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Northern MH show


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Great field, lots of vans and accessory tents, food is the usual over priced road kill, but you get issued with an arm band that allows you to go out and eat the packed lunch you brought with you. Recommended.

PS. watch out for a guy called Dave Newell, he bummed £20 off me for an haircut.

:D .

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In an earlier post I stated that Mr Newell had “bummed £20 off me for a haircut”.

I have since been informed that in fact that the monies were actually for a very laudable and unselfish attempt to raise funds for a local childrens hospice.

I retract entirely my earlier remarks, and apologise sincerely for any offence caused.

However I still think he looks a bit dodgy and certainly requires a haircut.

Nice one Dave.



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We went on Friday, looking for a Fiamma Bike rack cover and the chevron thingy for on the back. After searching the whole site we couldn't find a single Fiamma cover anywhere. We could find a Thule one on the Omnistor stand but it was £65! And I'm not paying THAT for a plastic bag with a zip in it! So now it's back to internet shopping.


WE DID manage to find a load of things we didn't know we needed and eventually spent best part of 50-60 on such vanning vitals as a revolving clothes airer, bungee cords, assorted clips, donuts, ice cream, plastic folding draining board, fire blanket and some metal "S" hooks. Our friends bought us a wire toaster for toasting bread on a gas ring, so that saved us a few quid, so thanks guys!


We already have on our van a free standing clothes airer, some bungee cords, "S" hooks, a fitted metal draining board, a fire extinguisher and various clips!


So the only things we didn't have before were the ice cream and donuts, (which we don't have now either because I ate 'em!)


So my question to the panel is what things did you buy that you didn't need? What things did you go for but didn't find/buy? And what things did you resist, and how do you do that?

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After following the signs off the M6 (even though I knew they were taking me the wrong way) and navigating the "scenic" route obviously done deliberately for our enjoyement. LOL... we got there at 9-30 sunday. First I had to endure the humilitation of wearing an orange wrist band like some teenager at a theme park or worse still an all inclusive holiday in magaluff. Anyway contrary to earlier warnings the bacon roll I had for my 3rd breakfast (I had been up since 5am) was palletable, as was the tea & coffee. Mrs ips bought a "vanity" mirror for behind the sun visor, I bought two extra tent pegs for hard ground for the tie down strap. Had a look around didnt see anything I would change for or anything I aspire too for that matter which is a bit worrying as god willing I could potentially be driving my van around when its 30yrs old never having found a better one. We then watched a demo by the bloke selling the waterless car cleaner stuff which had wanted to try for a while but never seen any, anyway I parted with my £20 for the kit and an additional 1L of the magic potion. Got home mid afternoon when it stopped raining so cleaned my 4x4 and the MH with the new fangled cleaning stuff.............brilliant is all I can say worked a treat just like the demo man said easy to apply easy to ploish off and a great result. So thats my report off now to pack 5 days work into 2 as mrs ips, mini mrs ips and I are off on our jollies on wed till sun so need to make lots of money for the inevitable huge clothes shopping bill.


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pkc - 2010-07-18 9:24 AM




In an earlier post I stated that Mr Newell had “bummed £20 off me for a haircut”.

I have since been informed that in fact that the monies were actually for a very laudable and unselfish attempt to raise funds for a local childrens hospice.

I retract entirely my earlier remarks, and apologise sincerely for any offence caused.

However I still think he looks a bit dodgy and certainly requires a haircut.

Nice one Dave.



No offence taken mate, many thanks for the donation ;-) , every bit helps and £20 is a very generous donation.



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Just got back home after a thoroughly enjoyable weekend at the show.  We had a few problems finding it and didn't see any directions on the way (from Wales) presumably the organisers thought everyone would arrive via the M6.  Signage was poor around the site as well.

However, we saved a bit but spent a small fortune on refillable gas bottles, solar panel, garage bike rack, tv, kettle, millenco quattro levellers and some pegs.

Resisted the little metal toasting thingy because they were charging about a fiver and they're cheaper (I'm told) in Wilkinsons.

All you day visitors missed a real treat as the evening entertainment was (generally) excellent 60s/70s live music  except for a country/western group on Friday night.  The Saturday (paid extra) entertainment was IMO the poorest of the weekend, although the Barron Knights put on a good show Bobby Davro was terrible, just smut, inuendo and tired, dated jokes. 

BTW, if you camped but left before the Sunday night you missed a terrific evening.

See you all at Malvern?


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Tomo3090 - 2010-07-18 12:18 PM


We went on Friday, looking for a Fiamma Bike rack cover and the chevron thingy for on the back. After searching the whole site we couldn't find a single Fiamma cover anywhere. We could find a Thule one on the Omnistor stand but it was £65! And I'm not paying THAT for a plastic bag with a zip in it! So now it's back to internet shopping.


You should have gone to the Taylormade stall, I think they were selling them for £50, very well made they are too.

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