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annual world wide travel insurance

Guest JudgeMental

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Guest JudgeMental

I usually take out a yearly family policy for the 4 of us. This year Columbus have moved the goal posts and although they usually except my conditions (Diabetes and related kidney/eye problems) this year have decided to decline me the cover. The rep says they are constantly changing the criteria...


anyone any ideas as to where to look next for travel insurance?

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Have you had a look to what your Bank offerers on maybe on a different account. Our Lloyds one includes 2 children up to age 21 in full time education & they are quite flexible with existing medical conditions..





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Judge , Uhm!!! try AllClear Travel use it for all the kids .

Do annual for the rest of us not a bad price however all insurances seem to be up this year .Freds not allwed an annual to high a risk usually as time has gone on with no hospital admitances its come down each year ,however notice its back up this year .

they specialise in pre exsisting medical conditions with a good cancelation rate and a fly back policy .Good Luck enjoy your hols.Mwahx




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Judge, Ditto Diabetes, no complications but a few years ago I was on tranqu's for a while. That makes most people just decline, end of story.


Even Lloyd's Bank charge me an AP whereas 'just' diabetes, no extra. Why work-induced stress - when I had already packed up work by that time and stopped taking the pills! - was statistically gonna make me more likely to claim, I have absolutely no idea .......



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Guest JudgeMental

Thanks! away at the crack of dawn so to late and not particularly bothered with cover for Italy as we have the EU cards......


I can get cover (at a price) but for individual trips only. Unless do worldwide without the USA and Caribbean. I guess I could have taken the Columbus renewal without cover for pre existing, as at least we would be covered if you broke a leg or what have you...


I will investigate further on my return :-D

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I moved to the AA travel insurer a few years ago, when others would not cover me to ride large motorcycles in USA, due to me being over 65. Now well over @ 73, but still with AA, especially as a took a tumble in USA at Christmas time and ended up with stitches and big medical bill. AA paid out and offered a new policy for this year, worldwide, no excess, and still only £ 204 for two of us.
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Hi J/M, Try Lifesure. I got a yearly worldwide inc USA & Canada for myself & the Missus for £80 per year. and they will cover you up to your 71st b/day.

My missus also has diabetes and I have had a knee replacement, it didn't

make any difference to the policy. Lifesure's phone no 0871 726 1235



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