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trickle charger


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hi all, was reading thro the MMM and on the Marketplace page was this trickle charger...


i know only a bit about Volts/Watts/Amps so i would like to know if this panel would do a job?

i ask because my engine battery only charges when it is running, and when i go away i only do weekends every 3-4 weeks and the engine only runs for 2hr or so there..then back, so when it is laid up on the drive for 4 weeks at a time i thought i could use this via the cig lighter to charge it abit, saves me having to take the battery out and charge in the garage :-D

would like to hear you thoughts Ladies and Gents


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thanks for the replies so far

cheetahdavie, yep the cig lighter is live without the ignition on (i take it thats good! :-D )

colin, yep old van 2001, alarm doesnt use owt, cos its wired to the leisure bat, i presume the immobilizer doesnt take power(told you a bit dim on the electric side :-S ) so the question arises that if 10w is considered the min, how come they can advertise something at 4w claiming it will keep the bat topped up (!)


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I have 2 of these solar trickle chargers. One , a 2.4 watt , I take with me in the MH if I stay on site for more than 2 days and never had a problem starting. The other one is 4.8 watt and I leave this on the dashboard when at home. Sometimes I don't start the MH for anything up to 4 weeks and always starts first time. Before I had it , the battery would go flat in around 12 days with the alarm and radio memory draining it. So I am quite sure 4 watts is enough if you don't have those draining your battery, providing your battery is in good condition.
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thanks paulmold,

battery is good, 9 year old but its holding 12.4v, i just saw the advert an i thought yeh that could be good for when parked up, dont have owt draining bat, so it might be worth a punt :-D

thing putting me off slightly is the fact ive got a solar charger stuck in the window.. thieves.. invite!! you know what i mean (!)


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Like Silverback, I am concerned regarding a solar panel being on the dash in full view.

Has anyone mounted a Solar Panel in the roof Light whilst parked up ?

Does it affect the performance ?

Or is this another of my hair brained ideas.?

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The longer and thinner the cable the more power you loose. Also the lower the voltage the sooner it runs out of steam. Thats why the electricity power lines run at many thousands of volts which is reduced locally for your consumption.


4watts (1/3 amp) would only be achievable on a very bright day and then only for a short period whilst it is pointing directly at the sun. In winter you can cut that down by 3/4. Depending on the age of the battery and any bits n bobs you may have draining it I would think something rather larger would be better to reliably maintain the charge. An old battery will be more likely to self discharge even if it was not connected to the 'vans electrics. Also there are all sorts of things which can bleed small amounts of charge e.g. the cab radio usually has a memory (keeps the tuning info) which uses a small amount.


I agree that a 10w panel would be more reliable for a vehicle being used as yours is.

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thanks Bernie for that info, did abit of digging around this weekend on t'internet, and everything i read points to the 10w at least!

i got a PM from Alf, who suggested a trickle charger from maplins item no 010310012 and this runs at 0.5amps any thoughts?

Brian, good advice, this could be viable, if only i knew how to wire 1 up! i cant even find the leisure charger :'( i follow the wire from the hook up, then it disappears thro cupboards, panels,and reappears at the battery under the seat, and i dont fancy stripping every thing out for new charger :-S


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  • 3 weeks later...

thanks for all replies.made me think.. got a few pm's as well,

as a result, i've bought a proper hook up point (as used on sites) off ebay (£16.60) 32amp, can disguise it on the wall of my drive B-) (so no travellers use it!) gonna use armour wire back to my meter,(from work) bought a ctek xs 7000 for £70 off ebay, so when park up, hook up and i'm sorted, battery wise :D for about £90

once again thanks for input


ps.. i know totally the other way from the OP, but i think this was the way to go *-)

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