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Which Motorhome


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Well, Fiat will hardly compensate you for loss of holiday due to bad work by a dealer.  Read the guarantee.  If you want to claim, you would have to claim against the dealer, but would have to show it was their workmanship that was directly responsible for your breakdown.  You'd need to talk to Trading Standards about your legal position since, presumably, Fiat paid for the poor work, so you have no direct contract with the dealer.  Interesting!

What van?  Presumably, not a SEVEL for starters.  Jhorsf has pointed out that they call all go wrong, and none can be expected to be completely fault-free.  To an extent, price still governs quality, but volume also affects price.  The SEVELs are cheap, because they are so widely sold, but also because they are built to be cheap.  Ditto Transits, though I don't think they get the volumes, Europe wide, that the SEVELs get.  Renault/Vauxhall/Opel seem OK, but the new Master/Movano is an unknown quantity at present.  Iveco are by all accounts good, but seem mainly limited to larger vans from relatively few makers.  So, as you can see, that pretty much leaves the Mercedes Sprinter, or its VW Crafter clone, for which you will pay a premium.

There are a few Merc based UK manufactured vans, mainly from Marquis made by Auto Sleepers (County range), whose reputation for quality seems to have taken a bit of a knock recently.  Auto-Trail seem to have completely dropped the Merc base, presumably because of pressure from Trigano favouring SEVEL vans, presumably because the French have an interest in the SEVEL consortium.

That will leave you mainly in France with Rapido, or Pilote and subsidiaries (eg Le Voyager), or Germany, with Hymer group companies.  Apart from Hymer/Eriba/TEC branded vehicles, Dethleffs build on Transit, Sprinter, and Iveco.  Burstner seem to have only the AeroVan on Mercedes.  If the prices are not too off-putting, any of these should have something to "float your boat". Also look at Hobby, who do a few on Iveco and Transit, and Eura-Mobil, who build a few on Transit.  Nearly forgot!  Also Adria.

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jhorsf - 2010-07-20 10:59 PM


neil malcolmson - 2010-07-20 6:55 AM


jhorsf - 2010-07-20 12:55 AM


keep buying the Transits if you like them it keeps lots of people in a job repairing them




You sound very bitter, are you bitter because you have a Transit with Problems


because you have not got a Transit and have a Fiat with Problems ?




bitter I try to tell someone not to jump out of the frying pan into the fire without first doing some research and not listening to the transit lovers on here, and as usual the regulars on hear with massive egos start calling you all sorts of things because they do not agree, my post was to try to help the OP and get him to make up his own mind by looking.Brian did say that the twits would make stupid posts saying oh mines ok not how I would have quite put it.


Neil you make remarkable assumptions about people you do not agree with if and when you go out to broken down vans every day for a living I may consider your comments of some value I can only assume from the childish remarks that are not of any value at all to the OP you do not see faulty transits every working day.At no time did I compare transits to Fiats or any other van I tried to tell the OP they are not all problem free and have common problems.


Childish remarks eh.....


I thought I asked a civil question *-)

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Brian I have a relative that drives crafter and merc for a very large company you could say they are dynamite lol (clue) they run a very large fleet of lease vans and would you believe they break down with the same problems ie injectors egr etc on a far to regular basis, its no fun when you lose all power in a busy fast lane. Merc are not what they use to be I am afraid so to buy a new van is a real minefield at the moment as you rightly say Renault will be an unknown quantity for quite a while, oh for a reliable Japanese suitable van



interesting reading



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The problem in the Motorhome market at the moment is a CHOICE of base vehicle.......If you don't want(or WON'T have) a Sevel, more than three quarters of the market is a no go area. Why aren't the converters listening ??

Autosleeper used to be very good, VW,Ford and Peugeot coachbuilts and PVC's, Autotrail used Renault,Merc,Fiat, Even Compass used VW's and Merc's. Now all three (for Compass read Eldiss) are Sevels ONLY. A backward step for choice, it's why I don't bother with the shows any more. Ray


I know that A/S still convert VW panel vans but for how much longer ?

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As an aside to all of this, hubby was speaking to a chap who does some of the delivery work (new motorhomes/caravans) for a very large well know British company not a million miles from our doorstep ... clue ... it's also a bird! The chap has been doing it for years and said loads of them sent back to the factory for fixing with one problem or another.


Not sure what 'loads' means, but as he only gets the jobs when the main delivery contractor is too busy, and he gots lots of business, you can draw your own conclusions .... :-S

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