block, it was driven by a 55yr old bloke who seriously cared for it so wasnt abused, then at 15000mls the gearbox stripped 2 teeth off 3rd gear and when it arrived in furrows ( local ford dealership ) there were 7 other transits in for the same reason !!!! the other van had the turbo go at 2000mls then the egr valve stuck open literally 2 days back from turbo fitting. the rear diff went at 7000ish mls , then it got stuck in 6th on the mtorway and had to be recovered from cambridge back to telford, upon inspection furrows found that there was a mod to the linkage which hadnt been done at the last service and the linkage had welded itself together . the brakes on both transits regularly lost pedal completely to which the aa ( which are ford assists breakdown for the first year) said that they were getting at least 4 or 5 a day doing the same thing perhaps they have cured this , gregg is in the aa so may be able to comment.


its out there Brian you just have to look i dont expect you to believe me as you already said they do not have major problems .why do you not ask Nick euroserv why they do not buy transits I am sure he will tell you they are no problem





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jhorsf - 2010-07-20 12:55 AM


keep buying the Transits if you like them it keeps lots of people in a job repairing them




You sound very bitter, are you bitter because you have a Transit with Problems


because you have not got a Transit and have a Fiat with Problems ?

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Well I have had no probs with tranny so far (5000 miles) and am not aware of any major issues with them. I do 35k per year in a ford for business and have done for years and years so I have a regular and good relationship with my ford dealer and he hasnt told me of any issues. I would be rather dissapointed if there were inherent problems as they are a british (I know there not made in uk anymore) institution. Having been around for 40+ years you would have thought they were VERY reliable by now. I love my tranny particularily the driving position which for me (regular acute sciatica) its very very comfy.
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jhorsf - 2010-07-19 5:15 PM ................ its out there Brian you just have to look i dont expect you to believe me as you already said they do not have major problems .why do you not ask Nick euroserv why they do not buy transits I am sure he will tell you they are no problem

Firstly, what I said was that I am unaware of any problems, not that they do not have problems.  I also said all vehicles have problems from time to time. 

What impressed me with the posts about the X2/50 variants from people on this forum, is that they were not "workshop chatter", that they began soon after the vehicles first arrived on the market, that - with particular reference to the water leaks into the engine bay and some with PSA EMUs - they came from more than one country, that they were consistent in the faults identified, and that they came from a group of relatively careful, mature, users.  To me, that gave them considerable credibility.

I don't know how to interpret the posts you have copied in, because I have no idea whether they represent people just blowing off steam, or serious commentary.  There is no basis to draw conclusions, because it is not clear how many vehicles are covered by the posters, over what period of time, over what mileages, how/where driven, how many are fault free so never get commented upon, etc etc.  Some comments appear to come from people who have direct experience, but others are mere hearsay.

One way or another, I have heard similar comments about almost every vehicle ever made.  From the posts, clearly there are some problems with the DMF, clutch assemblies, electronic injectors, RWD transaxles, and the egr.  I don't know how these really compare to experience with similar components on other makes.  DMFs seem to be problematic on a number of vehicles, the problem being the DMF, and not whether on a Ford, a Fiat, or whatever.  There is also extensive anti-DMF chatter on American forums.  I have now had three electronically injected cars (two Citroen, one Renault), and two electronically injected vans (one Fiat, one Ford).  I have heard continual complaints/warnings about injector failures across all makes, and about the need to replace them as (expensive!) sets, if one fails.  Again, insofar as this is a fault, it is an electronic injector fault, not a Ford specific fault.  Fortunately, for me, It is one I have yet to experience.  Similarly, I have heard a continual drip drip of complaint about unreliable egr valves, but not limited to Ford vehicles.  The one problem that does seem Ford specific, though is not related to particular engine/transmission combinations, is the RWD transaxle weakness.  I have heard elsewhere that these are not the most reliable items. 

My point, however, is that with the possible exception of the RWD transaxle, all these complaints relate to components that are pretty much common to all makes of vehicle that use similar components.  One could add CV joints and front wheel bearings to FWD vehicles and EMUs to vehicles so controlled.

Neither do I know whether there are similar things being said on other forums about SEVEL vans, Mercedes vans, Iveco vans, VW vans, LDV vans, or what have you.

Having been shaken by his experiences with his Fiat, Kelly wanted to know what to look for, that would give him a better experience as an owner.  Not getting another SEVEL base van is the best negative advice one can provide at present.  His problem, is what to get instead.  From your obvious experience, what would you positively recommend?  SEVEL is out, you seem to think Ford is out, that leaves, for the most part, just Iveco, Mercedes, or possibly Renault/Vauxhall/Opel.  However, the new version of the Master/Movano is only now beginning to appear, so perhaps should not be jumped on until experience in use has been gained.  I know Nick is an Iveco fan, so where would you go?

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Guest JudgeMental

Exactly, Can we get back on topic for Kellys sake, they have had a Fiat with all the associated grief, and dont want to go there again. if you cant understand that, well..........



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Hi Kelvyn


I can heartily recommend the Ford base, as well as the Chausson Flash 04. We had the Mk 6 Ford with our Rimor, and have the Mk 7 with our Chausson. Both have proved to be very good base vehicles.


If you get MMM, you might like to have a look through the back pages where it lists motorhomes and their base vehicles, then you can see which ones also are 6.1m or under and have the layout you need, there are quite a few out there. Budget is also a big consideration as Hobby and Hymer Ford based vans are more expensive than some other manufacturer's versions of a similar layout.


PS: What happened to the caravan and car you were getting???? 8-)

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neil malcolmson - 2010-07-20 6:55 AM


jhorsf - 2010-07-20 12:55 AM


keep buying the Transits if you like them it keeps lots of people in a job repairing them




You sound very bitter, are you bitter because you have a Transit with Problems


because you have not got a Transit and have a Fiat with Problems ?




bitter I try to tell someone not to jump out of the frying pan into the fire without first doing some research and not listening to the transit lovers on here, and as usual the regulars on hear with massive egos start calling you all sorts of things because they do not agree, my post was to try to help the OP and get him to make up his own mind by looking.Brian did say that the twits would make stupid posts saying oh mines ok not how I would have quite put it.


Neil you make remarkable assumptions about people you do not agree with if and when you go out to broken down vans every day for a living I may consider your comments of some value I can only assume from the childish remarks that are not of any value at all to the OP you do not see faulty transits every working day.At no time did I compare transits to Fiats or any other van I tried to tell the OP they are not all problem free and have common problems.

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. PS: What happened to the caravan and car you were getting???? 8-)

Bought the car a VW Golf Plus "  Dune " absoluteley fantastic bit of kit , but caravan was a bad decision lovelly van , but not for us £14+k on road used it once less than 100 miles now back at dealers hoping for him to sell it for us £12500 with all the kit for quick sale still thats life we can all make mistakes one of the biggest one was taking our Ace Airstream to our local Fiat dealer for the Judder fix which was the start of all our troubles and to top it all Fiat just do not want to know regarding any compo for loss of 5 days holiday and grief caused by the breakdown due to incompidence by one of their dealers .Lets see what the future holds only time will tell .

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