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wooing whine


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Hello to everyone reading the forum, I have a fiat ducato x250 it is a 2007 with 17000 miles on the clock and I have picked up a wooing whine and it seems to come from the front nearside wheel it is also there if I disconnect the engine from the gearbox has any body else come across this, and could it be the the CV joint I look forward to any ideas on this Best Regards Imlach 8-)
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Sounds to me more like a wheel bearing.

If you try steering gently left then right does the sound change with the weight on the wheel? If it is LH bearing then should be louder when turning to the right and quieter to the left due to weight transfer.

If so it is almost certainly bearing, if not then maybe driveshaft.



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Sounds like a wheel bearing to me.


Try jacking up the wheels and spinning them by hand whilst listening for noise and feeling for harshness - not easy on a FWD and unless it is very bad you might not even be able to tell - yet.


Also rock the wheel top to bottom and turn it slowly by hand whilst jacked clear of the ground feeling for slackness or harshness in the bearings.


If you can feel the wear best get it seen to ASAP.

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May be OT but could be applicable had a whine on ours thought the turbo was going turned out to be the radio switched to 'Line in' from when we had been watching TV, radio was picking up interference & the whine varied with the engine speed sounded just like turbo bearing on the way out.



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Wooing whine of course its a wheel bearing.

Unless your engine air intake pipework has come adrift or split.

As too a drive shaft problem they go clickety click. Then woo woo if you leave it too long resulting in engine revs rising and drive being lost. (Sadly Joint balls fall out).

Was on a steam engine today that went WOO-WOO, but went skud-skud-skud as adhesion was lost on the 1:48 hill.

NICE one.



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My 2007 Peugeot Boxer goes in the shop tomorrow for its third front wheel bearing in 25k miles. It seems to me that the less the authorities spend on repairing potholes in the roads, the more we have to spend in repairs! Fact of life, unfortunately.
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