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MCC video


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Utterly utterly painfully dire.


I wasted 10 minutes of my life as I forced myself to watch it. All of it.

It was like witnessing a car crash in slow motion.





And this sort of thing is gonna attract a new generation of below-97 years old people to Motorhoming?




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When the opening credits went up, I thought, Oh - this is a hiss take ...... sadly it appears not. However clearly an amateur production by a member as opposed to their own publicity material. (Oh, please let it be!!!)


Anyway, I retired in may, hubby has another 3 years and I've concluded from the film that it is one to save and not look at again until we are old enough to join ......

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JennyC - 2010-08-01 1:52 PM



Anyway, I retired in may, hubby has another 3 years and I've concluded from the film that it is one to save and not look at again until we are old enough to join ......


I've only just clocked the big six O perhaps I'll take another look in 30 or 40 year's you never know I might still be around.



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Life for many people who support club rallying is just as shown in this video, if you don't believe it go to one of the shows and witness it for yourself. Its just like any social club you've ever been in, some will love it, know loads of people there and have a great time. Others would not be able to get away quick enough.


I stopped watching the video after 8 mins maybe I missed seeing any line dancing, boules, wearing of stetsons or other fancy dress, etc etc etc. Clubs are just groups of ordinary people, like any of us, doing very ordinary, and boring/tedious things. The sad thing is some folks do really seem to enjoy it, but worst of all think other people would too!


Rally by all means, but probably best to keep quiet about it.

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kelly58 - 2010-08-01 3:36 PM


What a load of rubbish would you waste your time and money joining an outfit like they are trying to promote .three words come to mind "Paint / Watching and Dry.


Nar that would be far more interesting than that video.

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MCC R.I.P sprang to mind. Shame really. We rallied half a dozen times with them and enjoyed the experience. However, like all clubs, it became a battleground between warring factions. I assume that's behind them now but I don't feel the need to return.


Still, now that Last of the Summer Wine has ended, perhaps the MCC could produce a new series!

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Andy_C - 2010-08-01 10:54 AM


Motor Caravanners Club promotional video:


Can't say I was impressed... :-)




If I had seen that video before I joined I wouldn't have!


As it was I joined to use their CLs. Went to my first one at Croft and left after the first night totally disgusted by the conditions I encountered. I will never visit that CL again and I have been put off trying any of their others. I complained to them and never got an acknowlegement never mind a satisfactory answer.


They are really our only voice in communicating the needs of Motor Caravannrs to the authorities. Is it any wonder that we are so far behind the rest of europe if this is how they portray modern motorhoming?


I contacted them about the entry on the governments "Your Fredom" website.



No acknowlegement to that email either.




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that was so cool :-D had me in stitches, ive got to join without a doubt! these guys know how to rock! i even saw a bloke in a dress(beckham style) you cant knock that! maybe he lost his memory early morning and dressed in his wifes stuff 8-) and some of it was shot in our neck of the woods..Skipton.. cant wait to be sitting in my chair drinking stella all day..life just gets better..thanks Andy for bringing this to my attention i will never forget it.. (lol) in fact im gonna put it on my ipod, then i can play it when im in the lakes walking on top of a mountain..and just realise what im missing *-)


ps, good work john on the gov website

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Well that's all very negative so far, but in reality that's what we are all doing if you are honest enough to admit it, people of all ages getting together for socialising, village halls race tracks, show grounds , CL sites etc. sitting around drinking ,Barbis, parties, fancy dress,walking in remote areas, mountains,Country Villages committees falling out ,cliques etc, we are all mad to enclose ourselves in tin boxes when most have us have large expensive homes to live in in some opinions, I agree that the commentator was a bit boring but he got the main points over, I am not a member of the MCC myself but I am a member of the CCC, I enjoy rallying with the CCC and also enjoy extensive wild camping ,just the two of us in remote places, choices is what this life is all about, and some people need the comarardary of the clubs and the security of camping with others, so I don't think it is fair to generalise about these clubs, because YOU don't want to do it others DO and love it and make great friends .
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I'm not a member of the MCC but in fairness to them I think they should probably NOT be judged by this film.


I didn't ( couldn't) watch it all but I thought the background music was miserable, and seeing so many pictures of people simply sitting at tables, and mainly doing nothing, gave the impression that they were all miserable as well.


Let's just hope that whoever made the film is not put in charge of recording the London Olympics for posterity.






p.s. I will try to watch it again, maybe I just missed the good bits.

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well its monday i needed chearing up maybe my last post ( may go and hang myself ) to think this is what we all spent our hard earned to do (!) makes you want to go and sit in a dark corner and not confess to motorhoming, but hey leave the linedancing out of it ,helps keep you fit you know :-> ( according to the wife me i just love country music. ) does this make me just as sad (?)
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in reality that's what we are all doing if you are honest enough to admit it


I agree with what you say regarding some enjoy socialising etc etc and each to there own etc etc............ but for the record mrs ips, mini ips and I dont do any of that stuff I can assure you. :-D :-D :-D

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The video doesn't highlite the true camaraderie that exists between members. A great deal of hard work goes on by the committee and the hosts behind the scenes to ensure rallies are successful. I was at a rally recently where the hosts put on a meal for approximately 80 people, nobody asked them to but I can say that much appreciation was shown. All I would like to say is, if rallying isn't your scene then don't knock the people who enjoy them.
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