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Propane gas alarm

wild rover

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Hello again! Someone on this forum kindly gave me a link to a store where you can purchase a gas alarm. Unfortunately, they only do a three in one alarm which costs over £100. We only need one that detects propane. Does anyone know where I can find one?




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wild rover - 2010-07-26 10:14 AM


Hello again! Someone on this forum kindly gave me a link to a store where you can purchase a gas alarm. Unfortunately, they only do a three in one alarm which costs over £100. We only need one that detects propane. Does anyone know where I can find one?






Not got one myself but try Googling " propane gas alarm " - you should find something on there.





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Thanks for your help! I've tried some of the links but they don't say whether the alarms are for propane gas. The LIDL one looks fine, but the nearest store to us is miles away. I've tried calling them to see if they've got one in stock but nobody can give me an intelligent answer!



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Hi Pam

There are 2 options to consider & I'm not sure which you are looking for.

1 - Gas leakage detector - for leaks in the Gas supply system

2 - Carbon Monoxide detector - for burnt Gas from appliances.


For Gas leaks a soapy water smeared over joints (with Gas switched on) bubbles will indicate leaks.

LPG (Propane & Butane) are both heavier than air & would normally "fall" through floor vents, so you will need to consider where you will mount the alarm.


For Carbon Monoxide, (http://www.which.co.uk/advice/carbon-monoxide-detectors/index.jsp) we use a standard household detector, running on AAA batteries.


See - http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=carbon+monoxide+alarms&tag=googhydr-21&index=aps&hvadid=6228701105&ref=pd_sl_2pjur29oc7_b

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