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Touch screen control panel in Autocruise

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Can I once again quiz the minds of the forum experts.


This time it is the touch screen control panel in our 2008 Autocruise Startrail. We can't find the model or make anywhere in the manual so can't search for any information on the manufacturers website or contact them, in the manual it refers to "the touch screen display" and we have read from cover to cover and can't find the make/model.


The problem is that it seems to have become out of sync with where you touch it and the command/function it brings up e.g. sometimes when you touch on the place to turn the power on to the van, it comes up with the van leveller, eventually by touching slightly further over on the panel the correct function/command functions correctly. We have tried changing the battery in case it was going flat, but it is still the same. Once we "hit" the right spot it works perfectly again until the next time we turn it off and on.


The only things written on the rear of the panel are

"Display V14"

"2FOR277 issue 2"



Do any of these make sense to anyone? Any help or advice appreciated - thank you


P.S. all the fuses are ok

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Hi. Touch screen membranes can be effected by excessive pressure, which results in a slightly distorted surface, causing the wrong reaction when touched. Not a recommended cure I know, but I have found that heating the surface slighty with a hairdryer, then letting it cool compleatly before touching it, sometimes corrects the distortion (lol) Brian B.
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Hi, We have Autocruise Stargazer and havent experienced that fault, but wonder if anyone can explain the disappearing water trick.


We fill up and check the panel. it may or may not indicate full, empty or somewhere in between. We have tried various tricks, adding a spoonful of salt, or milton, but the indication is random.


Only way we find to confirm how much water is left , is to open the lid on the tank and do eyeball or dipstick check.


Anyone know of a "fix"





ps Zone Follow are based in kent (or were but might have moved!).


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Yippee, one we can at last help with! instead of always asking for help!.


We too had this problem, and the way we sorted it was to drain the tank completely, using a clean water absorbent cloth to soak up every last drop. Then (facing the front of the van) put your arm in the tank and reach over into the right hand corner towards the front and you will feel 4 nipples(these are the sensors for monitoring the water tank's levels), clean these as the problem is caused by a build up of deposits on them which gives the wrong information to the control panel. The next time it happens, once you know where the sensors are it is just a matter of cleaning them again. When we clean our water tank we used puricom granules and followed the instructions, I know you have to be careful what you use, as the water (and cleaner) will also go through the water heater and some things can cause damage to it.


Hope this helps and sorts your problem, complicated pieces of kit these motorhomes!



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Hi Tony. I think that le' canichot is on the right track, the first thing to suspect is deposits on the sensors in the tank, they should be clean and free from lime or other deposits. Remember though they work by measuring the resitance through the water at various levels in the tank. If the sensors are clean and appear to be all right, the misreading could be caused by resistance variations in the external wiring between the sensor and the display, including the selector switch itself . If its not the sensors, what you need to do is get someone to watch the display with the switch on, then you move the wires around at the connections between the sensor and display while they watch for variations on the display.I suspect it will be a varying resistance connection in the circuit somewhere.

Brian B.

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