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12 volt supply to digi-box 2002 A/T scout

malky little

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i have a amperor 2.1 mm 12voltregulated power supply (Road -pro part number d1119} to power our T.V.via a edison 2 pin D.C. plug connectedto one of twolighter type sockets.---- question can i power my12 voltdigi box ( scart socket connection) via the other lighter socket or do i need another regulator. All is ok on hook-up as the d-- box has domestic type3 pin plug reducing to 12 volts---------- thanks look forward to hearing from you clever boys out there
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With a few additional bits from Maplin, (input socket, plastic box, switch and two spare 12v input leads) I constructed a splitter for the output from the Amperor, with a switch in the output to the sat box (allowing me to avoid current consumption when it would otherwise be in standby) , and straight pass-thru to the TV. Cost me less than a fiver with the spare bits hanging around, and the rated output of the Amperor is sufficient to power both units.


A lot cheaper than an extra Amperor box, and it could be done more simply than the above (basically, two 12v output feeds duplexed onto a 2.1mm socket would do).


However (and this is only my opinion), if, as you imply, you use mains for the digi box when hooked up, and don't use it on 12v when you're hooked up and charging (when the nominal 12v might reach 14.5v) you're probably going to be OK. I've done the above so I can run both units on 12v both on and off hook-up, and not have to use one of the few mains sockets available (it also feels more 'elegant' when running both units).

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Maybe, maybe not. The D1119 has a 5.6amp output, so first thing you need to know is combined power consumption of tv and digibox, then you need a 'spliter' to conect the two items. I can't think of a reason why the D1119 wouldn't work, unless some one knows better.

I'm a bit puzzled as to why you have mentioned the scart conection?

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