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Highway robbers


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binkybuss - 2010-07-24 11:42 PM when are the Barcelona Highway police going to do something about the pirates still operating on the main road? now robbing people at knife point! just do not stop whatever! get your camera out and photograph these highway men in action, then give the prints to the police.


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You can't leave anything laying about these days!


I've heard of highway robbers stealing manhole covers but never the contents of a posting on a forum before?


Just goes to show dunnit - and I'll bet you thought that you were amongst friends on here too eh?

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I have been the subject of an attempted attack on the free stretch just before Barcelona. The assailants threw something at the rear of the van and then pulled alongside signalling me to stop suggesting that there was something wrong with my van. I knew exactly what they were after so I indicated to them that I would stop; they pulled over about a half a mile further on and I drove past them. This happened about 3 years ago and the people concerned were driving a newish Audi A6.


I have used this stretch of road several times since with no problems but I do ensure that I pull in front of a lorry on this stretch so nobody can pull in behind me. This stretch of road is renowned for problems of this nature.

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Been up and down that stretch of the A7 dozens of times, and never had any problems.


Be aware, and use common sense wherever you are driving anywhere in Europe - but don't let that need put you off exploring.


Incidentally, if you're not in a great rush, maybe consider the "N" roads around Barcelona rather than the motorway....much more scenic, and no tolls either.

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