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Buying private should hold no fears if you have the experience and knowledge to know what you are buying and at what price?


It helps to have a good basic DIY and mechanical ability as well as a good problem solving and cost reducing mentality.


If not at least the money saved over dealer prices should stand you in good stead in dealing with faults that can be expensive to find and fix if you have to pay main dealer prices for repair work.


If you buy from the second named dealer that you mentiomed be aware that their reputation for customer service is reputed to be 'patchy' although I have never bought from them personally - and am in no great rush to do so!

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Insurance you could do worse than to contact Adrian Flux I've been with them for 7years they always arrange for the lowest quote at the best service. They also run there own recovery at very reasonable cost. Only contact is as a very satified customer. You can contact them online they are in Kings Lynne. adrianflux.co.uk John :-D
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Do you have, or have you ever owned, a motorhome?  Are you a reasonably competent DIY mechanic?  Do you gambol?  If the answer to all three is yes, then you should get a better deal buying privately. 

However, there are risks.  If you have little to no experience of motorhomes, you will have some difficulty assessing whether the equipment is in good condition and functioning properly.  This increases your risk.  If you have little experience with DIY vehicle maintenance, and just leave everything to the garage, you will have similar problems with the vehicle that carries the motorhome around, and similar increased risk.

You will pay less privately, though establishing the true value of motorhomes is not always straightforward, so you should have a cash cushion if things go wrong, but you will not get a warranty.  The key is that cash cushion.  You need this wherever you buy, but it needs to be larger with private sales.  Problem is, most folk get seduced into spending the lot, and then just panic if trouble appears.  How brave/lucky do you feel?

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Thanks Brian-

My answer to your question is no, yes and no.

I was brought up caravaning, however Dad looked after everything. I have always tried to do the basic maintenance myself-had to when I was younger and the funds weren't there. I don't gamble (does the lottery count?).

I appreciate your comments and favour the dealer purchase at the moment. There is so much to know and understand about the motorhome and buying one is a rather large layout.

I understand what you mean about overspending, it is so easy when you go to the dealers and see some superb homes just over your budget, the temptation is overwhelming.

Thanks for your contribution.

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I'm looking at getting my first MH and I initially wanted to buy privately as the deals seemed to be so much better, but have come to the conclusion that there's simply too much that I don't know I don't know about (if you know what I mean!). I think I'd be more comfortable buying my second van privately, once my grasp of the plot is more secure!


Having said that, there seems to be a quite a discrepancy between dealers in terms of the warranty they offer. And I'm constantly amazed at the filthy standard of some of the vans on their forecourts - some of them smell and look awful, and surely it would be so easy just to clean the oven and shower and let off one of the smoke clearing bomb things...! I know theoretically I should be looking past that, but it tends to make me think that the van as a whole hasn't been cared for if the surface appearance is poor, so I simply don't bother to go onto the next step.


Good luck with your search!

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Know what you mean PP, we have been to many dealers over the past 2 years (a motorcycle accident has delayed our purchase) and have seen 2 sides of the coin as far as presentation is concerned. Some dealers have been fantastic whilst others seem reluctant to help. I don't have the confidence yet to buy private.

Good look in your search-please keep in touch and let me know how you go on.


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